Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 613 Betting (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 613 Betting (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Wait a minute—"

"What else does Boon have to offer?"

"Do you remember everything I just told you?"

Feng Jie was very embarrassed and said through gritted teeth:

"If you want to gain His Majesty's trust, you must become like a dog."

"His Majesty personally issued a bronze edict, ordering everyone in the world to celebrate this Moon Festival. Today you wear regular clothes, take your brothers and children, and go out to celebrate the festival together."

Feng Jie was surprised...

"Bo Weng, although my nephew has passed the mourning time, I am going to celebrate this festival with my family. I am afraid it will attract criticism."

Feng Wuze said calmly:
"If you feel embarrassed, don't go. Come drink tea and chat with me here, and you and I will spend this Moon Festival in the mansion..."

Seeing Feng Jie lowering his head and thinking, he was in a dilemma.

Feng Wuze said:

"Then just stay."

Although Feng Wuze had great admiration for this old man, he was not an obedient fool.This matter was really embarrassing. How could he prepare to plead guilty to Li Xin under the banner of mourning and at the same time go to the Moon Festival?

Feng Wuze said leisurely:

"Going to the Moon Festival means that you want to be loyal; not going to the Moon Festival means that you want to be filial. Which one do you think is more important, filial piety or loyalty."

Feng Jie couldn't make up his mind, but he heard a voice from behind:
"My father is dead, and just staying at home and kneeling will not help, and it cannot be regarded as filial piety; but if we go out to celebrate the Moon Festival, it will definitely arouse everyone's discussion, but now we have no one to say anything good for us beside His Majesty. , If you don’t use this method, Your Majesty may have forgotten that our Feng family still lives in Xianyang City.”

The person who spoke was Feng Nan, Feng Jie's concubine.In Feng Quji's eyes, Feng Nan was another son that he felt proud of.

"Brother, if I were you, I would definitely take this opportunity to make some noise."

After hearing Feng Nan's words, Feng Jie just gritted his teeth and decided to step into the limelight.

"Nephew, come over right now."

Feng Jie understood that if he wanted to attract the emperor's attention, he would have to make a fuss about these things.But the children of the noble families around him must have the same idea as him. They don't take this kind of Moon Festival seriously. They will definitely sit in the wine house and drink all night. Since they are going to do it, why not make more noise? .

When Feng Jie thought of this, his eyes were as bright as two lanterns.Feng Jie looked at him with admiration, then bowed and thanked him:

"My nephew Xie Boon gave me some advice. When the time comes, my nephew will also send off the servants at home and ask them to join in the fun."

Feng Wuze had a smile on his face and said calmly:


After hearing this, Feng Jie left happily.

When Feng Jie walked away, Feng Wuze poured himself a drink at the same spot.

Feng Nan knelt down in front of Feng Jie and asked Feng Wuze:
"Why didn't Bo Weng tell my brother without knowing that His Majesty will come to the city in person to celebrate the Moon Festival? My brother is unprepared, and if he really meets His Majesty, he will behave poorly."

After hearing this, Feng Wuze closed his eyes, but there was a mean look on his face.

"I have placed all the blame for the rise and fall of the Feng family on Ajie, and even gave him my own title. If he reveals himself in front of Your Majesty, it will expose our Feng family's internal spies in the palace. I no longer I dare to expect that the Feng family will be as prosperous as in the past, unless... Ah Jie, he is willing to obey my words."

Feng Nan frowned as he listened.

"My nephew is afraid that his brother will find out later..."

"So what if I know. This time I have planned the scheme with him. It is for his own good. Soon he will understand that what I said is right. If you want to achieve great things, you must work hard and be exhausted. I want Before I pass away, I will help Ajie regain his position of power and teach him how to secure his position of power."

Feng Nan looked troubled:

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

"It's better than picking flowers for food in Shouyang Mountain. If we can't win this game, then the next person who moves his family to Hengshan County will be our Feng family. Think about the methods of the second generation and the heart of Wolfsbane, in order to sit firmly The world has actually driven away thousands of wealthy families in Xianyang City. Aren’t you scared when you hear such news at home?"

"My nephew felt the power of God for the first time, and he was naturally frightened. When the emperor was angry, his blood flowed thousands of miles."

"Since you are afraid, then don't question me. I am all thinking about the Feng family. I have written to Ayong and asked him to be careful in the near future. If Ajie returns to the court to discuss matters, then his position as the governor of Nanjun will be It's possible to keep it. The Feng family's empire can be stabilized for the time being."

Feng Wuze was suffering very much these days, but he just didn't show it in front of his nephews.

As early as the first time Feng Yong made a mistake in front of the Second Emperor and was impeached in public, which made His Majesty furious, Feng Wuze had already had a premonition that the Second Emperor would replace him as the governor of Nanyang County.

But Feng Quji was the prime minister at that time, and his position could still compete with the emperor, so Feng Yong's position was preserved.Once Feng Qu died of illness, Feng Jie would not be able to return to the center of power as soon as possible and occupy a position despite the fact that the Feng family had made countless mistakes.That second generation will attack his own son first.

Feng Jie stayed in Dai Xiao and stayed behind closed doors. The second generation had no reason to touch him. Although he had a high position, he was an old man. Only Feng Yong was at fault first and he was the eldest son of the Feng family.

Feng Wuze felt bitter in his mouth when he thought of this.

Feng Nan saw his uncle's angry face and didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he left quickly.




Imperial City, Xianyang Palace.

At that time, the sky was getting dark and the palace was already lit. Because today is the Moon Festival, the palace smoked herbs and hung moon-yellow gauze curtains instead.

"Men don't worship the moon, women don't worship the stove."

Today, the Queen Mother and the Empress, dressed in gorgeous attires and leading many ladies and princesses, held a complicated moon ceremony.

After the sacrifice, all the concubines dispersed, but the queen was in Ganquan Palace looking at the palace.

"Your Majesty changed the moon festival to the Moon Festival, but today we never passed by each other. When I saw the Yi Palace and Zhangtai Palace, they were both brightly lit, and it was hard to guess which palace your Majesty was in. After all, he was busy with government affairs. In Zhangtai, I went to Wangyi Palace to go to bed early today."

The queen looked up at the full moon in the sky and couldn't help but feel lost.

"I haven't heard from my brother for a month. I don't know if he is doing well in Jingchu Water Village."

"The queen should be relieved."

The maid who came from the prime minister's palace as a bride-to-be comforted her softly and squeezed the queen's shoulders.

The queen suddenly asked:

"I heard that Your Majesty summoned the Crown Prince and the Young Master at the same time today. I wonder what he asked?"

"Your Majesty asked the Crown Prince and the Second Young Master, which one is more important, loyalty to the king or filial piety to the father."

"What did they answer?"

The queen clutched her chest, feeling very uneasy.Yao's performance has been unsatisfactory many times. If he is compared to Young Master Huo again this time...

The waitress said:

"This time the prince and the second young master's answers were surprisingly consistent. They both said that loyalty to the emperor is more important than filial piety to the father."

After hearing this, the queen naturally breathed a sigh of relief and asked again:

"Who answered first?"

"Second son."

After hearing this, Queen Wang naturally looked gloomy again.

"What about Your Majesty? What did Your Majesty say?"

"His Majesty was very angry at first and said that the prince and the second young master were not good sons, but he did not punish them. Later, he took them to the Palace of Prayer for Good Harvests."

"The late emperor's palace, where to go and what to do."

"The servant girl doesn't know."

(End of this chapter)

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