Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 626: General, please punish me (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 626: General, please punish me (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Liu Ji crossed his chest with his hands, but he was sitting upstairs when he saw Li Xin controlling the horse with one hand. He was sitting upright on the horse with a clear and upright voice. Shouts broke out from the crowd below, like a heavy raindrop suddenly falling from the sea. It jumped out and got into Liu Ji's ear.

"The general is invincible, the general is invincible!"

"Big man!"

Liu Ji forgot his men's actions for a moment, and he didn't even listen carefully to the store owner's words.

Liu Ji held the wine cup and stared blankly at Li Xin who was sitting on the tall horse.

"I heard that it was rare for the Qin State to produce such a distinguished general since the reign of Lord Wu'an. I didn't expect him to be so young."

"General Li Xin is indeed a genius of heaven. He has never had a single defeat in his life, and he is also a young talent. He is highly valued by the former emperor and His Majesty. If he wins this time, he may be in the rank of official position."

"What's the point of Lie Hou?"

"He is the most noble one among the princes. His carriage can be equipped with white horses, his carriage can be equipped with six horses, and his palace gates are all decorated with purple robes."

Liu Ji was naturally envious after hearing this.

Li Xin was indeed radiant today, high-spirited and contented with his ambition. This second generation had driven out all those villains who followed the trend and formed cliques for personal gain. Li Xin was somewhat relieved.

It's not that Li Xinxin is narrow-minded and can't tolerate those villains, it's just that he has different paths and doesn't work together.

At first, he was frightened by the second generation. This second generation was indeed brave, but now, Li Xin thought, besides the Meng family, he was the only one who dominated Xianyang City.

When we arrived at the edge of Xianyang City, we were first greeted by the Xianyang Order for three miles, and then we encountered this scene again when we entered the city.

After fighting for so many years, this was the first time that he was cheered and welcomed by these common people.

After all, this righteous war was different and made the people very excited. For a moment, Li Xin was filled with pride.

Li Xin sat on the horse and bowed to the people of Xianyang one by one in return.

Liu Ji watched from above, he was really envious, and murmured in the air:

"Looks like I'm going to have another good dream tonight."

Suddenly, a man walked out from the crowd, shirtless and backwards.Behind him stood countless retainers in black, and even bald eunuchs, 100 people in front and behind, already lined up.

The surrounding crowds dispersed, and the noise receded like the tide, replaced by waves of whispers.

Liu Ji was surprised and asked:

"What's going on here next, who is that leader, who dares to stop Yong Wuhou from driving?"

"The former prime minister's son, General Feng Jie, is now an official."

When Liu Ji heard this, his eyes widened.

"The son of the prime minister?"

"Exactly. The people you see today are all people who can speak to His Majesty today."

After Liu Ji heard this, he couldn't help but glance towards the imperial city to the north.

This place is not far from the Imperial City, and it is easy to overlook the Imperial City.The green towers and walls look particularly harmonious on this clear day.

When Feng Jie came closer, everyone saw clearly that Feng Jie was naked, his back was covered with thorns, and his hands and arms were all covered with red marks.

His beard was unkempt and hung down, but there was a white band on his forehead, which showed that he was still in mourning.

The crowd around them were like hens watching a rooster fight, one by one backed away to make room for them, just to watch this good show between Li Xin and Feng Jie.

As expected, Li Xin stopped his horse.

"Why is he here?"

Li Yafu was puzzled:
"Father, what is General Feng going to do?"

Li Xin waved his hand to signal the troops to stop.

"Don't you read?"

"The child only reads the art of war."

"He is asking for forgiveness and imitating Lian Po."

Wang Li froze on his horse after hearing this.He couldn't help but look at Feng Jie with admiration.Prime Minister Feng passed away, and Feng Jie's attitude changed so drastically.He could ignore the shame and come here to plead guilty with bare arms, naturally it was for the whole family.

Wang Li had no idea about these before.But now, so many people in the Wang family were implicated. Although he was sitting on the horse, he felt that there was an abyss beneath his feet.

Li Xin hesitated for a while, then finally got off his horse and came to Feng Jie.

"What is General Feng doing?"

Feng Jie paused:

"Abandoning duty without authorization and disobeying military orders are serious crimes. Please punish me, General."

When everyone heard this, their hearts were hit hard.

Li Xin's face also turned blue, this bastard, if he guessed right, he ran back to sue the emperor at first, but he didn't expect that his father died, and the Feng family fell like a mountain for a while.

His Majesty was busy with other matters, so he didn't pay much attention to Feng Jie.

When he went out to plead guilty at the Meridian Gate today, he was literally forcing Li Xin to forgive him in public.

Li Yafu was a little impatient, he knew that Feng Jie had no good intentions, he must have planned to come here today, he was about to speak, but was stopped by an edict.

Another group of men and horses passed through the crowd. This group of people all had feathers on their necks, and they were different from other soldiers at first glance.

Li Xin looked at them like people in the palace and couldn't help but frown.How could it be such a coincidence that while the prime minister's son was pleading guilty, the emperor came and sent someone to invite him.

It's not like he has never won a battle.When he hunted down Prince Dan of Yan, the late emperor sent people five miles outside the city to greet him and let him enter Xianyang Palace as soon as possible.

The current situation shows that His Majesty is neglecting the meritorious officials.This emperor just doesn't want to see the heroes of the previous dynasty. Does it mean that he doesn't want to see the heroes of this dynasty either?
Thinking of this, Li Xin naturally held his breath.Let's talk about Feng Jie. After all, the Feng family was once a powerful family, with all the generals and ministers in the family.Since Li Xin came back, he must have thought about repairing his relationship with Feng Jie.

When Ye Zheling sat in the carriage and drove over, all the generals got off their horses and stood in front of the edict and bowed respectfully.

Liu Ji listened carefully. This scene was rare to see. He had never heard what the edict was like.

Ye Zheling stood on the carriage and read out the edict aloud:

"Your Majesty the Emperor issued an order: All the officers and men have repelled the Xiongnu and promoted the power of Qin. They have made great contributions to the country. I intend to reward all the officers and men. At noon tomorrow, there will be a banquet at Lanchi Palace."

Lanchi Palace?The place where the first emperor was assassinated in the past.All the soldiers suddenly changed their colors.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone stood up to thank them, but they heard the visitor's order and said again:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty summons you to the palace."

Feng Jie was originally surprised that he would not issue an edict sooner or later, but he came at this time.Your Majesty didn't do it on purpose.

Li Xin is naturally not stupid, this incident is too coincidental.Li Xin and Feng Jie's eyes met at the same time.

Li Xin replied in public:

"I have come all the way here, and I am full of travel and dust. How can I enter Zhangtai Palace. Can you let me go to the house to take a shower and change clothes? Then I will drive to see His Majesty in person."

(End of this chapter)

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