Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 651: Stay Calm (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 651: Stay Calm (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"I have been observing you for a long time today, and I see that you are a ridiculous person. I plan to bring you into the house and make you an actor for fun in the future. Don't be ungrateful. This Sishui County is my territory from top to bottom. Han Xin, you Remember?"

Han Xin naturally felt angry after hearing this.

You actually want him to be an actor for his entertainment, what a dream!
But if you can't bear your anger today, you will never have a chance to turn around in the future.He must survive today so that he can one day become a general and become a marquis and realize his long-cherished wish.

Han Xin said quickly:


There was no extra expression on Han Xin's face, and Hu Hai couldn't tell what he was thinking at this time.It was already getting late, so his wife pulled the corner of Hu Hai's clothes. Hu Hai immediately understood, took his wife's bare hand, and the two of them were about to go back to the inner room together.

Despite his young age, Hu Hai is not completely ignorant.The local powerful clans are too powerful.Many of them bear the same surname, and the land for hundreds of people has been occupied by one family. The remaining people can only work with others to make ends meet.

However, these tyrants who occupy a large area of ​​land are the most secretive when paying taxes.This year, Sishui County almost couldn't collect all the taxes, which almost embarrassed him.

His Majesty, the current emperor, is very cruel. He has wiped out all the generals left behind by the previous emperor.

Every time Hu Hai thought about this, he felt a chill in his back.How could an emperor who was able to defeat a family with military exploits and bring down so many people still be unable to deal with him?

Hu Hai was a little scared these days. He found that it was really difficult to be the county king. On the one hand, he had to deal with the emperor, and on the other hand, he had to control these counties.He thought he would be a happy and wealthy prince, but the reality made him depressed for several days.Only the wife brought from Xianyang City can comfort his depression.

Han Xin was taken down by other servants.

In this villain's world, hierarchies are also very strict.The further down the level you go, the more you rely on brute force to establish your position.Han Xin had just arrived. His clothes were in tatters and he was skinny, but his face was resolute.

I don't know why, but many people feel disgusted with him when they see his eyes.

Being alone, and being new here, he was naturally bullied, and he was arranged to sleep in a stable for the next few days.

However, the stables of the prince's family were built according to the palace's specifications.Their stables are far better than the huts of the poor. (Don't be fooled by TV shows.)
Hu Hai cherishes his precious white horse and is reluctant to let him suffer a little grievance.The stable was built to allow light and ventilation, and the fodder inside was fresh and tender. Someone was hired to clean it every day, so it was clean inside.

The only flaw was that there was no place to sleep in the stable.Either sleep in a manger, or sleep on the ground with the horse.

But this place is much better than a bed without bedding.

After Han Xin came in, he was sleepy and tired. He was reprimanded by Hu Hai today, so he was naturally unwilling, angry and wronged.

The sky was dark, and only a small ray of moonlight came over and shone on his face.

In the middle of the night, Han Xin woke up. The moonlight outside the window was brighter. The horse's mane was shiny and shining under the moonlight. Naturally, it was because he had eaten too much and was fat and strong.

Han Xin looked at the horse and wanted to take him away, but after some hesitation, he still gave up the horse.

Han Xinxin thought to himself, if I just rode this horse today, not to mention that I would be caught, just this act of stealing is something I have never been ashamed of.If I make a living by stealing today, how can I raise my head and be a man in the future.

A real man is aboveboard and can't do such sneaky things.Although using troops must be cunning, being a person and using troops are two different things.If you can't stand up, how can you use troops and command thousands of troops?

A true man must keep his word and his actions must bear fruit!

"What a horse! What a horse! Wait for me to travel thousands of miles and come back to get the tallest and strongest horse among you!"

As he spoke, Han Xin stroked the horse's head, then jumped onto the beam, pried loose the roof from the eaves, and then walked quickly on the roof under the moonlight.He has been the king of children since he was a child. He is used to hiding here and there, so he is naturally good at skills. In less than half an hour, he had already forced his way out of the high-walled compound of the county government in the dark moon and high winds.

Naturally, this mere stable cannot trap others.Just went out, but Han Xin didn't dare to go in the direction of home.

Now that there is no mother, there is no place to be attached to Huaiyin County.But this Sishui county mansion is definitely not a place to stay for a long time.He refused to use me and even humiliated me, so Han Xin was naturally angry.

Han Xin quickly came to the city wall, held a rope and hung it out at night, and then ran all the way and left Huaiyin.

At dawn, he asked around and asked the woodcutter on the mountain.

"Old sir, I wonder where Chen Jun is going?"

The woodcutter was busy collecting firewood, so he had no time to pay attention to him.At this time, the land of Jingchu was still very hot, and a warm current drifted from the coast from south to north. Even though it was late autumn, it was still extremely hot here.

In the woods, cicadas chirp, birds chirp, and apes chirp.

After a moment of silence, Han Xin looked around, but there was still no one anywhere. He asked the woodcutter again:

"Sir, I wonder which way Chen Jun should take?"

The woodcutter continued to chop his wood without making a sound.

"Although I have never met Zunjia, but the younger generation has something to go to Chen County, so please show me the way."

The woodcutter wiped his sweat and looked back. He saw that the next person had big eyes, a high nose, and a broad forehead. Although he was dusty and his clothes were ragged, he had an air of demureness about him.

This woodcutter was cutting firewood in the border area of ​​Huaiyin County, bordering Wuyue, Qi, Chu, and Wei. He had met countless people in his life.But this young man gave people a refreshing feeling and was quite heroic.

"You boy, I didn't answer you just now, why didn't you scold me?"

"Even if the gentleman doesn't answer, it's because the younger generation didn't ask carefully. How can you scold the old gentleman just because of this."

After hearing this, the woodcutter stroked his beard and praised:
"Have a good temper and be calm, and you will have great fortunes in the future. When you go down this mountain and walk all the way south, you will meet a big river. There is a stone tablet standing by the river, which says Huai'an River. Follow the river all the way and go upstream. And that’s it.”

"Thank you sir, I will say goodbye to you, sir."

"go Go."

The woodcutter smiled, his dark skin full of wrinkles, and the wrinkles contained a profound insight into the world.

Han Xin walked steadily all the way, and three days later, he finally arrived at the gate of Chenjun County Mansion.

Xiao He was transferred here to take up a post, but I wonder if he is still willing to see me now.

Just as he was thinking about it, his stomach was already growling. In the past few days, he had traveled through mountains and rivers, and although he caught two pheasants, his clothes were torn again.

(End of this chapter)

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