Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 666: Pin Jiang Dong to your belt (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 666: Pin Jiang Dong to your belt (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"But if you are afraid of difficulties and just give up suppressing Jiangdong for the Second World, my husband will definitely arouse His Majesty's dissatisfaction, and what will happen will be death."

Listening to this, Marquis Chief Yu felt that this woman was scared out of her wits after two generations of Chu kings were killed, and she was still living in the shadows, but he didn't take it seriously.

A man from the Warring States Period, the one who didn't put his head and sword together.

When Marquis Yu was young, he once went to the battlefield with his sword, but he didn't get anything.There are no strong men on the front line, and they generals sit in the tent and don't know who to command.

"But if you want to do this, my husband will take the chance of offending the Jiangdong nobles. My husband must think clearly. If you want to be in the limelight, you must be prepared to become an enemy of the Jiangdong clan."

"My wife, it's already reached this time, it's a done deal!"

"Yesterday, the grand ceremony for my son's coronation was held. The ceremonies are more grand than I have ever seen in my life. The generals of the Qin State, the Duke of the county, and the emperor's relatives, these three people also came to cheer for me. Song Yi was almost humiliated in public. All the clans in the country have been beaten. Now that our Yu clan is such a popular figure in Jiangdong, we have already been the enemies of many clans in Jiangdong."

"Think about this land of Jiangdong. Although there are many clans, our Yu family does not belong to one of the three families of Chu State. The clan that has been passed down for thousands of years has to live in the land of Jiangdong and lie dormant. Now we finally have a chance to turn over. If I have to risk my life, I will give it a try."

"As for those Jiangdong clans, Wang Wu has given me an idea to deal with them. But what I am embarrassed about now is that the matter of offering girls is not handled well, for fear of offending the prince, I am afraid that it will be difficult for anyone to stand up for me in the future. Speak well to His Majesty now."

Jing Shi listened, but smiled.

"I have been in the palace since I was a child, and I often accompany my aunt. The person who can speak up around the king is either a beloved concubine or a trusted minister. I just don't know which one your husband will choose to speak for himself?"

"Since they are all speaking for themselves, then what is the distinction between favored concubine and trustworthy ministers. If Wang Wu is willing to speak for me, I am willing to listen to him. I have thought about sending off my daughter, so I might as well listen to his arrangement."

"If your husband really thinks so, you are wrong."

Marquis Yu was lying on the mat with a look of disapproval.

"My husband wants to entrust the emperor's trustworthy minister to speak for my husband, then my husband has to rely on this trustworthy minister. But if I ask my own daughter to speak, then does my husband still need to rely on my own daughter?"

"We don't have a daughter of the right age to enter the palace."

"Although I don't have a biological child, I can recognize an adopted daughter. Didn't Queen Mother Xuan of Qin also choose a daughter from the Chu royal family to be sent to Qin as a princess? Sooner or later, princes and princes will return to Xianyang. If they leave Xianyang City, At that time, who will my husband rely on to learn about the news from the DPRK?"

"Three days of work, where can I find it?" Yu Houchang said, with a dignified expression. "I haven't repaid the kindness given to me by the Queen Mother, Your Majesty, the Prince, etc., but now I have to calculate these things. Doesn't it seem too ruthless and unjust?"

Jingshi smiled:

"Repay your kindness? If your husband wants to repay your kindness, shouldn't you come to me to repay your kindness? If I don't have some old friendship with the current Queen Mother, my husband might even want to defect to Qin, but he won't get the chance."

"The Emperor of Qin and the Queen Mother are just taking advantage of my husband. I think things in Jiangdong will be very difficult in the future. Moreover, my husband can listen to the prince's advice for a while, why should he listen to the prince's advice all his life? The king of a country, There have always been spies from all sides, so why don’t you, husband, have your own plans and only think about becoming your Majesty and the prince you are today?”

"Husband, have you ever thought that the prince posed such a problem to your husband, isn't it because he wants your husband to owe him a favor and be controlled by him in the future? The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind. The husband is worried about offending the prince. Is this the queen's biological brother? Is there nothing to worry about? Once a royal relative who is banished loses his use value, he will be no different from an ordinary citizen."

"I heard that the rise and fall of a country often happens within a day. Could it be that the rise and fall of a family changes more slowly than the rise and fall of the country? Perhaps the prince whom the husband trusts is secretly more worried about the King of Guanzhong than the husband himself. The fate of the family. Without the support of the uncle, the queen and the prince would be orphans and widowed mothers. I have seen this kind of thing many times in the palace of the King of Chu when I was young. "

After hearing these words, Marquis Yu finally understood Wang Wu's intention.

"He wants to rely on me to have the Yu family, and pin Jiangdong on his belt to give the Wang family in Xianyang City more leverage."

Jing smiled after hearing this.

"Then it depends on what your husband plans to do now."

"But what's wrong with joining forces with the Wang family? A single tree cannot make a forest. If you want to gain a foothold in front of the current emperor, you can't just rely on marriage."

"According to my husband, the Yu family is going to unite with the Wang family."

"Today, our Yu family does not have much strength. If we want to gain a foothold in Jiangdong, we must rely on the power of Qin. If we can gain the trust and respect of the current emperor and at the same time be on good terms with the Wang family, it will not be the same. Isn't that a good thing? I'm not a person who is willing to be humble, but under the current circumstances, I still have to respect this prince. After thinking about it, I feel that Wang Wu just wants me to beg him again. When the time comes, Ask him to personally open a way for me to offer my daughter to the palace, so that he can believe that Jiangdong can be pinned to his waist in the future. So I will beg him again after three days."

"Three days later?"

"You always have to do a full set of plays. I also ask my beloved to help me. These days, contact the family members of the clan more often, and find some young and good family members to come to the house to drink tea. But, don't mention the matter of entering the palace. I am afraid that it will leak. Time went wrong."

"Don't worry, husband, I will handle this matter myself."




Xianyang City, Lishan Mausoleum.

The main tomb has been closed for more than a year. At the beginning of this winter, everywhere near Lishan Mountain was covered with blue-gray color. However, even the person who was in charge of the construction of the tomb had difficulty identifying which hill the main tomb was located on.

There are undulating hills everywhere, which is even more dazzling. If you enter the dense forest with luxuriant branches and leaves, you can't even see the sky, it is even difficult to distinguish the exit.

The visitor walked through the dense forest and then came to the open-air burial chamber.

The second year of the Second World War was the best year for those who survived the Warring States period, looking back.People all over the world have reached a consensus that as long as the current emperor issues an order, it must be good news that is beneficial to the people.

So, when the carriage driven by the visitor arrived at the burial chamber, everyone present stopped what they were doing.

(End of this chapter)

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