Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 68: Intuition as a Military General (please recommend and give rewards and monthly tickets!)

Chapter 68: Intuition as a Military General (please recommend and give rewards and monthly tickets!)
If Qin had a truce, it would not be Qin!
The dim light reflected Feng Quji's withered and thin face.

Feng Quji hunched over and knelt on the ground, waiting quietly for his resignation.

The sky outside was dim and dark, with thunder and lightning, and constant crackling and roaring sounds, which made everyone in the hall feel even more miserable.

Ying Zheng put his hands behind his hands and stood in front of the window, looking out at Xianyang City, which was plunged into darkness with only a few lights.

The thunder and lightning outside the window seemed like drums to encourage the soldiers to move forward. The more Ying Zheng saw white lights flashing and appearing, and the more he heard the rumble of thunder that seemed to explode the earth, the more he felt lost.

But suddenly, he saw in the solemn dark night, his thousands of troops and horses moving together, rowing towards him in neat steps.

Ying Zheng's brows suddenly relaxed, and he turned around and sat back down.

"Get up, you are just talking about the ambitions of those thieves who dare to go against me."

Feng Quji then stood up tremblingly.

Li Si suddenly took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, I believe that now your Majesty should adopt the strategy of supporting Mr. Su."

Wang Wan originally lowered his head and said nothing, but when he heard what Li Si said, he glanced at him slightly.

Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly focused on Li Si.Looking at this veteran minister who was nearly sixty years old and half white-haired, Ying Zheng suddenly felt much more relaxed.

"Your Majesty, what the Young Master said is true. It is easy to win the world, but it is difficult to win the hearts of the people. Now the king should issue an edict to the world to show that the king is willing to truce."


Meng Wu suddenly exclaimed.

He should have looked at Mr. Fusu's advice at the court meeting with admiration, and he still remembers it vividly.

However, the keen awareness that a general should have also made Meng Wu a little wary of Fusu Hu.

Meng Wu vaguely knew the reason for this vigilance, but he did not dare to think too much about it.

Meng Wu, who had always been cautious in his words and actions, suddenly had extremely sharp eyes, as if he had smelled a dangerous night wolf, and a ferocious look suddenly appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty, I have objections."

Ying Zheng's brows furrowed slightly, but his tone was extremely tolerant.

"Meng Wu, do you have any objections?"

Meng Wu's vigorous voice sounded in the hall.

"The general believes that if the king really wants all the people in the world to submit to the king, he should defeat the two countries of Qi and Chu in an honest and upright manner."

Meng Wu's eyes darkened, and then he looked at Li Si with a slightly unkind expression.

"If your Majesty insists on listening to the opinions of Young Master and Li Tingwei, why should you treat yourself with courtesy first and then attack with force? I would like to ask, where is the majesty of the Qin army officers?"

Meng Wu's sentences are striking and resounding.

This attack on Qi and Chu, after all, there are so many names, edicts and envoys are issued, but in the end it is not the soldiers who kill the enemy with blood on the front line, how can these "poetry-reading" people do it? Gentlemen, they turned out to be sinners!

Meng Wu was full of anger and complaints, but all he could say was, 'Where is the majesty of the Qin army's generals? '

That was all, but it already caused Ying Zheng to raise his brows slightly. Ying Zheng lowered his voice to remind this general who was so presumptuous in front of him.


The waist of a military commander is not as easy to bend as that of a civil servant.

What's more, Meng Wu has a clear conscience. He has served Qin and his Meng family faithfully on the battlefield for three generations. He has his own confidence.

However, in terms of cunning and wit, military generals are never much inferior to those gentlemen and scholars.

Meng Wu lowered his head slightly, but his tone was still tough.

"Meng Wu, please think twice."

Ying Zheng frowned and held the carved copper handrails on both sides tightly with both hands.

Meng Wu objects, so what.

Li Si continued to speak.

"Your Majesty, my humble minister thinks that what you said is absolutely right. It is easy to attack a city, but difficult to win the hearts of the people. Now that Xinzheng is rebelling, this is undoubtedly the best proof for us. If there is no legitimate name, continue to expand the land of Qin and destroy it. Qi Chu, how will people in the world think of the King?"

Li Si's voice suddenly rose, and the candlelight in Zhangtai Palace seemed faint.

Faced with Meng Wu's criticism, Li Si didn't pay attention to it, but pointed directly at the current state of Qin's attack.

Moreover, what Mr. Fusu said that day had already made Li Si's heart move slightly.

It is easy for Qin to conquer the world, but it is difficult to conquer the hearts of the people.

Li Si went back and thought about the profound meaning contained in it.

Moreover, the reason why he firmly believed that his proposition would be adopted by the king was that he had already seen that the king had already been moved by Mr. Fusu's words.

The reason why the king has not issued an edict for a long time is that he feels embarrassed because of the neighbors of Qi and Chu.

If you really want to express your truce and unification to the world, then you must not favor one over the other.

The attitudes of King Qi and King Chu are crucial, and the most important thing is that they cannot be allowed to unite.

The king is actually worried about the Qi-Chu alliance now!

"I want the people of the world to believe that I have endured the war for the sake of the people and want to end the suffering of the rebellion for them, so I launched the war!"

Meng Wu listened to every word with a forbearing expression.

The six kingdoms have all fought at the same level, but now the king is here talking about benevolence and righteousness with a heartless Li Si!
Meng Wu suddenly realized that the sword on his waist was not a glorious achievement, but a murder weapon.

It’s hard to bear the shame and anger, it’s hard to bear the shame and anger!

Meng Wu's face was terrifyingly dark, as if the dark clouds that filled the sky before a heavy rain piled up on his forehead.

He could no longer choose to remain silent.

"Your Majesty, don't you know that everyone in the state of Qin relies on military merits? If your Majesty really says that Qin has the intention to truce! Has Your Majesty thought about the consequences?"

Ying Zheng cast his cold sword-like gaze on Meng Wu.

The hairs on Meng Wu's body had already stood up.


When Meng Wu saw this, he couldn't help but feel timid.

Yes, why should the king be afraid!
He shrank slightly, his long and strong body suddenly stooped slightly, like a wild bear with an arrow in the back, and a look of panic running away on his face.

The angrier the moment, the calmer Ying Zheng becomes.

Ying Zheng looked at Meng Wu carefully.

Meng Wu's thoughts were not those of other generals.

Meng Wu calmed down, and the burning flame in his eyes finally went out in front of Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, I made a mistake. Please forgive me."

The old problems have not been solved, and new ones have arisen.

Ying Zheng considered every word Meng Wu said and made a prompt decision.

"I will allocate 20 troops to you. You can lead the troops yourself and march towards Chengfu first."

When these words came out, Meng Wu suddenly felt as if his mouth was stuffed with cotton.

"The last will obey."

"It's none of your business here."

Ying Zheng then said coldly, then bowed his head at the desk, seeming to be checking the memorial again.

Meng Wu originally had something to say, but seeing this situation, he could only sigh helplessly, then bowed and left.

Li Si never dared not to take what Meng Wu said seriously.

He could clearly hear every word of what the old general Meng said, but he was extremely surprised by Meng Wu's behavior and words.

When Qin attacked other countries, the civil servants and generals always worked together and cooperated with each other. But this time, the king and the young master made it clear that the mission was just to justify Qin's attack. Why did he react so much.

"Your Majesty, Wang Wan thinks that what Old General Meng said is actually true."

After Meng Wu left, Wang Wan stroked his slightly white goatee with a worried look on his face.

Ying Zheng listened and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Your Majesty should not hesitate any longer. The envoy must be sent as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause a change in the morale of the army."

Li Sihu's advice.

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(End of this chapter)

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