Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 766 Xiu Qi Zhiping (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 766 Xiu Qi Zhiping (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Your Majesty is wise."

After a loud roar, the Second Emperor announced his withdrawal from the court.

All the ministers stayed in the hall, looking at each other, left and right.

Meng Yi couldn't help but sigh, "I didn't expect that His Highness the Crown Prince has grown into an adult. If His Majesty hadn't given him the opportunity to supervise the army today, we would have forgotten about this incident."

Everyone stroked their beards with emotion.

"This year, His Majesty's fifth year in power, the situation of stability in the world is becoming more and more obvious, which is really gratifying."

"When His Majesty first came to court, he was only seventeen years old. Now he has become the king of our Qin country."

A group of old men were talking over there, but Feng Jie didn't intend to move closer.

The emperor sent the prince out to supervise the army, and it was his uncle who was supervising him.I thought Wang Wu would return to the court soon, but Feng Jie didn't expect that he was wrong.

At this time, Feng Jie slightly noticed something was wrong.

According to the way the late emperor came, the ministers would have no chance of success; but according to Your Majesty's current situation, the ministers still would have no chance of success.

Could it be said that no one in Xianyang City is thinking about becoming a marquis or a general now?
But he clearly remembered that when a man enters, he becomes a minister, and when he leaves, he pays homage to the general. Isn't this the fashion of the times?

The troubled times are completely over.

Feng Jie was afraid of this idea.

What made him feel even more strange was why he didn't have such a peaceful feeling in his heart after the world was unified. It was the fifth year of the Second Emperor's reign that he expressed such emotion.

Feng Jie shook his head, he didn't believe that the emperor had already dealt with these matters, but he had to believe it.

The clouds that had condensed into big black balls in the sky were gradually dispersed. The dark clouds had not yet been blown away, but golden beams of light were pouring out.

Feng Jie took long strides and walked out of the Dazheng Palace in a dignified manner. The dazzling sunlight poured on the bright glazed tiles of the palace, making this magnificent palace dazzling for a moment.

The twelve golden people were instantly coated with a layer of gold powder under the dazzling golden sunlight. Their expressions had never become so vivid. Feng Jie looked over and felt that their expressions were not as ferocious and serious as before.

Feng Jie saw the second son wearing a crown and leading Lang Wei on the distant corridor from a distance, but he couldn't help but bow to Fusu.

Behind him, Gong Zizhen unexpectedly saw this scene.

How can I become a person like my father?
Let the ministers admire him from the bottom of their hearts, and then use his personal charm to induce them to be convinced.




King Teng Gaoge Linjiangzhu, Peiyu Mingluan singing and dancing.

Painted buildings fly towards Nanpuyun, and bead curtains are rolling in the rain.

The shadows of Xianyuntan are lingering, and things change for a few times in autumn.

Where is the emperor in the pavilion? The Yangtze River flows freely beyond the threshold.

Five years later, the spring of the 20th year of the Imperial Calendar.

Ten years after the death of the First Emperor, Qin II personally led all civil and military officials to worship the First Emperor in the ancestral temple.But this time, there was one more person in the team of officials - Xiao He.

When the sacrificial ceremony was over, not only Xiao He, but also all the ministers stayed in front of the ancestral temple of the First Emperor, stroking their long beards and lamenting that things have changed over the past several autumns, and that things in the world have changed too fast.

The ministers accompanied the second son down the mountain. On the way, Fusu looked at the mountains in the distance and the blue mist rising on the mountainside.I don’t know where there is a reclusive master, but he is playing the harp on this mountainside.The melodious sound of the piano lingered in the mountains for a long time, and everyone felt particularly at ease after listening to it.

Listening to this tune, II felt as if his body and mind were taking a bath.

"Go and send someone to ask who is playing the harp in this area?"

After a while, Lang Wei came back and reported, "Reporting to your majesty, they are some common people living near Lishan Mountain."

"Lishan, where the late emperor's tomb is located, who will live there."

Sima Wuyi, the internal historian, stepped forward and said, "Reporting to your Majesty, they are all soldiers who retired from the army. They had no home. They finally came to the foot of Lishan Mountain. They said they wanted to accompany His Majesty the Emperor and guard the imperial mausoleum."

Lang Wei also replied, "Reporting to your majesty, those people played the harp today for no other reason than because they heard that your majesty came to pay homage to the late emperor today, so they played music to express their condolences to the late emperor."

Xianghou Qin Gongzi Ziying, who is now the servant of the Ministry of Rites, heard this, "Your Majesty, these people were homeless, and they returned to Lishan to die in Lishan and guard the tomb of the first emperor. I did not give They pay half the salary, but they are willing to take the initiative to protect the late emperor. They are so loyal to the emperor, I think that they should not be hurt. Besides, the common people do not understand the joy of elegance and righteousness, so I think that this matter is not a violation of etiquette, but should be commended. reward."

"Good. Just follow your words."

Fusu actually felt a little dissatisfied when he learned the whole story.At first, he didn't feel it was a pity that he didn't see the first emperor for the last time.But when people reach middle age, they miss these old people and things more and more.As long as we are human, we can never avoid such things as feelings.

Even if the sword of Damocles hangs above his head, he cannot completely abandon family affection.

Fusu suddenly remembered whether his precious eldest son had appeared at today's sacrificial ceremony.When he was a child, I taught him the principles of running the country face to face. I wonder if he understood it and whether he could apply it to governing the people. How was he doing in Yingchuan County?
Sometimes, raising children is more difficult than running a country.

"How is the prince doing in the Yingchuan area?"

Prime Minister Zhao Wan stepped forward and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, under the supervision of the Prince, the number of thieves in the Yingchuan area has gradually decreased, and the people have gradually turned to local officials for judgment when encountering problems, and those local clans have begun to submit to Your Majesty."

However, Wang Wu openly wooed the landlords of the old Han clan in the area of ​​Yingchuan.In particular, he has now met a business traveler named Zhang Zhongjing, and he is studying how to make a lot of money every day.

Zhao Wan did not dare to say these words in front of so many people.Once he said it, it would be a slap in Wang's face in front of all the ministers.Now Wang Wan's three concubine brothers are all serving as officials in the court. Although he is the prime minister, he is mainly responsible for managing the administrative affairs of local county officials.

In the past, when I was outside the customs, I always yearned for the imperial court, but when I came to the imperial court, I discovered the disadvantages of doing things in the imperial court.The various power relationships are intricate and cannot be provoked at will.

"Now the world is stable, especially in Guanzhong, there is peace. It's all thanks to the Prime Minister who handles local affairs in an orderly manner."

"I don't dare. Your Majesty is busy training soldiers and rectifying military affairs. It is right for me to share your worries with you."

"I like a saying that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. In all things in the world, when you are in your position, you must plan your affairs well. The prime minister is the head of all officials, and he can indeed be regarded as a role model for all ministers."

All the ministers followed, but no one agreed. Only Sikong Xiao He stood up and said, "The Prime Minister is an example for all officials. He works hard and is really a role model for us."

Everyone thought that Meng Tian would stand up and speak at this time, but after looking back, Meng Tian was not here today.

This important minister who was loyal to the late emperor did not appear on the tenth anniversary of the late emperor's death, which can't help but arouse people's imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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