Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 79: In the net (please give me monthly votes for recommendation votes!)

Chapter 79: In the net (please give me monthly votes for recommendation votes!)

As a Situ of the State of Qi, Hengji was responsible for receiving the envoys of the State of Qin, so he already had a heavy responsibility.Naturally, Hengji would not relent so easily in front of the Qin envoys, otherwise how would he go back and explain to the Qi ministers.

Hengji forced a smile and had a little bit of luck with the young Master Fusu of the Qin State.

"In order to welcome Mr. Fusu, my king has specially prepared a meeting for Mr. Fusu to discuss Taoism among hundreds of schools of thought. If Mr. Fusu insists on seeing my king tomorrow, I am afraid that this discussion..."

On the Road?


Fusu's eyes naturally lit up after hearing this.

The Warring States Period was the axis era of Chinese traditional culture.

And the disciples of hundreds of schools are those scholars.When you come to Qi State, it doesn't matter whether you see the King of Qi or not. He will die anyway, but you have to go and see the Jixia Academy of Qi State.

When Feng Jie heard this, he saw that the young master was moved, but he didn't dare to take the good side of the matter.

This Minister of Qi is really cunning.

The discussion may sound nice, but in fact, all of them feel like bronze mirrors in their hearts. This discussion is just delaying Qin.

A delaying tactic!
Fusu had a look of curiosity on his face, but he also knew that visiting the Jixia Academy of Qi as a prince of Qin and visiting the Jixia Academy of Qin in person were two different things.

Fusu naturally disappointed Hengji.

"Come here and discuss state affairs and Taoism first. It will be a long time to come."

The words Fusu Weiwei have a long way to go, like a weight weighing down Hengji's heart that was floating on the East China Sea.

Hengji's expression gradually softened.

Dunruo slightly twirled the mustache above his thick lips, and his face suddenly showed an amiable look.

Fusu's eyebrows curved, revealing the innocence inherent in a young man, and his smile was as bright as the breeze and the bright moon.

Hengji was bribed by Qin's spies and said a lot of good things to Qin about Qin's attack on Zhao, which kept Qi's hindrance.He didn't know this.

But what he can be sure of is that when Zhao and Wei were there, he benefited from both sides of Qin and Qi.

While he got a lot of money and profits from the Qin State, he also saved the Qi State from war and allowed the people to rest and recuperate.

Not only that, he also gained the respect of King Qi and was promoted repeatedly.

But now, he was panicking.

The Qin envoy in front of him did not give himself any choice because he had said good things to Qin many times before.

Nowadays, the people of Qin state are not giving in to their words, but they all put on such kind and friendly faces. This is called Hengji, which is hard to describe.

Hengji had no choice but to bow.

"Young master Fusu, the horizontal halberd will convey the meaning of the young master to the king."

Dunruo saw that Qi Hengji didn't dare to do anything against their Qin master's will, so Dunruo suddenly became unscrupulous.Dunruo deliberately held his waist straight, tried his best to look at the halberd, and then made a virtual salute.

"Then there's Lao Heng Situ."

Obviously, Dunwei was testing the bottom line of Situ Qi.

After the horizontal halberd retreated, Chi Wu quickly ordered someone to close the door. The hall suddenly became dark, and Shen Yu quickly lit the candlestick.

Dun Ruo bowed to Fu Su.

"Master, do you know who the Situ of Qi State was just now?"

Fusu had just seen that when the Hengji faced him, Dunruo, Mao Jiao and others, his expression seemed to be old acquaintances with Dunruo and the others.

"Appreciate further details."

Dunruo was ordered by Guo Wei Liao and was an extremely important collector in the huge spy network created by the Qin State.

And Hengji was the prey that accidentally fell into the net woven by Qin State.

Dunruo was slightly shy, and his face suddenly glowed red, full of pride.

"Sir, this horizontal halberd is the main target of bribery from the spies sent by our Qin State to Qi State."


Fusu suddenly became curious.

"Then why didn't you inform me in advance?"

In order to put a little pressure on Qi, Fusu was very rude to Hengji just now.

"Young master, as the saying goes, you have to do a complete show. In fact, most of the retainers in his house are from the Qin State. After receiving the benefits brought by the Qin State, he is naturally willing to speak for the Qin State. However, this horizontal halberd is actually for us The State of Qin took advantage of it but did not know it. In his heart, he still regarded himself as a minister of the State of Qi. At this time, it is not appropriate to expose that relationship. "

Dun Ruo said, smiling meaningfully.

Fusu understood.

It turned out that this man had sold his country without even knowing it.

Good guy!
Then he dug his own hole and jumped out of it!

However, now, he may be starting to realize something.

And when the horizontal halberd just left, he looked embarrassed and a little angry.

Although this is the effect I want...

Fusu Hu decided to simply fish this man who had been dragged out of the quagmire to the shore of their Qin country!

"Since our Qin State has such a powerful helper in Qi State, we should naturally win over him."

Dun Rui listened, his eyes moving.

Mao Jiao blinked his wise eyes and agreed with the young master's advice.

"Your Majesty, Mao Jiao thinks that now that the matter has come to this, it is actually time for the ministers of Qi State to express their stance."

He suddenly fell into deep thought.

Fusu squinted his eyes slightly, carefully observing the hesitant and weak movements of his eyes.

For a time, the whole house was waiting for Dunwei to make a decision.

Fusu once again felt like a general with no military rank, no power and no soldiers.

Fu Su smiled brightly, and did not show her dissatisfaction on her face.

This kind of thing will happen more often in the future.

Suddenly, Fusu asked decisively.

"I think the ministers of Qi State still don't know how many soldiers and horses your father is going to station on the border of Qi State. Do you think so?"

Once you hear it, you no longer have any worries.

Moreover, with the help of the ministers of Qi State, it will naturally be easier for them.

I had no choice but to agree.

"What the young master said is true, I will deal with it now."


Huan Gong Terrace.

In the spacious palace garden, there are groves of exotic flowers and trees, and towering mulberry trees canopy high, sheltering the clear pond under the mulberry trees.

In the clear pond, the green lotus is held high, and the lotus flowers are falling to the west with the breeze.

Qi Wangjian, who was nearly seventy years old, had gray hair and a long beard hanging down to his chest. Under the sunlight, strands of white hair shone with golden light.

Selfishness made him unwilling to give up the rights in his hands, and all the princes were useless, so Qi Wangjian thought that the Qi State could not do without him.

Therefore, even though he knew that his eyesight was too old to recognize the smaller characters written on the bamboo slips, he still refused to give up his position as King of Qi.

Now, King Qi, who had retired from the court, wanted to have a love affair, but the weather was too hot and he was really exhausted, so Tian Jian listened to his concubine's advice and lay down on the bamboo mat under the pavilion, with two palace maids in green rosy gauze skirts. Serve King Qi.

A luthier in white clothes was playing the zither with a dark face on one side, and the lingering sound flowed out from under the luthier's fingertips, lingering under the pavilion.

Under the scorching sun, King Qi's Jianzi lowered himself in the pavilion, taking advantage of the cool air of the century-old deep pool and ice cubes to rest in a corner.

The sun was scorching the earth mercilessly, and Hengji ran from Wutai back to Huangongtai in a panic, but he couldn't find anyone, so he learned that the king had gone out to escape the summer heat.

Hengji's face turned pale, finally showing the angry expression after being humiliated.

This time Hengji conveyed Qin's master's meaning word for word.

(End of this chapter)

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