Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 94: Qi’s affairs are Qin’s affairs (please give me a monthly recommendation!)

Chapter 94: Qi’s affairs are Qin’s affairs (please give me a monthly recommendation!)
Hengji forced a smile and bowed.

"The prestige of General Wang Ben is known all over the world."

The attack on the impregnable Daliang City shocked the world.What's more, Qi State is watching Qin's offensive every day with fear.

"A few months ago, General Wang captured Daliang City, which really surprised even Fusu."

Fusu couldn't help but say.

Yingzheng has the help of the Wang family's father and son, which can be said to be even more powerful than a tiger.

Speaking of attacking Daliang City, Hengji also heard many rumors related to Young Master Fusu.

He is also curious.

Hengji still remembered the first time he met Mr. Fusu.At that time, he was curious that such an elegant and elegant young master with a noble air between his brows did not look like someone who could tinker with tools such as wooden cows and horses.

How could such a practical thing be invented.

"I heard that General Wang Ben attacked Daliang City and Master Fu Su also contributed a lot. A wooden ox and a flowing horse are rare things in the world."

Later, Hengji also spent a lot of effort to get this thing into Qi State.I have to say that this is indeed a good thing. It is the best tool for transporting wood.

There was a hint of surprise in Fusu's eyes.

So, people in Qi are already using carts?

Fusu couldn't help but feel frightened.This little thing must not be underestimated. If it is used in the military, it can transport food on mountain roads and can also be used as a defensive barrier.

Fortunately, there are relatively few things he has come up with so far.

Although he was a prince from an enemy country, Mr. Fusu could invent such an artifact. Hengji couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know why Mr. Fusu invented this thing?"

Fusu's eyes cleared.

"Fusu supervised the construction of the Lishan Hall for his father Jun. He saw that the prisoners used the method of rolling logs to transport stones, which was time-consuming and laborious, so Fusu designed this thing."

Logically speaking, Fusu would not tell Hengji in such detail.

You must know that in a high position, you must speak little, otherwise you will lose your demeanor and dignity in front of others inadvertently.

But in order to make this Hengji believe him, he was as detailed as possible.

But when he heard that the dignified prince was supervising the work, Hengji's eyes were naturally straightened and he was extremely surprised.

"Young Master, you still do such a job as a supervisor?"

"It's all about sharing your worries for your father."

Fusu immediately waved his hand and refused to say more. He just raised the wine baron and said.

"Heng Situ, please."

Hengji was flattered, but he didn't forget to keep an eye out.After all, this young master of the Qin Kingdom will supervise the construction of the library...

What kind of building is it?
It seems that Mr. Fusu can support himself by becoming the crown prince.In order to please Ying Zheng, this kind of work is also done.

After finishing the drink, Fusu raised the bottom of the cup to the halberd.

Hengji was very surprised.

I didn't expect that the young master of the Qin Kingdom, the king and the queen would all act based on his face, so how could he be so kind to me.

Strangely enough, Hengji still raised the wine baron to drink with Fusu.

Three wine tours...

Hengji drank it with mixed feelings.

He was ashamed of Qi, so naturally he didn't dare to tell anyone; but recently, there have been more rumors against him in the court.Many people have secretly accused him, saying that he was bribed by the Qin people.

Especially when he took the initiative to ask for help to protect the safety of Qin's son and his party, the ministers talked about him a lot.

Although, he was originally bewitched by Qin's spies, and he was not the only one who caused Qi to repeatedly miss opportunities.But now, he frequently gets close to the young master Fusu, and the ministers only target him.

If those people weren't afraid of him being in a high position and he was favored by the Prime Minister, he would have been impeached in front of the king by now.

Hengji is afraid——

That’s why he was frightened and afraid of Young Master Fusu’s night summons...

However, he also held some different speculations.

And Mr. Fusu invited him to drink today, so he naturally sensed Mr. Fusu's intentions.

He helped Qin unintentionally, and the people of Qin must know it.After all, it was the spies sent by Qin who were lurking in his house, giving him advice and suggestions, and repeatedly tempting him to give advice to the king.

Discouraging the king from helping Zhao Guo fight against Qin was the wrong decision he made in his life.

But the mistake has been made, and the only thing he can do now is to plan for his own tomorrow.

However, he did not dare to just obey Qin.Once the matter is exposed, he will definitely die without a burial place.And how could Qin, a tiger and a wolf, let him escape unscathed?

Hengji looked melancholy, and his heart was in ups and downs.Juezhong wine entered his mouth, but he couldn't swallow it.

Fusu was naturally curious.

"Heng Situ, is it possible that this wine is not tasty enough? Fusu Temple, Heng Situ, is not enjoying the wine."

Hengji had a grimace on his face.

"No. Mr. Fusu invited Hengji to a banquet with wine. Hengji was sincerely honored. For this reason, Hengji would like to offer Mr. Fusu a drink."

With that said, Hengji raised his head and offered a toast.

When Fusu heard the words, he just smiled slightly, accepted it readily, and drank with him.

Afterwards, Fusu shook the wine jute, looked at the sake in the jue, and said meaningfully to the horizontal halberd.

"Isn't it true that I'm in some kind of trouble?"

Fusu asked again.

Naturally, Hengji didn't dare to say it directly. He was looking for some excuse for himself in his mind.

"If King Qi cannot help Heng Situ, Fusu can help."

Hearing the sound of the horizontal halberd, it seemed that his heart was pounded violently by the big bell.

My heart was beating wildly, and then it began to twitch violently...

The implication behind the Qin Gongzi's words was extremely obvious.

Immediately, Fusu showed the innocent smile of a young man again.

"After all, when Fusu came to Qi, he received such care from the King of Qi, and was protected by Situ. This is nothing but idleness. It would be better to help Hengsi solve the difficult matter."

"Furthermore, before Fusu left this time, Junfu told him that when he comes to Qi State on this trip, he must make good friends with everyone in Qi State. Only in this way can the friendship between Qin and Qi be consolidated."

As he said that, Fusu talked about Hengji's response to his temptation last time.

"And Fusu believes that the world is one family. Since we are all one family, Fusu can treat Situ's affairs as his own business."

"After all, Junfu often said to Fusu that the affairs of Qi are also the affairs of Qin."

Fusu said these last few sentences in an understatement, but every word was precise.The prince of Qin repeatedly hinted in front of him that Qin had the intention to annex Qi.

Hengji was shocked when he heard this, and the last bit of smile disappeared from his face.

But then, Hengji also followed Mr. Fusu's suggestion.

The door was closed, and there were only Mr. Fusu and two eunuchs around.The people in this palace are either Qin people or future Qin people.

However, he still didn't dare.

This is the crime of stealing the country.

Hengji took courage, stood up suddenly, and walked to Fusu.

"Master Fusu, I have other important matters to attend to, so it is inconvenient to stay for a long time today. I also hope Mr. Fusu Haihan."

After hearing this, Fusu looked annoyed and said angrily in a cold voice.

"Come here, see the guests off!"

He bowed with his halberd and walked out of the Wutai with heavy steps.

After Hengji left, Dunwei Mao, Jiao and Feng Jie came out from behind the screen.

"Sir, would this move be too risky?"

Fusu looked stern.

The eunuch opened the window sash, and Fusu and others saw Hengji walking alone in the palace corridor from a distance.

Walking alone in the vast black clothes, his figure suddenly appeared lonely.

"It all depends on how the Prime Minister views Hengji."

He bowed weakly.

"Don't worry, young master, Hou Sheng's side and all the minor officials have already been arranged."

Fusu looked at the lights in Linzi City, and suddenly thousands of thoughts arose in his heart.

The prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

The fundamental factor that determines the relationship between people is the word "profit".

 It will be released this Friday, please support it!grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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