Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 99 The people of Qin are weird and definitely have no good intentions

Chapter 99 The people of Qin are weird and definitely have no good intentions

Dunruo and the other three were still kneeling behind Fusu.

The young master suddenly stood up and bowed to Fu Sheng, a great scholar. They were also a little surprised.

Although it is an unusual move, isn't this exactly the style of the young master!

Unpredictable, attacking it unprepared.

This move of the young master can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Not only did this once again disgrace the King of Qi and the Queen, but it also allowed the young master to establish an image of respecting Confucianism and respecting etiquette in front of Confucian scholars.

The great scholar of Qi State, at the insistence of Prince Fusu of Qin State, became a guest of the King of Qi and Prince Fusu.This move is unprecedented.Once it spreads, people all over the world will naturally think that the young master respects Confucianism and etiquette.

When Mao Jiao saw Master Fusu, he couldn't help but sigh. He was really impressed by Master Fusu's resourcefulness.

Since joining the party, the young master has spent the least amount of money, but he has achieved one major event after another.

Mao Jiao naturally admired Fusu more and more, and he became more and more convinced that the king made the right choice to appoint Mr. Fusu as his crown prince.

To govern with virtue, Mr. Fusu can definitely do this and win the hearts of the people all over the world.

The people who came to the Snow Platform Palace today were all big shots.Everyone was staring at Young Master Fusu, who was wearing a black crown, and everyone's eyes were as wide as the bells on the carriage.


Hengji just felt that today's scene was very strange.

Especially the performance of the Qin people!
Young Master Fusu actually obeyed the rules today and was willing to take the initiative to sit under the king. Later, he bowed to a commoner Fusheng and refuted the prime minister for him.

The ministers of Qin State are also very peaceful today. From the time they entered the palace to now, they rarely speak out.

Judging from their faces, it was clear that they were sure of victory.

Feng Jie looked at Hengji and bowed to Hengji, as if he was grateful for something.

But in Qin, a country of tigers and wolves, such weird behavior, from Hengji's point of view, was definitely not a good intention.

As for Feng Jie, the reason why he offered Hengji wine was naturally out of gratitude.Thanks to him, he sent the message to King Qi for them.Today's banquet on the Snow Palace Terrace was actually all facilitated by the horizontal halberd.

Not only that, the banquet at the Snow Palace Terrace was the first step in their plan.

Whether the king of Qi can become a minister without going to war is very important today.

After Fusu and Fusheng bowed to each other, Fusu and King Qi invited him together, but Fusheng sat down uneasily.

Today, Fu Sheng is just a tool.

Wait for everyone to sit down.

The Prime Minister clapped his hands, and then Qi Guolezheng shouted.

"Let's have fun."

At first, Fusu wanted to learn about Qi's national style, but when he heard this song, Fusu couldn't help but turn pale.

Fusu looked at King Qi with anger in his eyes.

Because this piece of music is not Qi Feng, but Qin Feng!

And this piece of music is familiar to everyone in Qin.

This song is called Jian Jia——

"Jianjia is green, and white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren are on the water side..."

Fusu's hand tightly grasped Jiu Jue, and as he listened, he suddenly slapped Jiu Jue heavily on the case.

This move and the livid face were noticed by King Qi.King Qi looked at his uncle again.

Everything today is arranged by my uncle.

The young master of Qin State has been staying in Qi State for almost half a month.After he arrived, there was constant storm in the court.

The reception of Prince Qin by the State of Qi cost money and property, and caused many troubles.In the name of making good friends with Qi State, the son of Qin State talked and laughed with some ministers of Qi State every time he had the opportunity.

During these days, courtiers criticized each other, and even the prime minister was inevitably slandered.It seems that every court official has signs of secret communication with Qin.

That is to say, only when entertaining the prince Fusu, the courtiers of Qi State will work together.Of course, this was not an act of flattery on their part, but because the courtiers of Qi were afraid of Qin and had to do it deliberately.

However, Hou Sheng realized that the Qin master had done this intentionally and deliberately got close to the Qi ministers. This move clearly meant that Qi could defeat them without attacking.

He must not be allowed to stay in Linzi any longer, otherwise the state of Qi would be corrupted before it was invaded by the Qin people.

Therefore, Young Master Fusu must leave Qi State as soon as possible!

Before that, Hou Sheng asked Hengji to test the Qin prince's return to Qin.Hengji replied that Prince Fusu had no intention of returning to Qin.Under the embarrassment, Hou Sheng gritted his teeth and arranged this banquet for young master Fusu to return home.

Fusu gritted his teeth slightly.

Hengji's previous words had hinted to him that the King of Qi and the Queen were determined to get him to leave Qi.

This is understandable. Today's song was premeditated by them.

However, Fusu will not fight an uncertain battle.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

After Fusu got the hint from Hengji, he made a brand new plan, a plan to completely eliminate Qi as soon as possible.

Hou Sheng saw Young Master Fusu's angry eyes after hearing this song, but this was also part of his plan.

They hope that today they can politely remind and persuade the young master of Qin to return to Qin.

"Master Fusu——"

The prime minister held his honor high in Fusu, so naturally he wanted to toast Fusu.

Fusu Mingming looked at Hou Sheng, but he did not raise his rank, which made Hou Sheng feel embarrassed.

This time Hou Xiang was naturally very angry, and his heart was beating suddenly.

"Last time, your Majesty heard from Mr. Fusu that this trip to Qi State was the prince's first long-distance trip."

This sentence is not without reason. As early as the last time he met King Qi, King Qi deliberately asked Fusu whether this mission was the first time he stayed away from Xianyang.

Fusu listened and suddenly felt that his opponent was somewhat interesting.

"I thought that Mr. Fusu, as the eldest son of King Qin and the crown prince declared by King Qin, should be the person in Qin who cares about Qin the most except King Qin. So we, the people of Qi, specially chose such a song to express it. To relieve the young master’s pain of lovesickness.”

Fusu's eyes were gloomy, as if there was a deep pool.

Fusu couldn't help but sigh, Hou Sheng was indeed an old fox.

This question was extremely clever. If he said that he didn't miss home or Qin, he would be caught in the conversation.

But the Prime Minister, how dare he.Actually want to drive him away!

Let's see what tricks you want to play.

Fusu immediately cupped his fists and bowed, smiling.

"The Prime Minister treated Fusu with such courtesy, he even took Fusu's homesickness into consideration. Such kindness is so considerate. Fusu is extremely grateful."

With that said, Fusu raised his wine cup and pointed it at Hou Sheng.

"Fusu proposes a drink to the Empress, and thanks the Empress for entertaining Fusu."

The latter drank with him and drank all the wine in one gulp, and both of them showed their identity.

The latter said again.

"Actually, Mr. Fusu doesn't know something. It is the king's wish to play Qin Feng Jia at this banquet today."

Fusu naturally looked at King Qi.

"This matter is actually the intention of King Qi?"

King Qi stroked his beard, his eyes were narrowed, and his expression was even more panicked.

"Master Fusu has been in Qi State for half a month."

As soon as these words came out, Fusu's eyelids twitched slightly.

King Qi, you are so brave!
Fusu looked at Tian Jian with a cold light in his eyes.Fusu gave the seventeen-year-old son a cold look, but the seventy-year-old King Qi shuddered.

Tian Jian had previously persuaded his uncle to just be patient. If he failed to persuade him, he would instead offend the young master Fusu, and Qin would have an excuse to send troops.

 Dear readers, the climax of your expectations has arrived.

  Then the book friend group number:

(End of this chapter)

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