Beauty Man: All Heavens and Immortals

Chapter 203 The pants are all off, so you just show me this?

Chapter 203 The pants are all off, so you just show me this?
new York.


In front of a burning building, Super Killer rescued all the trapped people with ease. Under the ecstatic eyes of the tracking reporters, Super Killer did not leave as usual, but was suspended in mid-air, as if waiting What.

The hype these days has allowed Super Killer to gain a large number of fans. All eyes in New York are on her. Her popularity is far higher than that of any star, which naturally attracts follow-up reports from various media.

Click, click.

Minty made a concave shape in the sky above, and more and more reporters who came to hear the news gathered below, and the camera film shot fiercely at Super Killer for free.

"Could there be an extra big surprise today?"

Keen reporters have already imagined their imaginations, but the reality really didn't play tricks on them. When the New York policemen arrived late, made a siege posture below, and perfunctorily shouted at the super killer in mid-air, a familiar figure swayed like a spider's thread. Come cool.


"He's here too."

"I have a hunch that there must be some explosive news today."

"Yes, I feel the same way."

Under the expectant eyes of the reporters, Spider-Man landed on the ground, and Super Killer also slowly landed, standing side by side, leaving a space in the middle.

"Haha, I know, I know."

"What do you know?"

"The Dark Knight, it's the Dark Knight. Some time ago, during the intercity high-speed rail incident, didn't there be news that the Dark Knight and Spider-Man were connected? Now that this is the case, I am even more sure that the Dark Knight must be showing up. gone."

"Probably not. Judging from his name and consistent style, how could he appear in public? You're overthinking it."

"Hmph! If you don't believe me, let's make a bet. I bet the Dark Knight will show up today."

"Well, I bet...the Dark Knight shows up today."

When the reporter was about to refute, Owen's figure fell from the sky, which immediately made the reporter change the topic.

In the police team, someone asked, "Captain, what should we do?"

"How to do?"

The captain cursed inwardly: "FK! How the hell do I know what to do?"

He thought so in his heart, but he couldn't say it out of his mouth. Otherwise, with so much media, after the exposure, even if he had a backstage, he would step down every minute. He pondered for a moment and said, "Everything will follow the procedure."

"What procedure?"

These policemen were stupefied. When facing a super anti-hero like the Dark Knight, where did they remember the procedure?
"Damn it. You idiots."

The captain cursed, seeing someone behind him holding a mobile phone to shoot this side, took the horn in his hand, stood on the police car, and shouted to the three Owens who were surrounded by the media: "We are the New York police. , Dark Knight, Super Killer, Spider-Man, you are surrounded, please put down your weapons and surrender."

Everyone looked back at the police captain in unison, with eyes full of "Are you a SB?", which made the police captain uncomfortable for a while.

Owen smiled and said: "Today is a good day, and it is also an important day. In order to avoid being disturbed, let me clear the field first, everyone wait a moment."

The sound was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly.

"not good."

The captain of the police thumped in his heart, secretly screaming that it was not good.

But before he could react, his body went numb and he couldn't move anymore. He kept the posture of raising the horn and shouting, standing on the roof of the police car, the horror on his face froze, which looked extremely funny.

The other people at the scene only felt their eyes dazzled, and before they could react, they heard Owen say with a smile: "One problem has been solved, now let's solve the second one."

As he said that, he turned around and looked at the burning building next to him. He clenched his fist and punched the building.

"Sky Frost Fist."

Thus, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the tall building that became a sea of ​​flames was extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye. The inside and outside of the floor were covered by frost and cold air, like a huge ice sculpture, reflecting brilliant colors in the sunlight.


Since they were not too far away, everyone seemed to be able to feel the chilling air from the huge ice sculpture, and couldn't help but gasp in unison.

clap clap clap!
Owen clapped his hands and refocused everyone's attention on him, then smiled and said: "Okay, both troubles have been solved, and now we will get to the point."

"The topic? What topic?"

This is the question in everyone's mind, but the reporters who used to be articulate, are now silent like saw-mouthed gourds.

Finally, a beautiful blonde girl recovered from the shock just now, and was the first to ask, "Mr. Dark Knight, what is the topic of today?"

Owen glanced at the blond girl with admiration, and sighed in his heart: "It's no wonder that women's endurance and resilience are far stronger than men's. There are only tired cows and no pears. The common saying really makes sense."

"What's your name, which media are you from?"

I'm in a good mood, Owen doesn't mind giving this blond girl a little favor. Now that she has entered the live broadcast mode, the number of viewers has exploded. Show your face here. After you go back, you will be promoted and raised in minutes, and you will reach the pinnacle of your life. .

"My name is Christina Jones from the New York Journal."

The blond girl winked at Owen, held her head high, and while showing Owen her broad mind, she quickly revealed her own information.

"Miss Jones, the two beside me are familiar to you, right?"

Owen laughed.

"Super Killer and Spider-Man, everyone on Earth knows."

Christina smiled charmingly.

"Yes, the two of them, as good neighbors of New Yorkers, have been committed to fighting crime and maintaining the safety of New Yorkers. After several communications, we decided to formally establish an organization, the Night Guardian Alliance, to better protect the people. We The three are the first batch of night guardians."

Owen broke the news.

"The Night Guardian Alliance?"

Everyone was in an uproar. Although there was an X-Men in the past, which was somewhat similar to the League of Super Heroes, but because of the relationship between mutants, there was not much positive publicity, so everyone suddenly heard that Owen organized a League of Super Heroes. The organization immediately felt that this was a shocking news.

Christina was still the first to react, and rushed to ask: "Mr. Dark Knight, is this Night Guardian Alliance the superhero alliance we imagined? You three superheroes form an alliance to fight criminals and maintain public safety?"


Owen shook his head and laughed: "The Night Guardian Alliance is a loose alliance and does not belong to the Superhero League, because apart from Spider-Man being a superhero, Super Killer and I have always been positioned as anti-heroes, so this alliance cannot be called It is the League of Super Heroes, and it can only be called the League of Guardians."

"Does that make any difference?"

Christina was taken aback.

"Of course there are differences."

Owen said seriously, and repeated his theory about anti-heroes again: "Superhero and I are anti-heroes, and we are not afraid to use any means to maintain the justice in our hearts, but whether it is an anti-hero or a superhero, we all have one thing in common. The point is also the ultimate goal, which is to fight crime and protect the safety of the people, which is also the basis for us to cooperate with superheroes like Spider-Man."

"So that's the case, so do you three have any specific plans to form this guardian alliance?"

Christina asked a crucial question.

"Of course there is a plan, otherwise why would we announce the establishment of the Guardian Alliance in public?"

Owen shrugged and said with a smile: "In order to better deter criminals and maintain public safety, the three of us perform our duties, and we will invite other anti-heroes or superheroes to join in the future."

"Everyone performs their duties? Can you tell me more about it?"

A reporter rushed to talk.

Owen smiled lightly, and answered the same question as Christina with the reporter's ashen face.

"This is a good question, and it is also one of the themes of this press conference. Since the entry rules of the Night Guardian Alliance are not to interfere with any guardian's own actions, after negotiating with Spider-Man, Spider-Man will continue to Being a good neighbor of New Yorkers, Super Killer works with him in shifts to protect New York and create a safe and comfortable living environment for New Yorkers.

I believe that with the joint efforts of the two of them, the crime rate in New York will drop again and again, creating the lowest value of the crime rate, making New York, a global metropolis, the safest city. "

The policemen who were fixed there by Owen's acupoints heard this, and each of them called mmp in their hearts: "It is clear that you are defined as criminals under the legal framework, but now you are talking about security construction here openly, robbing us. work, did you make a mistake..."

But the complaints belonged to the complaints, and they felt relieved, knowing that there should be no problems with themselves and others. Except for the ugly face of the police captain, the rest of the police were grateful to Owen at this moment for keeping them here so that they could not move. Once there, there will be no conflicts and no responsibility for them.

"And what about you? Mr. Dark Knight, what exactly do you do?"

With the embarrassing example of the previous reporter, no one competed with Christina. Seeing many colleagues looking at her in unison, waiting for her to ask a question, Christina was extremely proud and asked unhurriedly.


The corner of Owen's mouth curled up, and he said with a half-smile: "I am mainly responsible for the safety of the entire earth and the universe."


As soon as these words came out, countless people immediately burst into laughter. It is true that such a powerful figure as the Dark Knight changed his previous ruthless style and took the funny route. The contrast is too great, and people can't help but laugh out loud.

"Ha ha."

Christina also smiled coquettishly, and then said: "Mr. Dark Knight, you are really humorous."

"I'm telling you the truth, but you think I'm joking?"

Owen shrugged and said, "Don't you know what the people who supported me in the Dark Legion said?"

"Our dark knights work so hard, working hard for 36 hours during the day, and patrolling New York at night to protect the safety of the earth and the galaxy?"

As the most popular superpowers, many of the people present have logged on to the website of the Dark Legion. Naturally, they still remember the stupid words of the dark knight fans, and now they are mentioned and subconsciously said them.

clap clap clap!
"It seems that some people still understand the truth. You see, my responsibilities have been pointed out long ago, but you don't believe it."

Owen clapped his hands and laughed.

"Cough cough."

Christina was a little uncomfortable with Owen's boasting, coughed lightly and said, "That is to say, Mr. Dark Knight is in charge of the overall situation."

"That's it."

Owen nodded and said, "Of course, we haven't reached the critical moment such as super criminals running all over the earth, alien invasion, etc., so I only have one daily duty."


"Protect the guardians of the night and relieve their worries. We can't let them, who are fighting selflessly for the people, have to endure black hands from the dark, right?"

Owen sneered.


Everyone was shocked, for some reason, a name appeared in their minds at the same time: "Jianmei executives."

Seeing that everyone was stunned, Owen didn't take it seriously, and continued: "For those individuals and organizations who use indecent methods and tricks to attack the night guardians, as the initiator of the night guardian alliance, I will give a firm counterattack , the perpetrators and planners of these obscene attacks, no matter who is involved, I will give a devastating blow."

When he said 'no matter who is involved', Owen deliberately emphasized his tone, overflowing with murderous aura, making everyone shudder, and thinking of the top management of Jianmei...

My family knows about my own affairs, and the top executives of Jianmei always like to use whatever means to get everything they want. It is clearly the organization that Owen said.

After Owen said these words, he greeted Super Killer and Spider-Man, and with a flash of his body, he unlocked the acupoints of all the policemen and disappeared.

At the same time, this domineering declaration shocked the whole world.

The first to bear the brunt was Tony Stark's press conference. As a reporter, he naturally had a source of news. As soon as such a big news came out, he received a reminder at that time. This is why there were intensive ringtones at the press conference.

Tony Stark suppressed his rationality and prepared to be impulsive. When he aggressively announced that he was Iron Man, Owen stole the limelight and his face was black and smelly. Although he finally announced the news, he had already Lack of interest, after perfunctory, got up and left the press conference.

The sports car galloped all the way and returned to No. 10880 Malibu.

City of Liberty.

"Jarvis, collect all the information about the Dark Knight, we are going to build a new armor."

"Okay, sir, please name the new armor."

"Let's call it anti-knight armor."

Tony said with a cold face: "Now analyze the abilities of the dark knights collected for me. I will design a targeted design to restrain these abilities. When the time comes, hmph..."

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis responded, projected all Owen's information in three dimensions, and concluded: "Sir, according to the analysis of the existing information, the Dark Knight possesses spiritual superpowers, super marksmanship, super fighting ability, super strength, and super powers." With known superpowers such as speed, flight, energy attack, sonic attack, ice-based superpowers, predicting crises, controlling other people's bodies, a full set of Adamantium alloy armor, and Adamantium alloy swords, it is speculated that the Dark Knight is very powerful. There may still be many unrevealed superpowers, and he is an extremely dangerous character."

"Holy shit!"

Tony was dumbfounded, and ten thousand beasts rushed past in his heart: "I've taken off my pants, why don't you just show me this?"

How the hell did he design the anti-knight armor...

 PS: Thank you Tong Tong for the reward again!
(End of this chapter)

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