Extraordinary Profession: I Awakened Lord

Chapter 107 Fireworks under the Starry Sky

Chapter 107 Fireworks under the Starry Sky
Following the eagle soldiers, armed with bows, arrows and spears, they flapped their wings and flew towards Chaoge City.

Archers and crossbowmen hidden behind the thick walls revealed their figures one after another. They held weapons and fired at the black shadows in the sky.

Although most human soldiers have night blindness, which is caused by malnutrition, most elite troops do not have night blindness because these elite troops will not lack food.

As an elite archer or crossbowman, it is even less likely to have night blindness. After all, you rely on your eyes to eat, and they are elite troops, so the food must be very good.

Therefore, Bagir's tactics have almost lost most of their effectiveness.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Following the dull sound of piercing the air, sharp arrows pierced the air one after another, like meteors, quickly shooting towards the Yingren soldiers in the sky.
896! 〈Swift attack, double damage〉
1546! 〈The attack is fatal and the damage is doubled〉


A string of bright red numbers came into view again. Yin Zhao looked at the sky with a serious face, and the scarlet blood flowers were blooming. At this time, he felt a little happy in his heart.

"Damn human!"

"It... hurts so much. Help... help me!"

"I don't want to die, come and save me..."

As tragic wails rang out, in the dark night, groups of ink-like figures dotted with dots of scarlet fell to the ground.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

It was another wave of fierce offensive, especially Yin Zhao who didn't care about accuracy, only efficiency. Therefore, these archers and crossbowmen were all shooting hard.

And under this dense arrow attack, the huge number of Yingmen soldiers in the sky was rapidly decreasing.

At this time, Bajir, who was hiding among the charging orc soldiers, could not help but feel his eyes tearing open as he looked at the scene in front of him.

This... these are all warriors of the Yingren Imperial Court, just... just like that, gone. Everything in front of him made Bagir feel extremely sad. For the victory of the Orcs, the Yingren clan had sacrificed too much. Too much.

But now that we have reached this point, it is no longer possible for Bajir to retreat. Firstly, Prince Simone will definitely not agree, and secondly, the sunk cost is too high. The situation at this time has forced Bajir to just retreat. I was able to bite the bullet and continue rushing down.

If he succeeds, no one will say anything about these losses, because it is normal to suffer losses if you want to succeed. If this operation fails, then all these losses will be counted on his head.

By then, not only many tribes will be resentful of him, but even the imperial court will probably have complaints against him.

This is also the reason why no one answered when Prince Simone asked about the plan.If you succeed, the credit belongs to everyone; if you fail, the responsibility is yours.

In this case, how could those veterans who had gone through many trials and tribulations not know that although they were called reckless men, they all pretended to be mute. Only young orc nobles like Bagir would still have such passion.

After all, the beast race has existed for too long, and the co-governance of the seven imperial courts has also existed for too long. This long time is enough to make the race that was originally like the newly born Chuyang slowly enter decay.

This is, the power of time, no one can resist, and no one can stop it. Under the erosion of time, we will gradually move from a newborn child to an elderly person.

"Follow me and charge. There is no retreat in this battle! For the victory of the Orcs and the honor of the warriors, charge with me!"

Bagir gritted his teeth. At this time, he could no longer hide. He could only stand up and lead the orc soldiers to charge, so as to attract some energy to the eagle soldiers in the sky.

"Kill! Ula~"

With Bajir leading the charge, the morale of these orc soldiers was obviously different. They let out earth-shattering shouts, waved various weapons in their hands, and faced Chaoge City, which was like a beast lying tightly. The edge of an orc.

Yin Zhao obviously noticed the situation here, but he did not mobilize targets. Instead, he ordered the archers and crossbowmen to continue attacking the Yingren soldiers in the sky.

If the air cannot be defended, it will be difficult to defend Chaoge City. Only with a stable air can he, Yin, be able to fight with peace of mind against the main force of the orcs below.

Otherwise, without the air domain, the orcs can rely on their own air power to continuously carry out air attacks on Chaoge City. This will make Yin Zhao exhausted. You must know that in this level of battle, every moment will be It may be the deciding factor in the outcome of the war.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yin Zhao to give up the air domain. Without asking for too much, at least the sky of Chaoge City must belong to Chaoge City.

As for the orc ground troops below, Yin Zhao was already prepared and waiting for them to take the bait.

Soon, the number of eagle soldiers in the sky became less and less, but there were always a few lucky ones who were blessed by the goddess of fate and escaped the dense arrow attacks. They held weapons and fluttered their wings and rushed towards Yin Zhao. .

They thought very well. As long as they disrupted the offensive of the archers, more Eagle soldiers would survive. In this way, a large number of Eagle soldiers could rush to the city wall and continue to harass these bows and arrows. Attack by hands.

In the end, the number of Yingren soldiers will only increase, so in the face of this wave of rapid attacks, it is only necessary to disrupt their offensive.

Obviously, there are some smart guys among the surviving Eagle soldiers. Of course, they are not necessarily soldiers. There may be Eagle nobles among them.

For this kind of offensive that does not require accuracy but only requires speed, Yin Zhao certainly knows the pros and cons, so he is very aware of his own weaknesses, so he will definitely make preparations.

When he saw the lucky ones rushing towards the city wall with weapons in hand, Yin Zhao raised the corners of his mouth and showed a faint smile.

"Magicians, prepare! Okay, release!"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of magicians who had been impatient for a long time waved their staffs in their hands, leading magic attacks one after another, and flew towards those lucky ones.

As a result, the lucky ones who are flying at extremely high speeds will be in dire straits as they are greeted by blazing fireballs, thunderballs, wind blades, golden blades...

The Eagle Soldiers, who could no longer change their flight paths, faced this huge magical attack and could only use their bodies to catch it.

Not long after, Bagir on the ground heard bursts of explosions that echoed through the sky. Then he looked up and saw the most unforgettable scene in his life.

Brilliant fireworks bloomed in the starry sky, accompanied by dots of scarlet, and along with the screams, what a wonderful scene it was.

(End of this chapter)

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