Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1043 No way!

Chapter 1043 No way!

"What's wrong?" Xia Zhi waited until Teacher Sakuraba opened the door and walked into the infirmary, his face full of confusion.Xia Zhi didn't say much, just pointed at the cup on the table, and Yamu Mino who was sleeping after Xia Zhi tried his best to put it on the bed and cover the cup.This is also thanks to the fact that Tachibana Aya usually interacts closely with Natsuki when she has nothing to do. Although it seems that Yamu Mino is better in terms of weight, Natsuki also gets a good resistance training.

"Is this?" Teacher Sakuraba frowned and looked at Yamo Mino, sniffing and smelling the faint smell of alcohol floating in the infirmary.Xia Zhi has opened the windows here, but there are still some residues.The smell is quite different from the smell of alcohol and disinfectant. Teacher Sakuraba can still distinguish the smell of alcohol.

Teacher Sakuraba, who probably guessed what happened, sighed: "Really, I usually don't take it seriously, but today I drank while still at work. I need to teach her a lesson later. By the way, why did you do this, Natsuki?" Here?"

"I have something to discuss with Teacher Yawu, so I came here to find her."

"Looking for Mino?" Teacher Sakuraba's eyes widened, and then he realized that he had made a small mistake: "No, I mean Teacher Yawu...Xia Zhi, if you have anything, you can come to me to discuss it. , this is more useful than finding Teacher Bawu, after all, her character is really..."

From Teacher Sakuraba's words, Natsuchi can tell how unreliable Yamo Mino is in the eyes of Teacher Sakuraba... Could she have forgotten all those words she just said when she woke up?

Xia Zhi thought for two seconds and decided to take the risk and trust her once. After all, apart from her, there should be no more idle teachers in the school.Teacher Sakuraba is easy to talk to and already has a club that she is responsible for, so she won't be of much help in this matter.

"I want to ask Teacher Bawu to serve as the club's instructor. Although she has agreed, I don't know if she will remember it when she wakes up..."

"Club? Xia Zhijun, are you going to join the club this year?" Teacher Sakuraba was a little surprised. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Xia Zhi shook his head: "It's not me, it's a junior I know. Because I'm not very good at communicating with others. So I thought if I could help her create a club so that she wouldn’t be so nervous and maybe she could make friends with whom she can talk smoothly.”

"Oh! That's it. Natsuki is such a good boy." A smile appeared on Teacher Sakuraba's face. The kind-hearted girl seemed very happy after hearing the reason: "Although most of the world is full of A kind person, but being able to take action for good intentions is a very great thing. Human beings are where they are today because they help each other. You don’t have to worry about Teacher Bawu. I will wait for her to wake up. I will tell her about this and I will never let her break the contract."

"Thank you Sakuraba-sensei."

"No need to thank you. Hehe, it turns out that Natsuki is a good boy." Teacher Sakuraba patted Natsuki on the shoulder: "Only if you have expectations for the future, kindness to others, and the corresponding knowledge at the same time , talents can continue to improve. Come on."

"Yeah." Xia Zhi nodded.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh~ One more drink~" While the two were still talking, Yamu Mino made a drunkard's voice.Teacher Sakuraba's smiling face twitched unnaturally: "Teacher Yawu, leave it to me. It just so happens that I have no class in the afternoon, so I will take care of her for a while and take her back later. Xia Zhi, you go first Go and do your own thing."

"Then I'll go first. Goodbye, teacher." Xia Zhi said goodbye to Teacher Sakuraba and left the infirmary. After receiving Teacher Sakuraba's words, all worries disappeared. Xia Zhi felt that it would be a good idea to tell Rise and Itsuka now. The news would be better, so I walked past the door of the classroom and continued forward, arriving at the door of the music classroom.

After knocking on the door, Xia Zhi heard the words "Please come in" and opened the door. Rise and Wuhe were both here, and Xia Zhi closed the door smoothly.

"Good afternoon, Senior Xia Zhi." Rishi sat upright on the chair.

"It's so slow, Xia Zhi, how are things going?" Wuhe sat on the chair, resting his chin on the back of the chair. Xia Zhi wanted to tell her that this sitting posture was not elegant, and she was still wearing her school uniform. skirt, but Xia Zhi felt that what he said might change the atmosphere, so he could only remind himself to be more conscious.

It's all Ryoko Yamamoto's fault!

"There's no problem with me anymore. Teacher Bawu has agreed to serve as the club's instructor."

"Okay! Now all the preparations are done." Wuhe waved his hand: "Now we just need to find the other three club members. What is your specific plan, Xia Zhi? Just look for it Go up to the right people and invite them to join the club?”

"This is too inefficient." Xia Zhi shook his head.

"That's what you say, but after all, it's a newly created club. The fastest way is to go find them directly, right? If you don't look for them yourself, it will be too difficult to find members of other clubs? What do you think, Rishi?"

"Ah? Me?" Rishi blinked: "I'm not sure..."

After all, she was just listening, so it was normal for Riyo, who was not good at such things, to think nothing.

"You have to believe in Rishi. No one knows better than you how hard Rishi practices, right?"

After all, Xia Zhi also needs to work part-time, or do such and such things. Although she has known Rishi relatively early, the time she has spent with Rishi has probably been multiplied by Wuhe. It is natural that she will understand Rishi better than herself. of.

"Of course I believe in Rishi...ah ah ah, now that I've said that, I really have no choice but to do it." Wuhe waved his fist: "You have to strike while the iron is hot, otherwise we can start this afternoon! Doesn’t one more performance mean one more hope?”

"Ah!?" Rise had a huge reaction to Wuhe's words: "Wait, wait a minute! I'm not mentally prepared yet! Moreover, my condition today is not very good, and I have practiced less recently. …”

"Trials always come inadvertently. Not everything in this world has time for you to be mentally prepared. Just bite the bullet and go for it!"

"It won't work!" Amamiya Rise kept shaking her head.

"... Just prepare a little more today and go all out tomorrow. After all, the effect of being prepared and unprepared will be very different. Even a super idol will not do anything special if he suddenly goes to the streets to sing. Okay?" Xia Zhi admitted that he was soft-hearted.

Wuhe cast a look of contempt at him: "Just spoil her."

(End of this chapter)

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