Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1054 What a Headache

Chapter 1054 What a Headache
After buying instant noodles and canned oden at a convenience store, Tachibana Aya looked disgusted. Her taste had been completely spoiled. She just didn't know who was Natsuki or Shiraishi Rika who made her become such a picky eater. The culprit.Of course, considering the culinary power...the skill level of the chef, Baishi Lihua should be more likely.

In order to send Rika Shiraishi and Ryoko Yamamoto home later, Aya Tachibana went to drive out her car when she passed by Tachibana Aya's apartment. The short walk did not make Xia Zhi feel better, but at least Xia Zhi Both Zhixian and Shiraishi Lihua took a breath.

"I'm back..." Tachibana Aya shouted weakly after opening the door. She took off her shoes and walked directly to the living room. Yamamoto Ryoko followed closely, then Natsume Meng and Shiraishi Rika. Natsuki opened the door casually. After closing the door, he also slipped on and walked into the house. The three girls who walked in first had already occupied the sofa and kotatsu and were resting.

Shiraishi Rika stood at the door of the kitchen: "Leave the preparations for dinner to me. It would be best for Xia Zhijun to take a rest."

"This is not something that ordinary people can do. I'm not that thick-skinned yet." Xia Zhi shook his head: "I'm going to change my clothes first. Although I want to say that I can do it alone, but It seems that the three of them can't wait that I still have to ask Lihua for your help."

"I'm very happy." Shiraishi Lihua smiled sweetly, turned around and walked towards the kitchen: "Then I will prepare some hot water, instant noodles and canned oden. Do you want Xia Zhijun?"

"I'll just wait for dinner. Lihua, you can eat some first, and let the three of them take the rest." Xia Zhi also went back to his room to change clothes. After changing clothes, he started talking to Shiraishi Reika prepares dinner together.Although he just put down his words and just waited for dinner, at Shiraishi Rika's suggestion, he and she shared a bowl of instant noodles.

To be fair, if cup noodles are eaten boldly, two mouthfuls will be gone!After taking a bite of the instant noodles, Xia Zhi was stimulated by the aroma and felt even hungrier.People only start to regret after doing something wrong.

Although I am in a hurry to eat, food is not an item that can be synthesized directly by moving your fingers on the menu. In addition, the level of the food made by Shiraishi Reika is generally high, and the production time is relatively long, etc. When dinner was finally ready, it was already 07:30.

Natsuki himself was drooling looking at the food on the plate, and Aya Tachibana came over to the door several times and stared at him and Rika Shiraishi with longing eyes.If Shiraishi Rika hadn't shouted "It's time to eat," I'm afraid these three girls wouldn't even want to move.

Of the five of them, Shiraishi Rika, who pays more attention to dining etiquette, and Xia Mengchi, who works hard to maintain her image, are more attractive. The other three have no problem at all describing them as wolfing down.Anyway, after this dinner, Xia Zhi felt that Xia Meng would be very relaxed when washing the dishes.

"I finally feel like I'm alive." Tachibana Aya sat on the chair with a happy expression on her face, and turned to look at Xia Zhi: "Xia Zhi, I want a glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice."

"I don't have the strength." Xia Zhibai gave her a look: "If you want to drink, you can get it yourself."

"It's so troublesome..."

"It's time to go back after a short rest." Shiraishi Rika took a sip of water from the cup and glanced at Yamamoto Ryoko, who was lying on the table very simply after finishing the meal: "Ryoko looks very tired."

"I don't even want to move now."

"Lie down after eating, but you will gain weight." Shiraishi Rika gave a slight reminder, and Yamamoto Ryoko immediately sat up straight: "Who are you scaring? Am I, Yamamoto Ryoko-sama, someone who is afraid of such trivial things? "

If her words and actions could be unified, she might still be somewhat convincing.

Tachibana Aya also stood up, stretched her body a little, twisted her waist and so on: "There is nothing wrong with me here. I want to go back and rest early today. Lihua, do you want to go down now?"

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Because I want to soak in the hot water for a while when I get back today, and then I can go straight to bed after reading a book. Although it's a bit early, if I don't do this, I won't be very energetic when I get up tomorrow morning."

Thank you for your hard work today. "Xia Zhi once again expressed his gratitude.

"It's nothing, Xia Zhijun, you don't need to pay too much attention. This is all the result of me being too complacent..." Baishi Lihua shook her head and stood up: "In that case, just go back. Go to bed early today and wait until tomorrow. There will be spirit.”

"I'll probably fall asleep directly after I get home... It's a big loss to come here to help today."

"I think, given the store manager's personality, he might give you an additional salary tomorrow... Although it shouldn't be a big amount for Lihua and Cai, you should be satisfied." Xia Zhi spread his hands. : "Mengmeng also has it."

"Well, I'll accept it bluntly." Xia Meng nodded.

"This is good news...ahhhhh~" Ryoko Yamamoto stretched and stood up: "In that case, let's go back. We have to explain it to our parents when we go back... What a headache."

"I will also help you explain to your uncle and aunt, don't worry too much." Bai Shilihua comforted her, and then looked at Xia Zhi: "Then we will leave today, and I will ask Xia Zhijun to clean up the tableware. Just take a moment."

"I'll just do this. Xia Zhi, you can go and see them off too." Xia Meng hurried away expressionlessly, trying to protect her right to wash dishes, but Bai Shilihua smiled: "Mengmeng is also very tired today, right? ? It would be better if you ask Xia Zhijun to help you."

"...Okay." Xia Meng hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and agreed to Shiraishi Lihua's proposal.

"Then let's say goodbye first. Sister Tachibana will take us back, so don't worry about us. I'll tell Xia Zhijun when we get home."

"That's it... No, wait a minute." Tachibana Aya turned around and walked towards the corner of the living room, taking out a watermelon from the paper box placed in the corner: "I'll take one back... Xiaolihua, Xiaoliangzi, you guys Do you want it?"

"I don't want it." Ryoko Yamamoto waved her hand.

"I still have it at home." Shiraishi Lihua didn't want it either.

"Then forget it. Let's go! I won't be here later~ Good night."

"Good night."

Xia Zhi watched the three girls leave.

(End of this chapter)

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