Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1080 Xiaoxi Zhang’s family

Chapter 1080 Xiaoxi is home

"Do you two want to go back together?" Ryoko Yamamoto asked, but there was no surprised expression on her face, she had already known about this before: "If you want to make delicious snacks, Please save some for me."

"Ryoko, aren't you going to Tokyo with Aiko and the others?" Shiraishi Rika asked doubtfully.

"That's right, and I won't be back until night. Dad won't say anything if there are so many people. It's time to visit what a maid cafe in Tokyo looks like."

"Aiko and the others won't go..."

"No, because the snacks there seem to be quite delicious. Visiting the maid cafe is just a way to go." Ryoko Yamamoto held her chin: "However, if you are used to eating the snacks you made Reika, there are rumors on the Internet that The delicious cake probably doesn’t taste particularly satisfying.”

"How can it be so exaggerated."

"It's too bullying to compare them with Lihua." Xia Zhi also rolled his eyes.

"Ah, yes, there is a guy who speaks more outrageously than me." Ryoko Yamamoto pointed at Natsuki and complained without any politeness.

Shiraishi Rika was still feeling embarrassed, but Nagahara Aiko and a group of girls came over together: "I really hope you can think of people who don't have lovers, our eyes are turning green."

"That's right." Ryoko Yamamoto took two steps back and walked to the side of the girl group: "I won't talk to you guys anymore. Today's schedule is a bit crowded and we don't have time to waste. I'll take pictures for you in the past Yes! See you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

The group of girls walked away happily, leaving Shiraishi Lihua looking at them with some envy: "It's so nice..."

"If you want to go, Lihua, it's better to catch up now. Don't worry about me here."

"Ah, that's not what I meant. Although it's fun to go out with girls, I don't have as much energy as Ryoko and the others. If I follow their pace, I won't be able to keep up. Even if I go, it will just add to the chaos." Shiraishi Rika Shaking his head: "Should I say it's enthusiasm? I don't have that strong feeling."

"What a coincidence, I don't have any enthusiasm either." Xia Zhi spread his hands, but he felt that Shiraishi Lihua just hadn't encountered anything that interested her. If it was cooking, her enthusiasm would be no worse than anyone else.

"It's time to go. Before going back, let's go to the market to buy some necessary props and ingredients. Today is special training time all afternoon. I have also prepared comfort products. It is a flavor that was only recently developed. Xia Zhijun can look forward to it. ." Shiraishi Lihua blinked.

"Well, I've been looking forward to it." Xia Zhi nodded, stood up, picked up her schoolbag, and walked out of the classroom with Shiraishi Lihua.Unknowingly, Xia Zhi was about to lose his persistence in being the first to walk out of school.

"Sister Lihua should be coming soon. I sent her an email saying that I would come back at noon. Then she said that she would wait for us at the school gate when school was over at noon."

"Speaking of which, Mengmeng should be on the plane by now. Or should I say it's already here..." Xia Zhi held her hands and pondered.

"Mengmeng will call you when we get there, don't worry." Baishi Lihua comforted Xia Zhi.

The two came to the gate of the school. Xia Zhi looked on the road, but he didn't see Tachibana's black high-end car, but he didn't think Tachibana would be late, so Xia Zhi gradually became confused.Shiraishi Rika looked to the other side and seemed to attract the crowd of onlookers.

Although it was a bit strange, Baishi Lihua still found the taller person from that group of people. Because she was very familiar, she could tell that it was Tachibana (fog) just by looking at the top of her head.

"It looks like Tachibana-san is over there."

"There are so many people...what is she doing?"

The two people walked over together, and the voices of the crowd of onlookers communicating came through.

"This person is so beautiful, are you waiting for someone?"

"By the way, don't you all know her? This is Zhuyueliang, who was on TV before."

"I don't read much novels..."

The person who caused the onlookers seemed not to be aware of it, or had become accustomed to it, and no longer paid attention to these things. He still leaned on the telephone pole and played with his mobile phone with his head down.

"Sister Lihua, we are here." Baishi Lihua found an empty seat and called out to Lihuacai. Lihuacai also raised her head quickly, found the target person, and walked over quickly: "It's so slow! I still have lunch Didn’t eat it!”

Aya Tachibana quickly passed through the crowd, ran behind Rika Shiraishi and hugged her. Because of the height difference... this scene was quite cute, although Natsuki felt that her phone would be smashed by Rika Shiraishi if she dared to take a photo.

"Didn't I prepare lunch?" Xia Zhi asked strangely, but as soon as this sentence came out, Xia Zhi quickly took away the attention of everyone around him.He coughed twice in embarrassment: "We'll make a deal while we're walking."

"I didn't go back at noon." Tachibana Aya let go of Shiraishi Lihua and put one hand on her waist: "After sending Mengmeng to the plane in the morning, I remembered that Xiaoxi was still at home, so I drove back, thinking I'm going to prepare some lunch for Xiao Xi, and then go over there when we have dinner later. Then Xiao Lihua said that you have to buy ingredients at noon, so I took Xiao Xi out for a walk first."

"I sent the email to you, Sister Tachibana, during the break..." Shiraishi Rika's eyes widened: "How early did you come here?"

"About an hour, because I also need to take Xiaoxi for a walk, so I think this time is just right."

Xia Zhi looked around and found no main character in the conversation, or the main cat: "Wait, where is Xiaoxi?"

"I felt a little bored just now, so I watched a TV series on my phone and let Xiaoxi play by herself. Xiaoxi actually finished watching the TV series before me. Don't you think it's too much?" Tachibana Aya pursed her lips: "Say Let’s watch it together.”

"As expected of you." Xia Zhi rolled his eyes: "Tell Xiao Xi to come back. It's time for us to leave."

"Today I will show you the summoning technique that I just finished practicing yesterday!" Tachibana Aya reached into her jacket pocket with one hand, then took out a... bell, held it up and shook it, shouting: "Xiao Xi is home!"

Xia Zhi felt that he could also learn this summoning technique. While ringing the bell, he yelled "It's time to eat." Li Huacai would soon appear in front of him and ask him where the food was.

In the bushes not far away, a black shadow suddenly came to Xia Zhi's feet, rubbed Xia Zhi's legs intimately, meowed again, and then quickly climbed up Xia Zhi's trouser legs and onto his shoulders.

It's time to do the laundry when I get back.

(End of this chapter)

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