Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 11 Don't you understand the world of the rich?

Chapter 11 Don't you understand the world of the rich?

The time for studying always passes very quickly. The morning classes are all over in the blink of an eye, and it’s time for lunch break.When the female classmate at the front desk ran towards the small group at the back of the classroom with her lunch box, Xia Zhicai slowly took out her own lunch box.

Enjoying lunch quietly should be a wonderful thing, but there are always a few people who like to interfere with other people's leisurely pace of life. They just come over happily holding a lunch box and ask if they can have lunch together. As a girl from an island nation, Xia knew it was possible, but could she still say no?Even if he wasn't a very familiar person, it was still too hurtful.

Beautiful girls are treasures given to mankind by God.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Since you can't refuse, just accept it openly.Xia Zhi didn't feel anything wrong about eating together. In fact, when he was still in China, because he was a little far away from home, Xia Zhi had to eat dinner in the school cafeteria. Xia Zhi often went to the cafeteria with his classmates. In a sense, He's used to it.

As soon as Lihua sat down, Ryoko Yamamoto came over aggressively.

"Lihua, you actually left me there alone. It's too much! It's too much!"

He spoke in an exaggerated tone and even pretended to be wiping non-existent tears with his sleeves. Maybe he was a drama queen.

"How can there be..." Shiraishi Lihua did not admit it.

"You still said there is no such thing. You disappeared when I turned around to find a lunch box, and you said you didn't abandon me? Really." Yamamoto Ryoko laughed and scolded Shiraishi Reika, and there was no trace of anger at all. look like.After talking about my friend, he turned to Xia Zhi, "Xia Zhijun, what are you going to use to repay the sin of kidnapping my Lihua?"

Xia Zhi looked at her innocently, "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

On the side, Shiraishi Rika became shy due to her friend's teasing and glared at Yamamoto Ryoko.

Ryoko Yamamoto found Shiraishi Lihua's reaction very interesting, and instead looked at her with a smile.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit strange, senior topic terminator Xia Zhi reached out and opened the lunch box. The rice, which still had a little heat in the good thermal insulation environment, was exposed to the air, and the unique fragrance of the rice also floated in the air.When he removed the top layer of rice, the faint aroma of the dish also spread.

Originally, Xia Zhi didn't like eating in the classroom, and he also hated people eating in the classroom, because if the air circulation in the classroom was poor, various smells would probably stay in the classroom for a long time, which would It affects classes. In China, teachers generally prohibit students from eating in the classroom for this reason. Therefore, except for buns and steamed buns with relatively small fragrance, there is no food with a strong fragrance in the classroom. of.

But Japan is a little different. Although Japan also has cafeterias, and a large number of students go to cafeterias to eat, it is still the mainstream practice to bring lunches from home to school.It’s not clear how Japanese teachers feel about the smell of food lingering in the classroom during class, but this factor can be less damaging for various reasons.

One is that the general ventilation situation in Japanese school classrooms is relatively good. There are only two doors at the front and back, and then there are windows in the corridor. Unless it is a very cold season, the windows in the corridor and the windows in the classroom are always open. Yes, the ventilation is very good, and the smell of food can usually dissipate before class.

The second point is that the Japanese don’t pay much attention to the insulation of bento. They like to eat their own meals, but they usually bring food that has a good taste even if it is cold. It is usually ready at seven o’clock in the morning. The bento, no matter how you say it will not be hot when you eat lunch at noon, it can only be said to be warm at most, and the degree of fragrance wafting will also decrease when the temperature of the food drops, so there is no smell left in the classroom. It's as scary as you can imagine.

In addition, if you deliberately bring food with a strong taste into the classroom, you will be criticized, even if it is not in person, you will be criticized in private. Students who have a good reputation will generally not do such annoying things.

Now that the weather is relatively hot, the windows in the classroom are naturally open, and the faint fragrance that comes out is taken away by the wind almost instantly. Only Shiraishi Rika and Yamamoto Ryoko who are closer can smell it.

"It smells so good...Xia Zhijun, are you going to use this to compensate me?"

"I obviously don't owe you anything... If you want to eat, just feel free to do so. I just made it casually."

As a normal person, Xia Zhi would not miss this opportunity to show off in front of his peers.Vanity is also a human need, isn't it?As long as you don't overdo it.

"Xiazhi-kun, is there another floor below?" Ryoko Yamamoto stared at Xia Zhi's bento box, while opening her own bento box with her hands. There were some common dishes, and the colors were very good.Xia Zhi glanced around and saw something he was very interested in - sausage octopus!
Although it tastes no different from ordinary sausages, Xia Zhi is more interested in the idea of ​​making sausages into octopus, which he quite likes.

And Shiraishi Rika also opened her lunch box, and there was another gorgeous meal.Xia Zhi found out when she ate the second handmade rice ball she brought yesterday that the contents were different.The techniques and materials of each rice ball are different. To describe it as luxurious is really not an exaggeration.

Today, Xia Zhi once again gained knowledge. Have you ever seen a lunch box with sashimi and sushi in it, and everything looks quite high-end?no.At least it was the first time in my life to see Xia Zhi.

The image of Miss Rika Shiraishi is becoming more and more popular.

Seeing Xiazhi and Yamamoto Ryoko staring at her bento, Shiraishi Lihua explained that the chef made it yesterday, and because she didn't finish it, she processed it a little and used it as a bento.

The rich people don’t understand the world very well, Xia Zhi thought to himself.The last layer of the lid was lifted with hands, revealing the mapo tofu underneath.

"Oh... Mapo tofu? It looks quite delicious." Yamamoto Ryoko praised, and suddenly said "I'm going!" in a very fast voice, and the chopsticks flashed in Natsuki's lunch box , Mapo Tofu is missing one piece.

"'s so spicy and numb, but it's delicious..." On her face was an expression of being tangled and enjoying.

"That's why it's called Mapo Tofu." Xia Zhi took a piece himself and ate it with rice.

"Then this!" Before Shiraishi Rika could react, Yamamoto Ryoko used the same technique to quickly take away a luxurious and delicious-looking sushi from Shiraishi Rika's lunch box.

"...It's so delicious. Is this what high-end sushi tastes like? Lihua is indeed the best." Ryoko Yamamoto said while holding her face with one hand.

"This is made by the chef. I can't make such delicious sushi." Shiraishi Lihua smiled modestly, "Xia Zhijun, do you want to try it? Five-star chef."

"Then you have to try everything." When Xia Zhi heard the name Five-Star Chef, he instantly felt that this plate of sushi had become extremely high-end. In fact, it was already high-end in itself.

For all Chinese, eating is one of the top eternal pursuits in life.The title of five-star chef is to all those who like to eat, just like the Apple of Eden is to the Templars, oil bomb steel aluminum is to the admiral, and fishing is to Qin Sanzhu. The importance is self-evident.

Even though Xia Zhi doesn't have such high requirements for food, how can he refuse if he can taste the delicious food cooked by a five-star chef?God knows if I don’t eat it this time, I will still be able to eat it in this life.

After one taste, Xia Zhi was speechless.After a long time, he came back to his senses and thought about the pill.

The delicious food cannot be expressed in words. Xia Zhi had the idea of ​​​​continuing to eat, but the reserve in his heart stopped him.What should I do if I can’t eat anymore?My mind is full of these thoughts.

"Should I you really deserve to be a five-star chef?" Xia Zhi sighed.

"She would be very happy if she knew what you said." Shiraishi Lihua said with a smile, showing the calm posture of the eldest lady of the consortium.Then, she stared at the two dishes cooked by Xia Zhi and said, "Xia Zhijun, can I have a taste?"

Xia Zhi's idea of ​​showing off was shattered the moment the sushi was imported. Now that Shiraishi Rika proposed to try the dishes she "randomly" cooked, Xia Zhi felt very uneasy.After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, "Please. Don't blame me if it's not as delicious as the food cooked by the five-star chef." It was regarded as a ticket to taste the food cooked by the five-star chef!
Shiraishi Lihua tasted the two dishes made by Xia Zhi and was silent for a while.

Xia Zhi turned his head away, not wanting to see the disgusted expression on the girl's face. Xia Zhi knew very well that there was no comparison between the food he cooked and that of a five-star chef.Now he just prays that the young lady will not faint when she tastes the food he cooked because the difference is too big to accept. If Xia Zhi eats such high-quality meals every day, he will suddenly eat at a normal level. The food might really make you pass out.

"'s delicious." Shiraishi Rika expressed her thoughts.

"If you use this kind of words to comfort me, I might die of shame, so forget it." Because the words in the scene were too obvious, Xia Zhi was too embarrassed to follow the topic.

"No, no, no, I really think it's delicious." Shiraishi Lihua said seriously.

"No, no, no, I really think your brain has been damaged by the food I cooked. Do you want to go to the infirmary and have a look?"

Xia Zhi used these words to cover up her embarrassment. Although Lihua is a good child, the words of a good child can sometimes be very hurtful.

"Really... Xia Zhijun, please show some confidence. My head is not broken."

She tasted Yamamoto Ryoko's bento again.

"This is delicious too."

"Ah, this is made by my mother. Although it is far from the cooking of a five-star chef, I like it very much."

Ryoko Yamamoto looked very proud when she said this.

"Miss Qiandao, oh, she is our five-star chef. She has been researching new dishes recently and has been very busy. Although the dishes she cooks are still delicious, it always feels like there is something missing compared to before."

"Now I know. Whether it's Natsu Chi-kun or Ryoko's mother's cooking, they are all dishes made with great care. I don't know when, Miss Chishima's cooking was missing this important thing."

"Well, it often happens that in order to do something well, you forget your original intention. In comics, you usually wake up suddenly at this time, but you will greatly improve yourself. It's really a dreamlike plot." Xia Zhi said.

"Really? Just treat it like this." Shiraishi Rika smiled as always, "So, Xia Zhijun's cooking is really delicious, please don't underestimate yourself."

"Uh... well. Thank you."

"you are welcome."

Neither of them noticed that Ryoko Yamamoto on the side showed a strange smile.It was like a naughty child's expression as if he had seen some interesting toy.

(End of this chapter)

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