Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1116: This way, this way

Chapter 1116: This way, this way
After being happy, Baishi Lihua dragged Yamamoto Ryoko back to her place to study. What Baishi Lihua said before that she was going to study with her at noon was not a joke.

As for Xia Zhi...Xia Zhi also started to study.He still has a lot of exercises left by Xia Meng. If he doesn't work hard from now on, he will probably only have time to do exercises at night.

The speed of Xia Meng's marking is almost the same as that of a teacher's writing. You can tell where the problem is just by looking at it. If it takes two days, Xia Meng can finish it all in half an hour without explanation.

But Xia Zhi still had to do it seriously. He was not as efficient as Xia Meng.

The mint black tea brought by Shiraishi Lihua was indeed very refreshing, allowing Xia Zhi to successfully survive the whole day of class. She felt that she could study for a while after a little rest.

"Then I will go back with Ryoko first." Shiraishi Rika walked to Xia Zhi and said to him, with a slightly helpless expression: "Ryoko's condition is more serious than I thought. If we don't seize the time, it may be impossible. Go back and keep working hard.”

"It was really hard work."

"Do you still want it when you go back?" Ryoko Yamamoto grimaced, and Rika Shiraishi put her hand on her waist: "If you can squeeze out the formula you learned in the first grade, I won't let Ryoko continue to learn it."

"Ah, my life is so miserable..." Ryoko Yamamoto sighed.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow. It's time for me to go to work. Let's go together." Xia Zhi also packed his schoolbag and stood up. When he was about to pick up his schoolbag, Shiraishi Lihua approached Xia Zhi and pressed against his ear. , said softly: "Don't go too far, I will be jealous too."

After saying that, Shiraishi Rika stood back again, as if she hadn't said that just now.If it weren't for Yamamoto Ryoko's expression as if she'd seen a ghost next to her, Xia Zhi would even wonder if he was hallucinating.

"What did you just say that I shouldn't know? Come on, tell me the truth!"

You already know things that are not allowed to be known to you, so how can you tell me honestly?Xia Zhi rolled his eyes, and then saw Shiraishi Lihua blinking at him.Xia Zhi understood that he had not experienced hallucinations or auditory hallucinations just now.

As for what Rika Shiraishi said just now... Xia Zhi wanted to say that he didn't know what she was talking about, but in fact he already knew it very well.He could only nodded awkwardly.

Only Ryoko Yamamoto twitched the corners of his eyes, feeling really uncomfortable that he didn't know anything.But this is a matter between Baishi Lihua and Xia Zhi, and she can't say much.

But, don't worry.Mr. Ryoko Yamamoto has many ideas.

Yamamoto Ryoko laughed strangely, and she even looked like a villain with malicious intentions. However, this was not the first time for Natsuki and Shiraishi Rika to see her like this, and they were already used to it.

The three of them left the school together and separated in front of the gate.Xia Zhi just took two steps and was about to call Tachibana Aya like yesterday. Unexpectedly, his phone rang one step ahead, and it was Tachibana Aya who called.

"Hello?" Xia Zhi answered the phone.

"Ah, have you finished class? Is get out of class finished?" Tachibana Aya's voice came over: "Are you still eating in the store today?"

"Well, that's what I plan to do. But I have to buy some ingredients first, otherwise I won't have anything to eat tomorrow."

"Do you want to go to the department store over there? In that case, wait for me. I'm playing with Xiao Xi in the apartment right now. Let's go there together."

"Then I'll wait for you for a while...your body..."

"Tachibana-sama exercises regularly, so don't look down on others. Hehe... then, you wait below the apartment for a while, I'll prepare some food for Xiaoxi, and I'll drive there. I have to go there later anyway. Shopping at department stores and supermarkets.”

"There should be enough time, even if you don't drive. Just take it back with you when you go back in the evening."

"You'll always need the car. You'll need it if you buy it, won't you?"

Although he didn't know why Tachibana Aya insisted on driving, Natsuki followed her and agreed to meet downstairs in the apartment.Xia Zhi arrived at the apartment relatively quickly, and Tachibana Aya hadn't come yet, so Xia Zhi went upstairs to put down her schoolbag.

When I went out, I took a quick look at the kitchen and found that the kitchen was quite clean...


Xia Zhi looked at the kitchen carefully with some doubts, and indeed found no tableware that should be left here.I was wondering if Tachibana Aya had just finished eating and left it alone, so I went around the living room to take a look, but still didn't find anything.

Xia Meng is not here, so theoretically the tableware should still be here.unless……

Xia Zhi returned to the kitchen, opened the cupboard, and counted... Well, although one plate was missing, the others were indeed here.I closed the cupboard door and glanced at the floor. Although it wasn't obvious, there were signs of cleaning.

Natsuki imagined the scene where Tachibana Aya accidentally dropped a plate while washing the dishes, and then cleaned up the scene... couldn't help but laugh.

After understanding what happened, Xia Zhi went downstairs. When he came downstairs, he saw Tachibana Aya's black car blocking the front of the apartment. Zhi waved his hand: "This way, this way."

"You're not just driving on the wrong side of the road, why are you still parked in front of the apartment?"

"Anyway, there's no one around. It's okay. Get in the car, get in the car~" Tachibana Aya urged Xia Zhi to get in the car quickly. Xia Zhi went around to the other side and entered the passenger seat. Xia Zhi also saw the sticker on Tachibana Aya's right index finger. wearing a band-aid.

"Are you okay? Can't you just leave me to wash it next time?"

"Ah..." Tachibana Aya thought about it and wanted to hide her hand, but found that it had no meaning anymore, so she thought about it: "I just scratched a little bit... I always felt that I had to do something. After thinking about it, , it’s like starting from the simplest thing is wrong... Although Tachibana-sama is very good at doing housework, but no matter how good a person is, there are times when mistakes are made, right? If the plate wasn’t too slippery, it wouldn’t be like this. Well, This is not Tachibana-sama’s fault.”

Tachibana Aya nodded. Natsuki looked at her and wanted to say something, but felt that there was no need to say anything and just smiled.Tachibana Aya looked at Natsuki smiling and puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction: "Is this so funny?"

"No, no... let's go quickly. Someone will be here in a while." Xia Zhi held back his laughter and urged Tachibana to drive away quickly.

"Next time, next time there will be no problem." Tachibana Aya muttered similar words while driving towards the department store.

(End of this chapter)

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