Chapter 1118
"Let's go~ Natsuki, hurry up, hurry up!" Aya Tachibana was more active than Natsuki expected. She pulled Natsuki and got into the car, without any intention of telling Natsuki where she was going. .

As for Xia Zhi... Xia Zhi sat in the co-pilot and waited to die, but he still turned off the car music for the safety of himself and Li Huacai.Next time if there is a chance, Xia Zhi will delete this song for her.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll know later~"

"Hmm..." Xia Zhi responded simply, and then looked at this stranger, but for some reason he seemed familiar with the road.

Tachibana Aya's driving skills became more and more proficient, driving fast but very smoothly. The only thing that made Xia Zhi feel uneasy was that she didn't know if she was speeding.Xia Zhi looked at the cars she passed along the way, and then she remembered to count how many cars she had passed. When he finally counted 22, Tachibana Aya's speed gradually slowed down.

"It's almost here."

Xia Zhi looked around and suddenly realized that he seemed to have been to this place before.Before Tachibana Aya's car stopped, Xia Zhi slightly opened the window and could already hear the sound of the waves.

Already reached the beach?Natsuki knew the beaches that could be reached within Chiba. After all, when Tachibana Aya said he wanted to go to the beach, he also studied it for a while... Go to the beach...

Xia Zhi looked around again and found that this parking lot looked really familiar.

"No, are you here again?" Xia Zhi was a little confused.

"Humph~ It seems you still remember, the two of us came to play at the beach together. But it was the weekend, and we were working on the tram, so we played for a while and then went back. I always feel very sorry. "Tachibana Aya stopped the car, turned around and winked at Xia Zhi.

At this time, it can't be said to be cold, but it can't be said to be hot. When we come to a place like the seaside with almost no obstacles, although the sea breeze is quite comfortable, it is still a bit cold after being blown for a long time.But as a place to make memories, it is indeed a good place.

"Get out of the car and take a look?" Tachibana Aya said something that didn't sound like a question at all, then opened the door and walked out.Xia Zhi also followed out.

It's quite quiet around here, and there are very few cars in the parking lot. You can only hear the sound of the waves here, and the sound of cars passing by on the nearby road from time to time.It looked like no one was there.

"It's not the right season yet, and it's night again. Not many people will come here to play. I've already made inquiries~" Tachibana Aya walked and jumped to the back of the car. Under Xia Zhi's puzzled eyes, He took out... a bucket, and what should be fireworks were filled in the bucket.

"What I wanted to do last time, and what I want to do this time, all have to be done together~ It will take a lot of time. Are you ready?" Tachibana Aya winked at Natsuki.

"...I hope I can at least go back to sleep. I have classes tomorrow." Xia Zhi spread his hands: "Don't you think it would be better to come on the weekend?"

Tachibana Aya shook her head: "I have other plans this weekend. Some things always have to be completed in a hurry. Stop talking nonsense, hurry up! I contracted the entire beach for free today!"

Tachibana Aya held the bucket with one hand and dragged Xia Zhi with the other hand and ran towards the beach.Now that it was completely dark, Xia Zhi thought that it wouldn't take long to set off fireworks, and he might be able to go back before twelve o'clock, so he cooperated very well.

Although Aya Tachibana is one year older than Natsuki, her mental age seems to be doubled and she always looks full of energy.With the fireworks in my hands, I was just like a little fairy, having a great time.

Xia Zhi got two of the bucket of fireworks, and Tachibana Aya set off the rest by herself.After finishing the work, he looked at the bucket with disgust: "It's so small... I suspect they cut corners."

"There are enough." Xia Zhi shrugged and looked at the place where the waves rose and fell on the beach: "Would you like to pick up some more shells? Pick up the good-looking shells before the crowds here."

"You even remember this." Tachibana Aya's smile became even brighter: "But let's save this for next time. Next time we come to the beach with Xiaolihua and the others. It's more fun when there are more people."

"That's okay. Is there anything else you need to do now? It's better to go back first. After all, if you add the time to go back, you can rest and sleep after you go back."

"Don't be anxious~ I have basically finished all the things I wanted to do when I came to the beach last time." Tachibana Aya took out her notebook, glanced at it in the moonlight, then took out her pen and scratched it quickly, and then looked at it carefully. A strange smile appeared on his face, and he put the notebook away again: "I came here to play this time, but I haven't done anything I wanted to do yet."

"Okay. Is there anything else you want to do?" Xia Zhi stood up.

Tachibana Aya also stood up and even jumped on the spot. Then she pointed to a rock on the seaside and said, "Go and have a look over there."

Tachibana Aya pushed Natsuchi in that direction, but Natsuchi didn't understand what Tachibana Aya wanted to do for a while.After she was pushed to that side by Tachibana Aya, she looked around and nodded: "Well, it feels pretty good. I knew there must be such a place on the beach. It's all written like this in the book."

Xia Zhi looked around. There was nothing noteworthy at all, except for this pile of tall rocks.

Natsuki was pressed on the beach by Tachibana Aya on the shoulder: "Wait for me here, I'll get something and come over~"

Then Tachibana Aya ran away with the bucket.Xia Zhi didn't understand what she wanted to do at all, so he simply took out his phone to read it, and sent a message back to Xia Meng that her homework was finished.

A few minutes later, Tachibana Aya, who was running very fast, came over and stopped suddenly in front of Xia Zhi. When he raised his head, his eyes flashed with evil intentions. Xia Zhi always felt that such a look seemed like I've seen it before...

After thinking for a while, the corners of his eyes twitched: "No, you couldn't be..."

Xia Zhi slowly moved back, but there was a big rock behind him and there was no place to run.

Like a devil, Tachibana Aya leaned towards Xia Zhi with a ferocious smile, and Xia Zhi felt that she had been trapped again.

Tachibana Aya flashed a bunch of weapons between her fingers, and taking a photo was like living until death.Licking her lips: "Yesterday was my first time. I don't have much experience. Let's practice together today~ When Xiaolihua asks you why you are so skilled, don't give me away~"

"Who else could it be but you! No, calm down! Calm down! This is outside!"

"Tachibana-sama doesn't care about that much."

"To, at least come back..."

"Come and play~"

(End of this chapter)

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