Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1144 Don't forget

Chapter 1144 Don't forget
After saying a few words casually, Xia Zhi turned his attention to the two girls standing on the other side, looking at him with curious eyes.Because their gazes were too intense, Xia Zhi couldn't ignore the two of them.

After searching for the little information in his brain, Xia Zhi tried to talk to the two of them.

"Um, um... hello. I remember that I didn't introduce myself properly last time. My name is Xia Zhi. This is my full name. I am an international student. I am now a third-year student. I can be regarded as your senior. Well. Please give me more advice."

"I'm sorry... we didn't introduce ourselves properly last time. My name is Hasegawa Shizu, and this is my sister, Hasegawa Ryuno. We are freshmen who have just entered school. Please give me some advice from our seniors."

"Advice..." After her elder sister introduced herself by the way, her younger sister Ryuno also said something at the end, and then fell silent. The two sisters looked at Xia Zhi curiously.

Xia Zhi didn't know why they looked at him like this, feeling a little on pins and needles.

"Okay, I'm done introducing myself, hurry up." Wuhe clapped his hands and asked everyone to turn their attention to him: "Don't forget, Xia Zhi has to go to work later."

Xia Zhi felt that Wuhe's words were addressed to a specific person, and turned to look at the very likely specific person, and found a regretful expression flashing across Amamiya Riyo's face.

Xia Zhi originally wanted to be considerate and say something like "It's okay to come over later", but after feeling Wuhe's eyes, Xia Zhi also remembered some more important things that he should pay attention to now... Xia Zhi originally also We should pay more attention to some issues in this area.

"Sorry." Xia Zhi scratched his head.

"Because time is tight, we have to seize the time. Let's do it again. Just follow what we practiced before. We can finally get some normal opinions today." Wuhe waved his fist and looked at Xia Zhi: "If the opinions you give are not constructive, I will sink you into Tokyo Bay."

"This is different from what we said this morning!" Xia Zhi once again felt the fact that he was constantly being persecuted.

"It's a girl's privilege to change one's mind temporarily. I thought you already knew it." Wuhe poked his waist and motioned for Xia Zhi to sit down on the chair in front of the table on the other side of the classroom. Xia Zhi saw the arrangement of the chair The position was somewhat unruly, and I probably guessed that this was where Yamu Mino sat when he was here.

As far as Xia Zhi's impression is concerned, Yawu Yu is quite competent. After all, no matter how many anime or novels he reads, although some of them are club instructors, there are not many occasions where instructors are really useful, except for Outside of sports clubs, there are very few occasions where they need to appear.

The instructor is more like a nominal existence.

However, someone as troublesome as Yamu Mino often appears in this classroom. This at least proves that she is still very concerned about this matter. I just don’t know if this is her original trait or just because she has done a good job in the past few years. Work all day long and then you can fish as much as you want.

Xia Zhi enjoyed a not long performance in this music classroom, only a few minutes, and Xia Zhi was also familiar with the lyrics of the song. It was the song that Rise often practiced alone in the past, but compared with before , now with the accompaniment of other instruments, giving Xia Zhi a different feeling.

Xia Zhi didn't know whether this was the complete version of the song or an improved version, but for Xia Zhi, this was the first time Xia Zhi had heard it.

Xia Zhi doesn't understand music. If he thinks it sounds good, he can just applaud it and that's it.So Xia Zhi's focus is not entirely on the content and melody of the song. He is looking at Amamiya Rise.

This was originally a club built with Amamiya Rise as the core, and it was also the final result of Natsuki helping Amamiya Rise from the beginning. Naturally, Natsuki would pay more attention to Amamiya Rise's performance.

Her face was as serious as ever, and there was a motivation that Xia Zhi had never seen before, the kind of motivation to work hard towards a set goal.Amamiya Rise doesn't know when she has changed. Even from the outside, she is still an introverted girl who is not good at communicating with others and can easily become shy, but her heart has become stronger. , you can see her overflowing confidence in her eyes.

For Xia Zhi, this was more satisfying than seeing any level of performance.

After watching their performance with this mood, Xia Zhi only noticed some small details, but this should be enough for Xia Zhi to deal with them.After all, Xia Zhi himself has no way to put forward any more constructive opinions.

" are much more nervous than I imagined...I didn't even know you were still nervous." Xia Zhi said to Wuheyuan with the corners of his eyes twitching, and the other person stared at the electric guitar in his hand. Looking at Xia Zhi with narrowed eyes: "What can I do! This requires more courage than I imagined. When I was a discipline committee member, I didn't have so many opportunities to perform for others!"

"Then..." Xia Zhi looked at the Hasegawa sisters. Maybe because he had read too many anime or comics, Xia Zhi always felt that when he called this name, he was calling Madao.After hesitating for a moment, Xia Zhi carefully chose the title: "Student Jing's side..."

"If you don't mind, just call me Jing." Hasegawa Jing said calmly: "I heard from seniors that senior Xia Zhi is a good person."

Although they were kind words, Xia Zhi felt that he had been scolded.

"Yeah. You're welcome then. Jing doesn't seem too nervous, but you still need to work harder on using the instrument, but we are all beginners, so just take your time and work hard."

"Runo has the same problem as my sister, but her movements look stiff. It would be better if she relaxed a little..."

"As for Rise..." Xia Zhi looked at Amamiya Rise, who was a little worried, and laughed: "It feels like the day when you want to sign is not far away, so remember to practice signing."

"Ah... where. I still have a lot to work on." Riyo Amamiya lowered her head shyly, Wuheyuan and Hasegawa sisters whispered.

"You have to work hard in the future. If you need my help in any way, just tell me directly. I won't refuse if I can help, probably."

"Probably..." Amamiya Rise blinked, then smiled and nodded.

"Well, I'm pretty satisfied."

Xia Zhi didn't say such words for this purpose, seems to be okay.After all, Rise Amemiya now feels like she can become a super idol on her own.

Xia Zhi had such a premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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