Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1147 Off work!

Chapter 1147 Off work!
There is no difference between today and the past. The biggest difference is that Tachibana, who used to sit in front of the counter to eat and drink, will just stay in the staff room to play with Xiaoxi, and occasionally come out to ask for a cake or a cup. For fruit juice, Xia Zhi couldn't stand her soft-heartedness and her sentence "We have already...", basically giving whatever he wants.

Knowing how Natsuki originally opposed the festoon, the store manager and Mayumi almost had their eyes popped out.

Xia Zhi has a hard time talking about it.

At 05:30, the store manager slipped away on the grounds that he wanted to go home for dinner. By six o'clock, all the customers in the store had left. Mayumi also left the store with obvious doubts when it was time to get off work. inside.

Tachibana Aya opened the door to the staff room, hugged Xiaoxi and watched at the door of the staff room. After seeing that she and Xia Zhi were the only two people in the store, she jumped out of the staff room.

"Ha! Enter Tachibana Ginseng!"


Xia Zhi looked at the two of them helplessly: "Be honest, maybe there will be guests later."

"No, definitely not. I'll check the sign at the door."

"Don't make trouble."

Xia Zhi turned around and started preparing dinner.Tachibana Aya put Xiaoxi on her lap and supported her head, smiling as she watched Xia Zhi prepare dinner.

"What are you eating today?"

"There's nothing to look forward to, it's still pretty much the same as before."

"Then, it's worth looking forward to." Tachibana Aya smiled and hummed.

Natsuki occasionally looked back at Tachibana Aya and found that she was actually just staring at him and not doing anything else, such as playing with her mobile phone or something. At most, she only occasionally had a free hand to stroke the cat. This gave her Xia Zhi was under a certain amount of mental pressure, which affected Xia Zhi's efficiency in preparing dinner.

But unexpectedly, Xia Zhi adapted quickly.Considering we've been together for such a long time, this doesn't seem like anything too hard to accept.

It took some time to prepare dinner, but as Tachibana said, there were already no guests for the evening.Although usually one or two people would come over for a cup of coffee or take a rest during this time in the evening, there was a high chance that no one would come, as was the case today.

"By the way...Xia Zhi, what do you want to do after graduation?" Tachibana Aya asked such a question for no reason, so that Xia Zhi didn't react at the first time. After a while, he felt strangely Looking back at her: "What's wrong, asking this question suddenly."

"It's nothing, I just think now that I will still be a light novel writer in the future. After all, Tachibana-sama, I still have many stories I want to write. As for Xiao Lihua, there will probably be no change. She wants to inherit her The family business. So I’m a little curious, Xia Zhi, what do you want to do in the future.”

"In the future, I don't know... who can guess what will happen in the future." Xia Zhi shook his head.

"There will always be some ideas, everyone has dreams."

Dream... Xia Zhi doesn't know if he has a dream. After all, judging from past experience, letting nature take its course should be his best choice.Not knowing what it would be like in the future, or what he wanted to do in the future, this seemingly simple question made Xia Zhi fall into deep thought.

"By the way, if you want to be a househusband, you should learn cooking skills from Xiao Lihua."


Xia Zhi turned around and glanced at her, and saw Xiao Xi who was leaning on Tachibana Aya's thigh and leaning against the counter. Xia Zhi suddenly had some ideas.

"Hmm... If possible, I would like to open a coffee shop in the future." Zhi Xia said with some uncertainty.

"Is it a shop like this one that doesn't usually have many customers, so you can laze around leisurely?" Tachibana Aya blinked.

"...You are so merciless in what you say. This store is just located in an inappropriate location. If it wasn't popular, how could there be so many repeat customers?"

"Basically, they are all repeat customers. Everyone is a familiar face." Tachibana Aya nodded, and then she held her chin and thought: "In that case, should we open a store in a more lively place? For example, Talk about downtown or something like that.”

"Isn't that too expensive?" Even if Xia Zhi knew nothing about housing and land prices, he could understand the concept of buying a piece of land in the city center of a first-tier city.It can't even be said to be buying a piece of land. Just renting a place can be said to be a sky-high price.

Xia Zhi felt that even Tachibana color couldn't be bought.

"Humph~ Don't be so naive as to think that Tachibana-sama can only write novels. Just leave small things like making money to Xiao Lihua and Mengmeng." Tachibana Aya raised her head proudly.

"What you said...why are the front and the back different?" After hearing Tachibana Aya's words, even Xia Zhi laughed.

"Although it is convenient to make pocket money, making big money will be troublesome. Tachibana-sama hates troublesome things." Aya Tachibana raised her head again and looked at Natsuki with a smile on her face.

"However, it's just a thought. If you really want to open a store, there are actually many things to consider. It's not that simple." Xia Zhi shook his head.

"It's good to have a goal. For the next thing, we can slowly figure out how to do it later."

Xia Zhizheng wanted to educate Li Huacai in a righteous way, telling her why tomorrow will be tomorrow, and there will be so many tomorrows, and then Li Huacai yelled: "I'm starving to death, a beautiful girl is about to starve to death! My meal Here! Here’s the rice!”

"It'll be ready soon, don't worry." Xia Zhi turned around and continued to fiddle with his dinner.

"Don't forget Xiaoxi's dinner!"

"Meow~" Hearing that her master had not forgotten her, Xiaoxi arched her chest in front of Tachibana Aya, who laughed hahaha.

After finishing dinner with Tachibana Aya, there were no guests after that time. The two of them chatted with each other until eight o'clock in the evening.

"It's time to get off work!" Tachibana Aya jumped up happily, as if she was the one who got off work.

She took the initiative to run to the door and turned over the sign. She stood next to the switch in the store and looked at Xia Zhi: "Hurry up! We're going to leave after changing clothes!"

Xia Zhi could tell that Tachibana Aya was looking forward to the pudding. Girls probably had little resistance to sweets. Even Xia Meng, who seemed to have no desire, liked chocolate.

After Natsuki finished changing her clothes, she was pushed out of the store by Tachibana Aya, who was full of motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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