Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1190 Do you want to go to heaven?

Chapter 1190 Do you want to go to heaven?

After a few days, it finally came to the day when the final grades were given. Xia Zhi came to the school, probably to take into account the feelings of students like Xia Zhi who came to school very early. Posted in the most conspicuous place on the first floor.

Either the student union or the disciplinary committee, but now Xia Zhi doesn't know anyone there, and there is no need to pursue this issue.

Xia Zhi saw the results list. Because of the teachings of Shiraishi Lihua and Xia Meng, Xia Zhi also gained confidence in himself. Now he starts looking for names from the front.In the past, you had to search from the middle to the back.

Xia Zhi successfully found Shiraishi Rika's name in No. 2, and it was still an exaggerated achievement as always. No.1 is also considered an acquaintance of Natsuchi, the former Chairman of the Discipline Committee, Chihaya Yuka.

These are all supermen, Xia Zhi can't compare to them, so keep looking below.When Xia Zhi found his name at No. 20, his eyes widened in surprise, but then he was relieved.

After studying with Xia Meng and Shiraishi Rika for more than half a year, it is natural that my grades will improve.It's just that it's a bit exaggerated to rise to this level... For the time being, it can only be attributed to the super powers of Shiraishi Rika and Xia Meng.

By the way, Xia Zhi found Yamamoto Ryoko's name in about 80 places. In terms of ranking, it was already above the middle level, and the results were pretty good. However, as far as Xia Zhi knew, Qian Zhi Judging from the threshold of Ye University, we just need to continue to work hard.

Xia Zhi took a picture of his ranking as an explanation to Xia Meng. By the way, he also took a picture of Shiraishi Rika and Yamamoto Ryoko.After doing this, Xia Zhi went back to the classroom.

There is no joy or sorrow, and continuing to study is the best mentality... But Xia Zhi does not have such a strong spirit. He can't stand the book. He sits in his seat and scrolls through his phone. However, the content on his phone has changed from cooking articles to Just an introduction to tourist attractions.

For questions about cooking, instead of reading articles on the Internet, it is more accurate and convenient to ask Shiraishi Lihua directly.

After playing with her mobile phone for a few minutes, Shiraishi Rika also came to the classroom and greeted Xia Zhi with a smile on her face: "Xia Zhijun, good morning. Congratulations, you seem to have got good results this time."

"Everywhere, it's all thanks to Tolihua and Mengmeng. Without your help, I would probably have to start looking for my name from the back." Xia Zhi scratched his head.

"Xia Zhijun is too humble. As long as you keep working hard, Xia Zhijun's results will gradually improve." Shiraishi Lihua smiled and nodded: "But I can almost predict Xia Zhijun's results. What surprised me most this time is Ryoko."

"Stop talking about you, Liangzi will probably be so happy if he sees it, right?" Xia Zhi spread his hands.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Just as Shiraishi Rika was about to answer the call, there were hurried and rapidly increasing footsteps outside the classroom. Until she came to the door, someone suddenly opened the classroom door.

"Wahahahahaha! Have you seen it? Have you seen it!? Have you seen it!!!" Yamamoto Ryoko's voice, as if she had lost her mind, echoed in the classroom: "Yamamoto Ryoko-sama actually got more than 80 places in the exam! This! But Potian Panic... No, it's simply unprecedented!"

"Calm down, calm down." Shiraishi Rika patted Yamamoto Ryoko on the back: "Unprecedented and unprecedented are both used to explain the first time in history."

Xia Zhi almost laughed out loud, but finally held it back.

"Can't you just make me happy before hitting me?" Yamamoto Ryoko puffed her lips: "Well, forget it. Yamamoto Ryoko-sama is in a good mood now, so I won't pursue it with you. Having said that, shouldn't we make some plans? Where did you go this summer?"

"About this, I just went to Xia Zhijun's house to discuss this after school at noon today. Before setting off, I will spend two days planning the route and other issues. Then I will have more fun." Shiraishi Lihua said from her pocket He took out a folded piece of paper and said, "I have prepared a map of the Kii Peninsula. It will be very convenient to plan the route then."

"...Is it possible, Lihua, that you are actually looking forward to this more than me?"

"No, no way. It's just that traveling will be more enjoyable if you plan it well. Since you have already gone out to play, it is normal to want to have more fun, right?"

"Yeah, that's true." Yamamoto Ryoko nodded, then turned his head and glanced at Xia Zhi: "Are you right, Xia Zhi?"

"Yeah." Xia Zhi thought so too, of course he wouldn't shake his head.It's just that Baishi Lihua's slightly shy expression after being exposed like this is still as cute as ever.

It's just that such shy expressions are less common after the relationship between the two has progressed. After all, when the shy one is shy, the bad boy Shiraishi Rika will appear, and then the shy one will become Natsuki...

However, this situation is not irreversible. After all, Xia Zhi's face is gradually getting thicker, which is still very advantageous compared to the naturally thin-skinned Shiraishi Rika.

"Speaking of which, Natsuchi, you have ranked over 20th this time. Do you want to go to heaven?" Ryoko Yamamoto looked at Natsuchi: "Speaking of which, you did so well in the exam, do you have any ideas?"

"I don't have any special ideas... Mengmeng and Lihua both helped me study. It's been so long, so it should be natural that I will improve. In terms of mood, it's okay, and I'm not particularly excited." Xia Zhi held his chin and thought for a while.

"What a disgusting statement." Yamamoto Ryoko curled her lips, pushed Shiraishi Lika and walked over to her seat: "Anyway, at most, we can just hold a class meeting and then go back. If you have any problems, we can wait until we get there. I am here today Can I order food?”

"Let's wait until the past is over to discuss this. Sister Tachibana must also want to eat, no matter what she says, there will be trouble again." Shiraishi Lihua blinked.

" seems that this is indeed the case. Okay, okay, I can have a good meal today anyway."

After chatting for a while, other students came to the classroom one after another, with joy and worry on everyone's face.Probably feeling the strength of Shiraishi Rika, and the best proof, the grades of Natsuki and Yamamoto Ryoko have both improved. Many students who did not do well in the exam this time are asking for notes from Shiraishi Rika.

Qingfeng Tendou and the others were still the same as before. Although they didn't do well in the exam, they said they would study hard when they came back from vacation.

Whether they still remember it after the vacation is another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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