Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1197 Damn!

Chapter 1197 Damn!

Tachibana was very satisfied with Xia Zhi's action of taking out the kotatsu table to use, and tried to express her gratitude by attacking at night, but was driven back to her room by Xia Zhi.

A few days later, it’s the end of this year. The Japanese New Year is from the first day to the third day of the first lunar month every year, which is equivalent to the Spring Festival. It is necessary to visit shrines during these days. In fact, Tachibana Aya has already called Natsuki and Shiraishi Lihua is ready to go out.

After dinner and resting until eight o'clock, Tachibana Aya was already a little impatient.

"Xia Zhi, let's go! If you don't go now, you will have to wait in a long queue." Tachibana Aya greeted Xia Zhi and was about to leave. Xia Zhi looked at her helplessly: "It's only eight o'clock, now. Is it too early in the past?"

"Too naive!" Tachibana Aya put her hands on her hips: "Visiting the shrine is the most important thing at the beginning of the new year. Of course, the sooner the better! I don't expect to be the first to visit the shrine, but there will definitely be others who want to be the first. The worshipers have already arrived at the shrine, and if they don’t go there now, they might really have to queue until two or three in the morning!"

"Really or not...?" Xia Zhi didn't believe it, and Xia Meng spoke.She held her phone and looked at it: "Actually, what Sister Tachibana said is not wrong. There are already many people queuing up at the nearby shrine and leaving messages on the Internet. I have seen similar messages since this afternoon. A little bit It’s a little annoying.”

"...Isn't it?"

"So, hurry up! Tachibana-sama doesn't want to wait until tomorrow morning!" Tachibana Aya grabbed Xia Zhi's hand and pulled him towards the door: "Mengmeng, are you really not going?"

"I don't want to get involved in something that will obviously wait until the early hours of the next morning to be scheduled. Rather, I'm not Japanese, so I don't need to go out of my way to visit the shrine. You can just go and have fun on your own if you're interested. ." Xia Meng shook his head and did not change his original plan.

"Understood! I will bring you delicious snacks for Mengmeng!" Tachibana Aya saluted, and then dragged Xia Zhi away.

"Wait, I can walk by myself! Mengmeng, remember to call me if you need anything! Don't open the door even if someone knocks, I brought the key myself!"

"Are you going to say this ten thousand times!? Let's go now!"

Natsuki was dragged away by Aya Tachibana.Xia Meng turned her head and glanced in the direction of the entrance to make sure they were gone. She took out her mobile phone again and opened a program that was installed in the phone very discreetly from the beginning.

Although he can't see or hear, it can at least let Xia Meng know where the other three holders have gone, which is some bad news that can't be told to others.

Naturally the other three parties involved in this matter didn't know about it. Xia Zhi was dragged to the garage by Tachibana Aya and got into the car.

"Let's go, we have to pick up Xiao Lihua." Tachibana Aya fastened her seat belt.

"Lihua? Shouldn't Lihua go with her parents?" Xia Zhi put on his seat belt in confusion.

"Xiao Lihua said that her parents are busy and don't have the time and energy to spend so much time going to the shrine to worship at night. They should find a time during the day when there is less traffic and go together. Xiao Liangzi It seemed that this was the plan, so I pulled Xiao Lihua over." Tachibana Aya raised her eyebrows.

"Is this okay..."

"Of course it's no problem! It's better to say that the time is just right. Let's go, I've asked Xiao Lihua to wait for me downstairs! Go ahead!"

"Don't rush!"

Tachibana Aya drove the car smoothly and smoothly to the door of Shiraishi Reika's house while shouting slogans, and saw Shiraishi Reika in kimono.

The car stopped slowly and the window rolled down, revealing Natsuki and Tachibana Aya with surprised expressions.

"What, what's wrong...?" Shiraishi Rika seemed a little shy because of the two people's reactions, but her words also woke up Aya Tachibana who was sitting in the driver's seat: "Damn it! I forgot to change into a kimono! Do you want to go back? Change it?"

It's not that Natsuki can't understand Tachibana Aya's current mood. After all, this is a major event once a year for them, so it's natural for them to pay more attention to it.

Natsuki was about to comfort Tachibana Aya, but suddenly noticed the slightly raised corners of her mouth.

"Forget it, it's too late to go back and change it now, just go to the store and buy one and forget it. It just so happens that I can buy a set for Meng Mengye as a gift."

? ? ? ? ?

So this is your real purpose?

"But, didn't you say there's not enough time?"

"A girl as cautious as Tachibana-sama has forgotten this matter. Others will definitely forget it too! So it's no problem!" Aya Tachibana raised a finger. Although it was very subtle, the reason was so good. Tachibana Aya must have thought about it beforehand.

Natsuki didn't believe that Tachibana Aya had just thought of this plan.However, there is no other way. Shiraishi Lihua has already nodded beside her: "Indeed, it would be too tragic to leave regrets on the first day of the new year. Let's go buy some clothes together."

So, the three of them drove to a store selling kimonos. It looked quite high-end, but when Xia Zhi saw the store manager's extremely cordial welcome, he knew that this store was probably related to the Shiraishi Group. .

It's time to rule here, right?The Shiraishi family.

Although Shiraishi Rika said that just pay the normal price, the manager of this store probably gave a more favorable price, and bought a black kimono with cherry blossoms printed on it for Tachibana Aya, and Shiraishi Rika's white kimono On the contrary, Natsuki didn't know much about the type of kimono, but Aya Tachibana and Rika Shiraishi were quite satisfied with it.

By the way, I bought another pink one for Xia Meng. Half an hour had passed since I finished buying it, which was faster than Xia Zhiyu thought.

The goal of the three of them was the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple in Chiba. Natsuki had always thought that the only place he could visit during the New Year was the shrine.However, Xia Zhi was speechless when he looked at these moving heads.

This is almost what you can see when going to tourist attractions during summer vacation, and it is also a very popular scenic spot.

"It's less than I thought." Aya Tachibana said while holding her chin. Shiraishi Rika also nodded: "Well, it is indeed less if you come at this time. Although I don't know why so many people gather now. Being together makes people feel a little worried, but it’s really fun.”

"Although Tachibana-sama thought it would be alright to wait a little before, don't you think there are too many people now?" Tachibana Aya crossed her hands, and Xia Zhi knew that she had to make a change: "Anyway, I can't go back today. How about we go somewhere to play for a while first?"

Natsuki guessed wrongly the true purpose of Tachibana Aya.

(End of this chapter)

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