Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1199 As expected of Xiaolihua

Chapter 1199 As expected of Xiaolihua
Regardless of what Amamiya Rise was thinking about, Natsuki successfully found Rika Shiraishi and Tachibana Aya who were having a great time in front of a goldfish fishing stall. This made Natsuki feel like she was There's no need to be in such a hurry.

"Oh! Natsuki, you're here!" Aya Tachibana waved to Natsuki. She and Shiraishi Rika were both carrying a bag of goldfish in their hands. They looked like they had a lot of success: "Would you like to try it too?" , very fun!”

"I don't have to. I'm not very good at games that require skills." Xia Zhi waved his hand.

"But I think your skill value is quite high." Tachibana Aya held her chin and said something incomprehensible.

"Anyway, I saw a fried noodle stall in front! Why don't you try it? It looks delicious." Tachibana Aya took Shiraishi Rika's hand: "Although it would definitely be better if Rika made it herself. Eat, but if it’s a festival, it’s better to enjoy the festive atmosphere.”

"But Sister Tachibana, you have already eaten a lot. You have been eating since you started shopping. There are too many snacks and snacks." Shiraishi Rika looked at Tachibana Aya with a scrutinizing look, and the latter tilted her head: "Didn't I fully enjoy the festive atmosphere and my desires began to swell, and now I am satisfying my appetite?"

"That's too much. I won't let you eat the fried noodles. My wallet is confiscated." Shiraishi Rika took Tachibana Aya's wallet from Tachibana Aya's pocket and was about to find a place to put it when she discovered There was no suitable place on his body to store this wallet, so he handed the wallet to Natsuki amid Tachibana's protests.

"Let Natsuchi-kun keep it, otherwise I won't know when Tachibana-san takes the wallet away."

"Okay." Xia Zhi also thought this was not bad, so he took the wallet and put it in the inner pocket of his jacket.

"After I finish eating, I will exercise well to burn off calories. Let me eat!" Tachibana Aya puffed her lips.

"No way." Xia Zhi put his hands on his hips, not believing that Tachibana Aya would exercise after eating.

"Tch...then let's keep going, it feels like it's coming to an end. I feel like I can buy some more interesting things to go back. Just in time, Xia Zhi, you are also looking for some souvenirs that Mengmeng might like. After that It’s better to bring her back.”

"Well, that's a good idea." When Xia Zhi heard Xia Meng's name, he quickly nodded in agreement.This time it was Reika Shiraishi who was standing next to her with her hands on her hips, looking at the two of them.

But after watching for a while, he sighed helplessly, and put a smile on his face again: "Forget it, this is better, and by the way, you can wait until Mengmeng likes something more."

"Let's go, let's go! There are mask sellers over there. If you look around, you should be able to find a cat mask, right? Mengmeng likes Xiaoxi so much, so she must like cats. If you don't have any, you can only find cat ears and take them back." "

Natsuki coughed twice and pretended that he didn't think of anything strange. Shiraishi Rika and Tachibana Aya were already communicating.However, they didn't come up with any results from their discussion, and in the end they chose Xia Zhi, who understood Xia Meng best.

"As for Mengmeng, you would like cute gifts or interesting props, right?" Xia Zhi remembered the Newton pendulum he made for Xia Meng on her birthday. Although when she received the gift, she was The critic said, "The height of the iron ball is different, and Newton is about to be reincarnated from the mud." But she was still very happy at the time, so Xia Zhi also wrote it down.

"...It's really hard to understand. But, you see, Tachibana-sama is so cute, how about I give myself to Mengmeng?"

"You will be thrown out of the window on the second floor by Mengmeng because you are lazy and don't do housework every day, eat so much, and are not interested in physics."

"Please don't be so specific, please!"

"Hehe... Tachibana-sama should always help with housework."

"I'm doing it! Besides, it's obviously Xia Zhi who didn't let me clean the house!" Tachibana Aya said loudly: "If Mengmeng gets angry by then, I will throw her out from the second floor instead of you."

Xia Zhi tilted his head: "Anyway, as for food, just buy it after the worship. As for souvenirs, if you see any interesting gifts, buy them first."

"It's decided."

Xia Zhi and the two girls went shopping together. Although they didn't buy much until the end, the gifts they bought so far should be considered very rich. Xia Zhi felt that Xia Meng would be very happy.

After I finished my shopping, I happened to take a walk and returned to the parking place.Xia Zhi put all the boxes, large and small, in the trunk, leaving a lot of space behind them.

I looked at the time, and even though it felt like I had been shopping for a long time, it was less than 09:30 now, and there was still a long time to wait.Xia Zhi felt that if he said that he would go back and rest until early in the morning if he came back here, he would probably be scolded by Xia Meng, who was resting at home, so he thought of a compromise.

"There are still a few hours left, so you should sleep in the car for a while. It would be a bit boring to stay for a few hours without doing anything."

"I'm not sleepy yet." Shiraishi Rika shook her head: "Because I usually have a fixed time to rest and sleep. If I don't have time now, I won't be able to sleep."

"The same goes for Tachibana-sama! It's just that it's still very early before bedtime, so I can't sleep." Aya Tachibana held her chin: "Even if you want to watch a movie, there shouldn't be any one open right now. There shouldn't be any one nearby. There seems to be a concert, but if the other party is that Amamiya Jasmine, the tickets must have been sold out long ago, and there is no place to go."

"Then why don't we go shopping in the city, because there must be many people not going to worship tonight, and the streets should be quite lively. Maybe we can find a place to rest first."

"Oh! As expected of Xiao Lihua, you are so thoughtful!" Tachibana Aya's eyes lit up, as if she was very satisfied with this idea.

Xia Zhi didn't have any other ideas, so he agreed.

When Shiraishi Rika was about to discuss where to go, Tachibana Aya had already urged her and Natsuki to get in the car.Shiraishi Rika felt that Tachibana Aya already knew where to go, so she followed her in the car.

Xia Zhi had no right to choose, so he just went along.

He got in the car driven by Tachibana, and drove to a place Xia Zhi didn't know along the route that Xia Zhi was not very familiar with.Finally, I found a place to park near a certain park, but it didn't seem to be a lively place nearby.

(End of this chapter)

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