Chapter 243

As an excellent person, the sign that he has grown up is not just age. Being able to plan an ultra-long-distance home route and put it into practice is also a way to reflect his growth.

This trip home was kept secret by me. Even Teacher Sakuraba, who was the responsible guardian, had already explained clearly that "I wanted to give the family a surprise," so there was probably no surprise.

Although the holiday was supposed to start on December 25 this year, this short two-week holiday actually started on the 23rd, because the New Year will be in one week, and every household has begun to prepare. New Year's Eve matters came up.Two days in advance, Xia Zhi decided to bring some surprises to his family. Although the holiday started two days in advance and the holiday ended two days in advance, it didn't matter.

Anyway, I had already made preparations not to overlap with the Chinese New Year.

Going back this time is probably just to work as a free labor force for nearly two weeks, but that doesn't matter, going home is the most important thing.Mom and dad should be shocked, and Xiaomeng might be shocked too. Xia Zhi couldn't help but imagine her sister's expression after being shocked, and a smile appeared on her face.

However, at times like this, my sister would usually get angry. For the sake of her own face and my sister's mood, her parents might beat her up... Xia Zhi suddenly felt that it was not a good thing to have a holiday two days in advance.Anyway, early or not, the holidays are only two short weeks, and if you go back two days late, you might not be beaten.

Can’t Japan set the holiday on December 25th?Xia Zhi couldn't help complaining.The originally easy walk home from the station also became difficult.

Today is already the 25th, which is the second day of the holiday.I flew back to China from Japan and took the high-speed train to the province. Because it was getting late, I had to find a place to rest. I got up early the next morning and took the shuttle bus home. It happened to be two days.That's not right, it should be said to be a day and a half, because when I got home, it was between two and three o'clock in the afternoon, when no one was at home.

This should be a chance God gave me to make amends. If I clean up the house before my sister and parents come back, and cook a table of barely passable meals, maybe they will be in a better mood and I won’t have to be beaten. .

The skill "Homecoming Like an Arrow" is activated!Movement speed increases by 20.00% when moving towards home.

December 25th is not a special day. If I insist on saying so, today seems to be Christmas. However, this holiday is actually insignificant in China. Except for the candy manufacturers and the "Candy is unsalable, help us" Except for men and women who have nothing but always want to do something in this day.

The apples that were originally placed in bulk on the stall and could not be sold by the pound are now sold for dozens each after being put into fancy packaging that costs just a few cents. Moreover, the more fancy the packaging, the more expensive the price.I don’t know what the difference is between the merchant’s Qiqiao Exquisite Heart and Bigan’s.

At the critical moment, some people will actually buy it!If he didn't have his own stall, Xia Zhi actually wanted to buy him a bunch of apples and a bunch of colored paper and ribbons in advance. The total cost of the materials was less than a few dozen yuan. If he was lucky, he might be able to sell them for hundreds or even thousands.It's like a blank slate.

The total IQ of human beings is probably conserved. The smarter these smart merchants are, the stupider the victims as consumers are. Fortunately, Xia Zhi himself can still think clearly about the truth.

"Young man, do you want to buy an apple?" asked the uncle at the roadside stall. His business was not bad, and there were many people nearby who were looking at the colorfully packaged apples he put out in front of the stall.

Although I really want to say to him, "Do you think I'm a fool?", it's not easy for people to do business, so it's not necessary.What's more, the price is clearly marked here. Whether or not it is your own business is not your own business, and it is not a sinister act of buying and selling by force. What do you care about it?Even if Zhou Yu hits Huang Gai, one of them is willing to be hit and the other is willing to suffer.

Xia Zhi shook his head and walked away from Zhou Yu and Huang Gai.Although today is not a holiday, you still need to prepare the things that need to be prepared, at least for my sister. After all, a girl like me probably can’t figure out the thoughts of a girl. If my sister doesn’t want Christmas, If it’s a holiday gift, just give it away normally.If you want to... just say that this is a Christmas gift specially prepared for her?

What's more, when I went to Ibaraki Prefecture with Tachibana Aya, I spent a long time shopping there. Fortunately, I was smart and didn't go back and send back the gift I bought for my sister, otherwise I would have to spend more money.I'm so damn smart!

All you have to do next is go back and make dinner and everything will be fine!At least he shouldn't be beaten.

The walk home from the station is not long, about ten or ten minutes. Although there is a bus passing by, I am too lazy to wait.Maybe we were almost home when we waited for the bus.

After three o'clock in the afternoon on weekdays, it is one of the busiest times. Except for idle people, people who are late for work, and people who are opening shops, there are no other people on the street.Xia Zhi could tell at a glance that the person who was still a student but walking on the road with a suitcase stood out.Everyone who passes by will look back.

It's not the time to go home for the college break, let alone the break for junior high school and high school. It's really conspicuous when walking on the street.

One characteristic of small counties is that no matter who they are, even if you don’t know them, if you walk on the streets a lot, you will always feel that everyone looks familiar.After all, there are not many people in the small county, and those people are the ones walking on the streets every day. You see them once today, again in a few days, and several times in the next few days. Over time, everyone becomes confused. The other person looked familiar.

Then, when something happens, everyone goes to watch it together, sighs, and someone next to them echoes it, and then the discussion begins.Although this pattern is the same, it is particularly obvious in small counties.

What's more prominent is that when you get on the bus, as long as you are different from others, such as Xia Zhi, who rings the suitcase to go home at the wrong time, the bus driver or uncle will sometimes ask Even if the bus driver doesn't ask about your trivial things, other talkative people will ask a few questions.If you were to reveal the fact that you just came home from studying abroad during the holidays, the bus would be like a year-end party for your seven aunts and eight aunts.

The curiosity of the Chinese people cannot be summed up clearly in a few words.

Although it is troublesome, it is also quite lively.But Xianyu won't make trouble for himself.

Walking all the way up, it took more than ten minutes to finally reach the door of my house.There weren't many things, but Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, it felt so relaxing to go home.

He took out the home key that he had prepared long ago from his pocket and opened the door to the home.When Xia Zhi thought that he could flutter around on his own bed, he felt a little expectant.Behind the opened door, there is a scene that Xia Zhi is very familiar with, whether it is the wall, the shoe cabinet, or the door of his bedroom not far from the door... except for one person who should not be standing in the entrance at this moment. A person on.

She was not tall and only reached Xia Zhi's chest. Her cold face had no expression. Her long black hair was carefully combed and stuck with a rabbit hairpin.He was wearing loose pajamas, which didn't seem to have much effect on keeping him warm.Probably because my parents had a sudden idea to put an air conditioner in the living room. Although the living room is connected to almost all areas in the house that do not require doors, the entire house becomes warm due to its unremitting efforts.But these are not important issues.

Xia Meng stood there, her right hand completely covered by the long sleeve of her pajamas, only half of the luster of her mobile phone was exposed.She looked calm and listless, looking at Xia Zhi as if she hadn't woken up yet.

"You're back? Two minutes faster than I thought. Did you walk here?"

she asked, yawning.

Xia Zhi's hand holding the suitcase unconsciously let go, and the suitcase fell to the ground.He looked at Xia Meng and asked in an incredible tone: "Xiaomeng?"

"You're not hallucinating." After saying that, she turned and walked towards the living room.

"Oh no!" Xia Zhi took a step inside and suddenly remembered that his box had been thrown outside. He went back to pick up the box, took off his shoes, closed the door, and put on the clothes he placed at the door. I took my slippers, threw the box casually in the hallway, and walked towards the living room.

When Xia Zhi finished all this and walked to the living room, Xia Meng was sitting on the sofa, holding her legs and tapping her phone.The scene is as beautiful as a painting, but that’s not the point!
My sister, it seems, has failed her studies!
Xia Zhi walked quickly to Xia Meng. When the other party raised his head in confusion, Xia Zhi couldn't help but asked: "Xiaomeng, if I remember correctly, today should be Tuesday, right? "

The other party nodded slightly, answering his question.

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon, right?"

The other party nodded again and yawned by the way.

"Is school on holiday?"

"No." She suddenly spoke: "I know what you want to ask, I just didn't go to class today."

"How can this work! No matter how simple the knowledge in junior high school is, no matter how stupid you think your classmates are, you have to go to class!" Xia Zhiyu said seriously.

"...You seem to have a deep misunderstanding of me." Xia Meng stretched out his hand towards Xia Zhi: "Give me your hand."

Xia Zhi stretched out his hand without knowing why, and Xia Meng pulled him to the sofa and sat down.Miss Xia Meng took advantage of the situation and lay down, with her head resting on Xia Zhi's leg: "This one is more comfortable."

To be honest, it hurts a little bit to get the hairpin.

Putting down the phone with her right hand, she flipped through a pile of "super difficult" books on the sofa and pulled out a piece of paper. She handed the paper to Xia Zhi.

"Look." Then he raised his head and played with his phone.

"It's not good to play with mobile phones like this. It hurts your hands and can easily damage your eyes." Xia Zhi said again with great sincerity.

Miss Xia Meng paused for a moment, then lay on her side on the sofa and continued playing.

Xia Zhize looked at the paper in his hand. There was not much content. He could sum it up in one sentence:

The school has specially approved that Xia Meng does not need to go to class. She only needs to take the necessary exams on time (notified by the class teacher by phone).

Xia Zhi was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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