Chapter 246

Xia Zhi walked back and forth around the house with a mop, leaving traces of mops one after another wherever he passed, connecting them with each other - compared to his parents who like to stand in one place and mop everything around them. The method of changing another place, Xia Zhi's cleaning method is obviously faster, but the effect is not easy to determine.

But it’s okay. If you’re not satisfied, just put it off again. Even if it’s a less effective method, you can always achieve a level of satisfaction if you try it a few more times.

As for the reason why Xia Zhi is mopping the floor at home now, it's just because he is too bored.It would be okay if Xia Meng was not at home, and she could still play on the computer for fun, but now she was sitting in the living room reading a book that she couldn't understand at all, which was obviously unrealistic.My sister hates seeing her playing on the computer at home. Maybe the chosen one is born to be disgusted by such a way of wasting time and decadent life.

There's nothing wrong with playing with her phone. She usually just looks at her phone for a while when she has something to do. In a way, this is a really annoying habit.Only state officials are allowed to set fires... It doesn't seem to be the same. It's probably more like a cruel monarch who forces his people to like the same things as him and live according to his own rules.

But this monarch is too powerful, and the weak minions have no right to resist, not to mention that she is also a super powerful substitute who can control the power of the substitute. Only the substitute can defeat the substitute. Xianyu's fate is probably in front of them. Just like slices of bread.

Fortunately, this kind of life experience has become part of Xia Zhi's basic experience of independent life, and Xia Zhi has nothing to complain about.There is nothing wrong with keeping your home clean, making it comfortable to live in, and giving you a sense of accomplishment.

My sister was reading a book on the sofa, and occasionally looked up at the salted fish she was cleaning. She was very quiet.Natsuki actually enjoyed being able to clean quietly. In Japan, it was the same at the beginning. He could even hum a song while cleaning. But after a few months, a psycho suddenly appeared and came to his house every day. No matter what I do, I am no longer as peaceful as before.

Although it is not a bad thing to be more lively, people really want a quieter working environment when they are concentrating on doing things.Oh, except for the DJ.

The house may not be big, but cleaning is not a simple task. It is very troublesome to drag it under the sofa, under the table, under the bed, in the corners of the walls and other places.Of all the spaces, probably only the dining room and your bedroom are easier to clean because they are relatively empty...

As for my sister's room... I have always cleaned it with my mother. It is the area that my mother is in charge of. Although I have entered it a few times, every time I go in, it feels very different from the way I remember it. difference.

The area outside the restricted area was cleaned, and Xia Zhi came to his sister who was reading a book.

"Xiaomeng, do you need me to clean your room?" Although you are probably not allowed in, you still have to ask. Just like you know that the other person came to pay New Year greetings after eating during the Chinese New Year, you also It's polite to invite him to dinner.But here, it will escalate into a major life-threatening matter.



My sister answered, but Xia Zhi didn't understand what she meant at all. "Um", "ah" and "oh" are cold and violent language, please try not to use them!
"Then, I went to clean it?" Xia Zhi asked tentatively, but the other party didn't say anything.Probably immersed in the world of books again.That's great. If I could have half or a quarter of this kind of concentration in studying, I would probably be able to dominate the school.

I took the mop to my sister's bedroom door. There were many stickers of sea creatures on it, all of which were very cute, such as dolphins and penguins. Is this one with teeth... a sea lion or a walrus?Forget it, it's not important.

He was about to enter the restricted area, and felt a little nervous. In confusion, Xia Zhi walked back to the toilet and washed the already clean mop again with washing powder. He almost didn't rub it with his hands, and he didn't know if it would help. It's useless, just for psychological comfort.

Yo West!a dog!
The moment he opened the door, a strong sense of oppression as if it were real went straight to his heart. In front of him was a wall made up of huge amounts of books that was comparable to a library during summer vacation, and the pile of books in Tachibana Aya's house that looked like a pile of bricks. The books are different. The books in my sister's room are larger and more neatly arranged.

I forget when it was, but I did come here once. Although there was a strong sense of oppression at that time, it would never be as oppressive as it is now.

Half of the place where the window originally belonged has been permanently closed with curtains, and there is an oversized bookshelf in front of it, almost from the floor to the ceiling. This was probably assembled after moving into the room.Don't ask why, because the door to this bedroom isn't that big at all.

As for the other half, Xia Zhi was glad that there was a desk that was not too small, otherwise the light in this part would definitely be eroded by the bookshelf.Otherwise, even if my sister says that this is actually a secret room, Xia Zhi will definitely not doubt it.

Just like a library arranges books by category and title, so do the books here.Except for the textbooks from elementary school to junior high school that can be read at a glance because the size and thickness of the books vary greatly, the other books are all neatly placed, although I can't see the pattern of the placement. But it will definitely not be troublesome to find books based on the pinyin of the first character.

While I was still chewing on my textbooks, has my sister already read all the books here?
The shock of reality reverberated in her heart. Xia Zhi stared at this scene dumbfounded and almost threw the mop to the ground.

Even if he is the chosen one, such cheating is too much, right?
"What are you doing?"

My sister didn't know when she came behind Xia Zhi, looking at him expressionlessly, like an emotionless killer.But she must be rich.

"Ah, no. I just felt a huge impact from my soul and was a little out of breath..."

My sister snorted softly, then walked into the bedroom through the gap next to her, adjusted the position of the book she was reading just now, and stuffed it in.By the way, he took out the book next to him and looked through it roughly.

"That... little dream." Xia Zhi couldn't bear his curiosity: "Have you already read all these books?"

"No." My sister replied without raising her head. Before Xia Zhi could have the illusion that "it turned out that I was just looking at the spectacle, but not all of it", she shattered all of Xia Zhi's illusions with one punch: "Some of them are just rough compilations and retellings. They are basically rubbish that is very slightly related to the title of the book. I don't really want to read it. It would be a pity to throw it away, so I stuffed it into the bookshelf for when I get bored. Use it for fun and entertainment.”

Xia Zhi covered his mouth, feeling that if he didn't do this, he would probably cough up a mouthful of blood.

what?Are articles that can be published in books or magazines trash?Is my imagination too weak?Or is the world too crazy?
It seemed that I hadn't spoken for a while, so my sister looked up and said, "What, are you interested in physics? I can recommend you some relatively elementary books..."

"No! No need!" Xia Zhi felt like his head was about to break.But if I don't refuse a little more strongly, I will probably be forced by my sister into a field where I can't gain a foothold. The consequences will be even more miserable than the current refusal.

Younger sister withdrew her gaze again: "That's right, you're not too interested in these things."

My sister took the book and walked out of her bedroom again, seemingly not too interested in how she was going to clean her room.Xia Zhi held the mop, swallowed, and began to clean.

This is the bookshelf, be careful not to touch it...

This is the table, be careful not to touch it...

This is under the bed, be careful, it will be terrible if there are books in there...

Xia Zhi spent less than half an hour cleaning the entire house except his sister's room, and it took him about twenty minutes to clean his sister's room - he regained the same feeling as when he mopped the floor. Feeling extremely guilty.Congratulations, I feel like a child again mentally.

Finally finished cleaning, Xia Zhi wiped the sweat from his forehead, cleaning this room is more tiring than cleaning other places combined, just afraid that someone accidentally touches something that shouldn't be touched.But my sister’s wardrobe is almost blocked by the bookshelf. Is this really the behavior of a normal girl?Xia Zhi couldn't help but feel worried about this sudden discovery.

My sister is probably going further and further down the path of being an abnormal girl.

I looked around, except for a big doll of Hell Bomber Ji placed in the corner of the bed against the wall, I hardly saw any more girlish objects—this was when I was obsessed with MC before bought.But I don’t know where the slime I bought together went, which is a bit of a pity.

As for the desk, there was nothing else, except for a lamp, a pot of cactus, and a family photo that Xia Zhi had no memory of.However, in the family photo, he and his sister are standing together, and his parents are standing behind, smiling quite happily.

He didn't expect that his sister would allow such a thing to exist in this world, and Xia Zhi was a little surprised.

But it’s not surprising. Aren’t the protagonists in the TV series who eventually end up fighting each other yearning for the past while stabbing each other with knives?What's the big deal?

Xia Zhi carefully exited this restricted area of ​​life.

 Caught up!Beautiful
(End of this chapter)

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