Chapter 249

I believe that many people will have this experience: lying in bed at night not knowing what to do, so they raise their heads and raise their mobile phones above their faces to scroll. The inexplicable sleepiness will gradually invade a person's consciousness, and then The phone you let go of will complete its mission as an alarm clock the moment it hits you in the face.But this is actually not very comfortable. It is actually quite tiring to hold the phone like this, and it can easily damage your eyes.

Xia Zhi is different. He usually lies on the bed and plays with his mobile phone. He is not very tired, but his eyes are easily damaged.Compared to losing both physical strength and health at the same time, this is already a very good result.As for those who like to sleep on their sides while playing with their mobile phones... they probably have all kinds of troubles.

When Xia Zhi woke up, he also realized another thing. It was also the case that the phone and the face collided with each other, but the possibility of waking up if the phone hit the face was actually not the same as if the face hit the phone. At least Xia Zhi He didn't wake up when he hit the phone.

Xia Zhi woke up in the morning because the ringtone of his cell phone was ringing in his ears, so Xia Zhi had to wake up.He took the phone away from his face and turned off the alarm clock. The winter at home was unbearably cold, and Xia Zhi had no intention of getting out of bed.I looked at the battery level of the phone and saw that it was less than 30.00%. Xia Zhi didn’t do things like charging and playing with the phone at the same time. Maybe it was because he was told that someone would explode when playing with the phone while charging. It seemed like a fabrication. The reason for the truth scared me.

He stretched out his hand to connect the phone to the charging cable on the bedside. After seeing the phone starting to charge, Xia Zhi retreated into the quilt again.In this cold winter, only this quilt can bring you some warmth.

But the world is full of malice towards Xia Zhi. Just a few seconds after Xia Zhi got under the quilt, he heard the sound of walking in front of his room door. With many years of experience in being woken up, Xia Zhi dared to I'm sure my mother will knock on my door soon.

Then Xia Zhi heard the sound of the room door opening.


Why didn't you even knock on the door?

"Why are you still sleeping? It's almost nine o'clock. Get up quickly, change clothes and wash up."

"Who are you lying to? The phone I just looked at is now clearly a quarter past seven." Xia Zhi held a corner of the quilt to prevent his mother from suddenly lifting the quilt.She has used such moves many times, and Xia Zhi has already found a way to counter it.Therefore, it is actually very reasonable to say that a Saint will not be defeated by the same move twice.

"Get up quickly. Your dad and I are going to work. Your sister will get up in half an hour. You go out to have breakfast and buy her something to eat." Mom was very good at calculating.

Xia Zhi poked his head out from under the quilt and looked at his mother who was standing at the door, already dressed in formal clothes and ready to go to work: "Now that I'm here, how do you prepare Xiao Meng's breakfast?"

"She usually goes out to eat by herself. But now, isn't it winter? It's quite cold outside. You have grown up and you have to learn to be a brother who cares about your sister and helps her buy breakfast."

"Why do these words sound so familiar..." Xia Zhi thought for a while.

"Anyway, if I come back at noon and find out that your sister bought breakfast by herself, you know what the consequences will be, right?" Although his tone has not changed, his whole aura has become extremely oppressive. , this is also one of my mother's usual moves. If calculated according to the level of spiritual pressure, it is at least the third place in the squad.

"I know, I know..." Xia Zhi couldn't think of any other way to save his life except compromise.But it doesn’t seem that dangerous, and I will probably be able to spend this short vacation happily without any damage to my body parts.

Anyway, I went to bed at one o'clock in the morning yesterday, and it seems to be the same when I wake up now... It's really cold.

"That's good. I'm going to work, so get up quickly."

Mom walked out of the room again, and closed the door to me.Xia Zhi feels that there is really no need for this door to exist. It has not even completed its most basic functions and is just a better-looking wooden board.After hearing the sound of his parents leaving the entrance and closing the door, Xia Zhi hesitated for a while before lifting off the quilt and jumping from the bed to the floor.

Xia Zhi is now like a canyon father with no magic resistance even though the opponent's AP mid laner is already super powerful, his whole body is trembling.Men, sometimes you just have to be tough on yourself!
Putting on his clothes at super speed, Xia Zhi walked out of his room and hurried past his sister's room, where the door was closed, to wash up.Although the weather is cold, the hot water will not be late because of the cold weather. The moment you put your hand into the hot water, your whole soul seems to be sublimated... Hiss, comfortable...

For boys, the simple process of washing up is really a blessing in life. In just 5 minutes, Xia Zhi had already made preparations. He took his mobile phone, keys, wallet, etc. and went out.

As I walked on the road, I thought I might be able to meet acquaintances or classmates, but then I realized that it was obviously unlikely.It is now around [-]:[-], and the high school has already started "self-study" in the morning. How could anyone still be eating breakfast at this time?

Naturally, Xia Zhi, an international student, is not included.

Fortunately, Xia Zhi remembered that her sister's favorite steamed bun shop was still open at its original location, otherwise she would have had to call her mother to ask.Although economic development is very good, if it is too fast, it will make people feel at a loss.That's fine.

Counting the time, there are still about 15 minutes before Xia Meng wakes up, and if you count the time to go home, there are still 10 minutes.After the 10 minutes passed, it was Xia Meng's time to wake up, so he still had time to have breakfast outside.I bought it for my sister after I finished eating, so that it wouldn't get cold.

"Boss, four meat buns and a bowl of porridge, it still costs five yuan, right?"

"Yes, there's still room inside. Come in and sit. I'll bring it to you right away."

Although Xia Zhi still remembered the boss, the other party obviously did not remember him, which was a common situation.To him, Xia Zhi was one of the many guests. He might look familiar, but his memory would not be that deep.But for Xia Zhi, the owner of this store is a relatively important NPC. After all, the buns that his sister likes need to be bought from him, so Xia Zhi will naturally be more familiar with him.

After the boss put down the steamer with the steamed buns and a bowl of porridge, he returned to his previous position and continued kneading the dough.Xia Zhi took a bite of the steaming bun. Well... it was still the same as before. Although the bun was very big, about two-thirds of it was steamed dough, and the rest was meat, but think about it. In fact, it makes sense. After all, such a big bun costs only one yuan each, which is actually quite conscientious.

Although it tasted a bit dry, Xia Zhi ordered a bowl of porridge, so there was no big problem.In other words, this can be regarded as one of the ways the boss promotes his own porridge.What a good plan.But the stuff is pretty good, so there’s no need to pursue it too much.

When he was about to finish eating, Xia Zhi ordered another portion of the same amount for his sister, which cost ten yuan in total.When he was about to check out, he took out his wallet, looking for a ten-dollar bill, but Xia Zhi looked inside the wallet with a complicated expression and remained silent.

Now is the information age. The speed of exchange and circulation of information is not what it used to be. The development of science and technology has brought many conveniences to people's lives, such as being able to quickly buy tickets, rent hotels, order meals online, etc. The convenience is that everyone can It cannot be ignored.However, it was this convenience that made Xia Zhi finally realize one thing that he should have realized the day he returned home...

He, Xia Zhi, only had Japanese yen notes on him.

"What's wrong? Don't you have enough money?" The boss looked away, with some confusion on his face.Originally, we were running a small business, but we met someone who wanted to eat the king's meal, and we didn't want to cause more trouble. It was really worrying.

"No..." Xia Zhi took back the yen he pulled out. The boss seemed to have seen the pattern of the banknote, and the corners of his eyes began to twitch: "Is Alipay okay?"

"...Okay." The boss pointed to the payment code posted on the wall and asked Xia Zhi to scan it.Fortunately, there is still a little money in the card. I received it on my birthday but couldn't use it.As a result, the few hundred dollars that were put into the card were enough.

I wonder if banks here can exchange Japanese yen notes for RMB...

Perhaps, banks in small counties may not have such functional counters at all.

Xia Zhi obviously had money, but he fell into a desperate situation with almost no money.After careful consideration, Xia Zhi decided to seek help from his mother on the sidelines.As for why he didn't find his father whose status was only higher than his own, it was because Xia Zhi knew that even if he found him, he probably wouldn't have any money, because all the money was with his mother...

"Hey, Mom, ah... just bought it, and I'm about to go back. By the way, I have something to discuss with you... um, um... um? No, I'm not in a relationship! What I want to say is, can you give me Pay some money, I don’t have any money on me. Um...oh...ok, at least I still have some that can be used."

A few minutes later, a text message appeared on Xia Zhi's phone. The only important thing was that the balance on the card suddenly increased by 500 yuan.For a mere ten days of vacation, 500 yuan should be enough, since I don’t spend much money anyway.Xia Zhi walked towards home with the breakfast in his hand contentedly.

When I walked home, as soon as I opened the door, I saw my sister standing in front of the entrance and walking towards the living room in her pajamas.Hearing the sound of Xia Zhi opening the door, he turned around and looked over.

Although I don't know what she is doing, but the thoughts of the chosen one must not be guessed by us and other mortals.

"Xiaomeng, I brought you breakfast."

Xia Zhi raised the bun in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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