Chapter 255

The alarm clock rang. Xia Zhi reached out to turn off this annoying thing and got into the quilt. After more than ten seconds, he suddenly sat up. It seemed that he had made a lot of determination and covered the whole thing with only half of it. The quilt on the body was lifted up, and a second later, the temperature that could make people addicted to it had turned into a butterfly and flew away.

Xia Zhi hurriedly put on his clothes, unplugged his already fully charged mobile phone, and looked at the time, six twenty, exactly.

Xia Zhi's goal today is very clear - to let picky eaters taste the taste of eggs!
It seems a bit obedient to say this. In other words, today, even with coaxing and coaxing, I have to make an omelette I learned from the sea for breakfast for Xia Meng.Although she also wanted to show off, the most important thing was to prevent Xia Meng from being a picky eclipse, which was not good for her health.For all the people in the family who are partial to eclipses, I am the only one who is enough!

For this reason, Xia Zhi had to go to the morning market early to buy fresh ingredients and some ingredients that he didn't see at home.Today, even if it's just an egg, Xia Zhi has the confidence to make it seafood-flavored.

I don’t know how long it has been since I got up so early. Xia Zhi sighed while washing up. Not even his parents woke up, let alone Xia Meng who usually got up later.When Xia Zhi left home, no one knew.

It is now around 06:30 in the morning, the sky is still dark, and even the street lights are on. Logically speaking, there are already many people walking around on the streets that should not have many pedestrians. Most of these people are My peers or people younger than me, well, their identities are already obvious.

As for the other part, that is what Xia Zhi is looking for.

In the morning in the small county town, there are many such people. They set up stalls on the street before the urban management personnel go to work. The breakfast sellers will also take advantage of this time to buy some needed materials. It is not that they will not be available at other times. Simply It's because the ingredients sold on the street during the day don't have to pay venue fees, so they're cheaper.And because it is sold early in the morning, it is relatively fresh...

And this is Xia Zhi's goal.If you're lucky, you might be able to buy cheap and plentiful ingredients.Originally, Xia Zhi was not very clear about these things, but who told him that he was a high school student who had to get up early and go to class late at night?Although junior high school is almost the same.I would like to thank the school that allows me to get up early and go to class every day.

However, the morning market he was going to today was on the roadside to the school, and Xia Zhi always had an ominous premonition.But in today's situation, there was nothing he could do. He went to another place far away to avoid such a premonition. This was not Xia Zhi's style.After all, it's just a hunch. Xia Zhi's left eyelid twitched wildly one day before but he didn't get rich, so a hunch is just a hunch after all, and it can't turn you into a prophecy mage.

After taking his wallet and confirming that it contained not Japanese yen but dear soft sister coins, Xia Zhi walked out of his house with confidence.Sure enough, even though we are in an era of convenience where you can pay with your mobile phone, this is a completely different sense of security than having money in your pocket.Although without a mobile phone or money, both will end in death, nothing has changed.

Before I went out, I looked out the window for a while. The weather today was good. At least it didn't rain or anything this morning, and there was no wind. Although it was still very cold, the cold was still within the tolerable range. , it’s okay to just wear normal clothes.

Apart from walking on the street, I saw that the people walking in the same direction as me were all carrying their own schoolbags, but I had nothing on my hands and back... Well, it always felt weird.Although some people have noticed the existence of this kind of alien, they only took a few glances, and they may have regarded him as an idler in society.

Xia Zhi inexplicably thought of Mihashi and Ito, but the reality was not so bizarre.

Walking along the riverside trail, Xia Zhi walked towards the morning market in his memory, and then... After crossing the bridge leading to the school, Xia Zhi picked up a familiar figure.Probably not familiar, that is, the classmate who I met once yesterday at a similar location, a classmate that Xia Zhi himself has no memory of... Oops.

Xia Zhi glanced back, only to realize that he had reached a theoretically dangerous area.Well, is it too late to go back now?
It was probably too late, because Xia Zhi had already seen the other party speeding up and "walking" this way. Although she was still walking, it felt like she had used a gear for herself, and her entire speed was incompatible with this space.

It was obvious that she had seen him.Xia Zhi is not good at dealing with people who are familiar with him but not familiar with him. Fortunately, there is not much time to go to morning class. Judging by Xia Zhi's ability to distinguish, the other party should also be a good boy who obeys the school rules. At least Xia Zhi hopes so.

"Good morning." The other party greeted her directly, giving people a very refreshing feeling, but her own style was different from the previous one.

"Good morning, classmate Lin." Xia Zhi responded with a kind smile.

"...My surname is Hua."

Xia Zhi's friendly smile was suddenly full of cracks.It was originally a one-sided meeting full of embarrassment, but because of Xia Zhi's words, it turned into embarrassment for both parties.Xia Zhi, I really want to slip away now, if possible, I want to turn into a butterfly and fly away.

"It seems that the self-introduction last time was too hasty, so I will do it again." The other party took a deep breath, staring straight at Xia Zhi: "My name is Hua Shiyao, and I am a sophomore in high school. student, I was a classmate with you when we were in the first year of high school. I hope you can remember it."

Although he is a kind and considerate boy, he still feels angry because he can't remember the other person's name...but I will come back to play for ten days!Is it really necessary to get acquainted with high school classmates for half a year?Did we agree to treat each other as if we didn’t know each other?
"Yeah, I remembered it this time. Hua Shiyao, what a good name." Xia Zhi nodded quickly, indicating that he had remembered it.

"Thank you." She didn't express any response to such compliments, her expression remained the same as before.Xia Zhi always felt that she was serious about whether she was a disciplinary committee member or something. Oh no, she should be called a disciplinary committee member here. It would probably be very hard to be in the same class with her.

"What are you doing?" suddenly became an interrogation.

"I, I just came to buy some vegetables for breakfast. It's at the morning market over there. I'll go home later."

"Why are you here? Where are your parents?"

"They... must have just woken up now. But I mainly just make food for my sister. It doesn't matter whether they eat it or not." Although my parents are not picky eaters, if they want to make breakfast themselves, they can also make it for them. one time?Anyway, it’s the same thing if it’s for one person, and it’s the same thing if it’s for the whole family, there’s no difference.

"...Originally I shouldn't talk too much, but..." She hesitated: "Please tell me, are you not studying anymore? Is it because of family background or something like that? I... our classmates can help you. "

Although I am very curious about the reason why she changed her words, if she doesn't explain clearly, then she will be in big trouble.

"No, listen to me. I'm really still studying, but I'm not here." Xia Zhi thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing to hide: "I went abroad to study in Japan, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon So I’m on vacation, I’ll just go home and play for a few days.”

Without even thinking about it, the other party's eyes were full of distrust, as if telling this lie was too clumsy and he didn't even want to hear it.

Xia Zhi took out his wallet: "Don't believe it, I still have sun on me..."

Wash, wash the motor!
Xia Zhi remembered that before going out, he changed all the Japanese yen in his wallet into soft coins... Even his student ID card, which can best prove his identity, was thrown at home. Who would bring that thing with him? ?You won’t get a discount when buying tickets anyway.

Now what?Biao Japanese?Who believes it?Being able to speak Japanese does not mean that you have studied in Japan. So, shouldn’t those who can speak English say that they have been to the United States?

Xia Zhi stopped taking out Japanese yen and student ID card, like a stone statue.

"If I said that what I just said is true, would you believe it?"

There was a flash of hesitation on her face, and then she shook her head firmly.

Well, he is indeed a good and understanding boy, just now he hesitated whether to believe his lie.Although that lie is the truth, but why is the truth sometimes so outrageous?

Xia Zhimo had no choice.

"Huh? Got it?"

A slightly familiar voice came from the side, and from the sound of Zhizhi spoken in winter, Xia Zhi also knew that it was not talking about a physical object, but about a thing he once owned, or still owned now. nickname.Obviously, this nickname is not very appropriate.

Xia Zhi turned around and saw that it was indeed someone he had a slight impression of.


"Bah! Who is... huh? Monitor, are you there too?"

Obviously, the monitor is not talking about himself.The boy who was walking towards me, wearing regular clothes and with his hair cut as if it had been bitten by a dog, was an acquaintance of mine and a classmate when he was in high school here.Because he had such messy hair at that time, people in Xia Zhi's small circle liked to call him Gouzi.His full name is Shi Qiang.

Hua Shiyao looked at him and nodded: "Good morning."

Although Xia Zhi thought a little bit wrong, Xia Zhi was correct in that she was indeed a class cadre.

"Okay, you know, cicada. It's been almost a year since I last saw you. Where have you been?"

"I...I went to study outside." This big mouth, if this matter was told to him, he would probably brag in the classroom every day, "Hey, let me tell you, I have a buddy studying abroad in Japan, and every day... ..." Then who can withstand it?

The price is that the distrust in Hua Shiyao's eyes becomes stronger and stronger.

Damn it, I’m so wronged.

"You're out, no wonder. But you actually came here now and are still with the squad leader. Then I thought it was right..." He thought of something to himself.His expression was very familiar to Xia Zhi, it was the expression of adolescent poisoning that he often saw on the other side of the sea.

"What are you thinking about, don't be funny. It's almost time for morning reading, why don't you hurry up?"

"Ah yes! I almost forgot. Let's talk later, I'll take a step ahead!" After speaking, he ran towards the school.

However, Hua Shiyao was still standing there.

"Um...don't you have to go to class?"

The other party looked at him quietly, and after a few seconds said, "Let's talk tonight." Then he left.

talk at night?
Xia Zhi's head started to hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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