Chapter 270

When he went back, Xia Zhi had Baishi Lihua tea in his hand, Tachibana glasses, a bag of soft cakes and other snacks, a small bag containing delicate Chinese knots, and a small one under his arm. Express delivery is like a social animal doing errands for others.

Although he wanted to open the door by himself, but there were too many things in his hands, and none of them were easy to put down. Xia Zhi knocked on the door with his elbow and made a dull sound.A few seconds later, the door was pushed open abruptly, and Xia Zhi who was knocking on the door was almost squeezed against the wall behind the door.

"Wait! I still have something in my hand!" Fortunately, Xia Meng kept the door open, otherwise she would have to go out to buy a lot of things again.

He handed the things in his hand to Xia Meng, who reached over here. The other person took the bag of snacks and left the others alone.It's really rude...but forget it, after all, there are things bought with my sister's money.It's not that people can't resist, but the opportunity to resist still needs to be grasped.

The method of taking off shoes by stepping on the heel is an essential skill that every good salted fish needs to master. This can save a lot of time. The disadvantage is that if the shoes are a bit expensive, you probably won’t be willing to step on them like this. Of course, in summer I have no such worries at all.

It's quite comfortable to wear and looks passable, right?It’s not like I’m working in a big company, so dressing so formally is of no use.Even now, even if you tell others how well you wear the clothes, pants, shoes, or other parts of your body, you didn’t buy them with your own money, so what is there to show off?
If you say that you bought a four-way Titan water-cooled computer with a small part of last month's salary, Xia Zhineng will kneel down and call you a rich man on the spot.But, you don’t, so everyone is the same in that you are a hot chick with no source of income.

The moment he walked into the home, Xia Zhi felt the warmth of the home. Although it was definitely brought by the air conditioner, the temperature did not care whether it was brought by the air conditioner or something else. It should be warm when it should be warm. , isn’t it wonderful?

Xia Meng returned to the sofa with snacks, while Xia Zhi walked into the room with a lot of things, sorted them out a little, and waited until his father came back in the evening, then brought the wine and sent a big It's better to send parcels to Chiba than to take them one by one.And things like glasses, Chinese knots, etc., can actually be thrown into the box by the way, which can reduce the load when sending the package.

Xia Zhi is not sure whether you can bring tea with you, but there is definitely nothing you can do about wine. It seems that drinks that are not original and unopened cannot even be checked in with your luggage.This one is simple, find a slightly higher-grade box and an empty wine bottle at home and cheat a bit...


It's better to send a big package.

Xia Zhi flicked his fingers, and calculated how much money he would probably face when he went back, and he could still pay it off in a month if he lived a little more frugally.When I go back this time, no matter what kind of activities it is, I can probably put down anything related to money.

Today is already Thursday... the day after tomorrow will pass.Time passed quickly, and I felt that I hadn't accomplished anything. I had forgotten the idea of ​​teaching Xia Meng how to make fried eggs before, and she didn't have much interest in learning it. This is the most important thing. The problem... The money that should be spent and the money that should not be spent are spent, and there is nothing that should be done. It is a mess every day.

People are actually quite mean.

When I am busy, I try to find ways to be lazy and rest, but when I am free, I always want to find something for myself to do.Probably I have experienced a lot of empty times when life is either/or, but I don’t know what to do when I reach my ideal state.I suddenly feel so tired... Let's go watch TV.

"What's your expression?" Xia Meng asked.

"What expression? Did I show any strange expression?"

"Yeah, a more irritating face than usual."


"Here you go." Xia Meng threw a cake over, and Xia Zhi hurriedly reached out to catch it. Then the cake bounced perfectly from Xia Zhi's palm and then fell to the ground: "...If you are tired, just eat some. something sweet and go to rest."

"I'm definitely going to get fat. I'm not the type that won't get fat no matter how much I eat..."

"Then eat after rest."

"If I take a rest, I can wait until I finish eating..."

"Do you have to talk back to me?" He was stared at.

"No... well, then I'll sleep." Xia Zhi wanted to quibble, but was stared at by Xia Meng so that he didn't dare to continue, so he could only compromise and sit on the sofa.The living room is not small, it is connected to the dining room and the entrance, but the air conditioner is still very warm, or a little bit hot.

Just sitting on the sofa like this, the TV was not turned on, the phone was not taken, and there was no sound except Xia Meng was eating the cake bite by bite.A suitable temperature would make people feel comfortable, and the warmth brought by the sun made him dazed.What to do next?
Counting sheep?However, counting sheep is a sleep aid method passed down from the West. The pronunciation of sheep in English is similar to water surface. Therefore, self-hypnosis such as counting sheep while sleeping can only achieve a similar sleep aid effect, and the effect is limited.Generally speaking, counting sheep is just a mechanical repetition of something, and sometimes it can cause anxiety, so Xia Zhi doesn't like counting sheep.

Recall your past and present lives?This requires a certain amount of talent as a fortune teller, and Xia Zhi can't do it by himself.

Think about what I have done in the past ten days since I came back from Japan?It's full of meaningless things, not even the necessary conditions to form memories.It's meaningless, this trip back...

The originally warm feeling gradually heated up, reaching the point where it felt a little hot.It is true that a higher temperature is easier for people to fall asleep. Of course, it must be to a degree that the human body can bear. The principle cannot be explained clearly by an ordinary student majoring in liberal arts, which is a pity.But when the temperature is high, it is easy to fall asleep. Sitting in the classroom in summer, the teacher is talking about knowledge that he can hardly understand at the blackboard. Except for a few people who can grit their teeth and persist, most of them should be typing Yawning, looking for a chance to sleep secretly.

"You can't calm down at all." Even without opening his eyes, Xia Zhi could guess that those dissatisfied eyes were looking at him.

"It's still afternoon. Even if you want to take a rest, you won't be able to fall asleep so quickly."

It would be useful if there is a recording of a certain teacher's class (laughs).Then Xia Zhi stopped laughing.

Feeling something suddenly pressing down on her legs, Xia Zhi opened her eyes and saw Xia Meng lying on the sofa, her head resting on Xia Zhi's legs, holding a book in both hands that Xia Zhi still couldn't understand. Reading a book in a posture that is definitely not good for your eyes.

"Don't look at it that way..."

"do not move."

Before he could finish his words, he was cut off by Xia Meng.

"Now I'm going to read a book, you sleep in your bed, don't disturb me."


The hazy sleepiness caused by the temperature disappeared without a trace. Xia Meng seemed to be using a rather strange method to ask herself to sleep, but for Xia Zhi, this method probably had the perfect counter-effect.

"Don't move."

"You can't read like this, it can easily damage your eyes."

"I know my own affairs well, and I don't need you to worry about it. You go to sleep, don't move around, don't talk, don't disturb me." His tone turned cold again, and Xia Zhi also understood that the other party probably didn't want to Let’s continue discussing this issue with ourselves.

"Your wings have become stronger. Do you think you have the ability to control me now?"

Xia Meng had no intention of stopping and just spoke unilaterally.

"Who am I, you know very well, and what kind of ability I am, you also know very well. Then do you think, do you have the ability to manage me now? Do you think I need you to manage?" ?”

Xia Zhi sighed.The thing that should be the most unforgettable thing, but I don't know when it was forgotten by me.Yes, Xia Meng is really too good. She doesn't need to meddle in her affairs at all. She probably only needs to be able to take care of herself in this life. However, it is obvious that she is now in a situation where she can't even take care of herself. , why did you forget about it?
"Listen to me. I make my own decisions about my own affairs. I will naturally come to you when I need your help, and you know very well that it probably won't be that day. Then leave me alone and do it. As long as you want to do something, it doesn't matter if you fail, I can help you. It doesn't matter if you commit a crime, I can help you. If you are afraid that you can't do it, I can also help you. But don't Come worry about my affairs, and stop meddling in other people's business, are you tired?"

"...I don't really like to meddle in other people's business. I usually take a detour when I encounter things."

"Humph." Xia Meng chuckled: "After decades, I won't be able to tell whether what you say is true or false?"


"Ahem!...Xiaomeng, you are only 13...14 years old now, and I am only 17 years old. It should be more than ten years, not decades." Xia Zhi corrected her mistake. She did not respond. There was a book between their eyes, and Xia Zhi couldn't see what Xia Meng's expression looked like in reality.

Feeling shy because you made a mistake?Xia Zhi couldn't imagine it.

"Go to sleep. Humph." Xia Meng snorted softly, and then stopped making any sound.In order not to disturb her reading, Xia Zhi didn't dare to move. The idea of ​​"reading like this is bad for your eyes" has been swirling in my mind, but I can't say it out anymore, and it's useless to say it...

Just take care of yourself?It seems so.

Xia Zhi opened his mouth and fell back on the sofa. The temperature was also very suitable, as if he could fall asleep as long as he relaxed.Before falling asleep, you have to set an alarm clock... After all, no matter what you say, as a brother, you still have to do what you should do. This has nothing to do with ability, it is a matter of awareness.

But today, it seems that I can be lazy and just cook a meal... the rest... I will leave it to my mother...

(End of this chapter)

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