Chapter 277

Xia Zhi returned to the apartment with a plastic bag of ingredients, took out the kitchen utensils soaked in hot water, drained the hot water, and started preparing dinner.There is still a lot of rice in the rice bucket, so don't worry about that.Except for being a little tired from cleaning just now, Xia Zhi didn't feel any discomfort.

Perhaps it was because his body had remembered the feeling of labor. This kind of professional social animal-like thought made Xia Zhi feel sad and a little numb.The whole person is just like the persecuted ordinary people described by Lu Xun.

Turning on the power switch of the rice cooker, Xia Zhi called Tachibana Aya while washing the dishes. He held it between his shoulder and cheek. Xia Zhi tilted his head and listened to the beeping voice coming from the mobile phone: "Hello?"

"Hello? Is the meal ready?"

"Come over after a while."

"Then I'm going now."


"What I said was, come back after a while. I just started cooking."

"It's almost done. I don't have much to do at home."

"Didn't you say you were going back to work?"

"This is about it. When I came back, I realized that I actually didn't want to work. It would be stupid to go back directly, so I just stayed at home and played with my phone."

This girl is so stupid. Fortunately, she has nothing to do with him, otherwise Xia Zhi would probably want to press Tachibana Aya to the ground and beat her.

"Whatever you want, but it's a shame that you can still keep your job. I remember that except for the month when I first met you, when you brought your laptop to the store to work, I never saw you working again. Have you been fired?"

"Light novel writers will not be fired, and there is no concept of finding a job. I am actually a free man. Even if one day I stop writing novels, it will not have any impact on me."

"No, your readers will probably find you out like crazy, and then come straight to your door with a kitchen knife and ask for the manuscript."

"Hahahahaha, you really know how to joke."

Do you really think I'm kidding?Xia Zhi really wanted to say this, but after thinking about it, he let it go. Although there are many netizens on the Internet now clamoring to send razors to so and so, or there are also many who directly come to ask for manuscripts, but in reality it is not like this. What happened - readers only know the author's pen name and publisher, and the blade can be sent to the publisher at most.Except for novel authors who like to be public, many light novel writers are among those whose real names are unknown, let alone their appearance and address.

Although standing on the cusp of the storm, it is unexpectedly safe.

Not to mention Tachibana Aya, a super-popular light novel author who even her own editor doesn’t know what she looks like. Publishers are usually on the side of asking for help... I guess her editor is having a hard time.I hope I won’t become such an adult in the future.Although he does not have the ability to become such an adult, this does not prevent Xia Zhi from being disgusted with such behavior.

"If you want to come over, come over. When you come over, help me buy a bag of salt from the convenience store. I remember that a bag of 450 grams is [-] yen. There is only one kind at that price. Buy it for me."

"Five hundred grams, 450 yen, okay, see you later."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Zhi started to prepare dinner.Although there is still enough salt for the time being, there is not much left. Anyway, Li Huacai is coming, so let her run errands by the way.

It’s not like she could buy the wrong product with only one price clearly marked, right?If that were the case, then apart from Tachibana Aya's face and talent, Xia Zhi didn't think she would have much advantage when she got married in the future.Although it is enough for many people to know those two things, the cruelty of reality will not let anyone go because of such a small problem.

A few minutes later, Tachibana Aya knocked on the door of the apartment. She was much faster than Xia Zhi expected.The moment he opened the door, Xia Zhi was in despair. He saw the plastic bag in Tachibana Aya's hand that was obviously not a good size.

"Aren't you...are all these plastic bags made of salt? It will be enough for several years..."

"I'm not that stupid, okay! I only bought two bags. I still understand this, okay?" Tachibana Aya took out two bags of salt that Natsuki still recognized from the plastic bag and handed them to them. Xia Zhi: "The rest are snacks I bought."

"You scared me to death..." Xia Zhi took the two bags of salt with a somewhat painful expression. It really takes a big heart to talk to Tachibana Aya.

"Although I don't know how to cook, you can't treat me like a fool." Tachibana said angrily, with the hand holding the plastic bag on her waist: "Why do you feel like you've become more and more talkative since you came back from vacation this time?" It's annoying."

"Don't be angry. I'll cook you something delicious." Xia Zhi was wronged, and the person who was wronged naturally had to pay the corresponding price.At first, she was a little worried that she might be even more angry, but in the end, she was different. Tachibana Aya's face changed instantly after hearing these words: "What's so delicious? Let me tell you first that I don't forgive you, it's just for the sake of you." It’s just for the sake of the delicious food.”

"Go sit on the sofa. I'll call you later. No snacks allowed. Just leave them for me to take back to eat."

"...Why do I think I am the one who is wronged?"

Tachibana Aya has one good thing, that is, she doesn't go into details. She walked to the living room carrying the plastic bag. The plastic bag was placed on the freshly cleaned floor, and she nestled into the sofa again.

"Xia Zhi, where did you dismantle the kotatsu?"

"I told you that it needs to be dried in the sun. Although there is no sun now, I can only use it to blow in the air."

"But, it's still very cold... Can you close the window first?"

"Close it. The cleaning has been finished a long time ago, and there is no wind now. If you feel cold, close it first, otherwise it will be bad if you catch a cold later."


Tachibana went to close the window. Although the temperature is still within my tolerance, Tachibana is a guy who is quite afraid of the cold. I vaguely remember that her heat resistance seems to be not very good. She is basically only suitable for living in spring.

"Hiss, it's still cold even if the windows are closed. Xia Zhi, do you want to consider buying another air conditioner? It can be used even in summer."

"No, definitely not buying it." Xia Zhi flatly refused.

"Don't be so determined. Buying an air conditioner is very comfortable."

"I seem to remember someone saying that he doesn't like air conditioners that much? Is it an illusion?"

"Oh my god, I don't remember saying that."

I didn’t say it was you. Didn’t you just blow yourself up?Xia Zhi thought to himself and continued to cook dinner.

"Speaking of which, if you can come back a few days early, you can make it in time for the New Year. It's very fun, including memorial ceremonies, temple fairs, shrine visits, etc. It took me a whole day to visit them all by myself. This year During the Chinese New Year, many foreigners came to visit, and it was much more crowded than before, but it was still quite lively. There were also many people from China, although they usually visited Kyoto, or went to somewhere like Hachimangu Shrine. It’s a very famous place in a sense, but during the Chinese New Year memorial ceremony, about one-fifth to one-sixth of the people inside come from outside to visit, which is honestly weird.”

"Because technology is becoming more and more developed, it is now very convenient to travel abroad. It is also a good choice to take advantage of the break and vacation. You think there are more foreigners coming to Japan, and I also think there are more foreigners coming to China. More and more Japanese people are traveling. I met an interesting uncle before I took the plane. I don’t know why, but the ticket for the connecting flight was gone, and I couldn’t speak the language when I went to get a replacement ticket. It's almost becoming a problem." Xia Zhi recalled.

"What, is there such an interesting thing?"

"Don't take other people's misfortune as fun. However, although he looks like a very ordinary middle-aged man, he seems to be very rich... It seems that he was in a hurry, so he directly said, 'Spend more money It’s okay, because it’s a very important meeting, so please be sure to buy a ticket.” In this way, when I was translating for the ticket window, they thought I was a scalper who deliberately raised the ticket price, that is, a ticket dealer, a unique Chinese illegal Profession."

"A unique illegal profession...can it still become a profession if it is already illegal? China is really powerful..."

Tachibana Aya said with wide eyes.

In this era of endless professional audiences and Internet trolls, professions like scalpers really don’t have much visibility.

"Anyway, something like this has happened. From my perspective, it is normal for more Chinese tourists to travel to Japan, because after all, it is such a close place and it is an island country with good scenery. It is very difficult to travel abroad. The choice priority is also relatively high. China is also developing rapidly, and interesting things are being built in droves. There are also many Japanese businessmen who want to do business in China, right? For example, who did I meet before I got on the plane? One."

"Well... after all, this is an era where money is not a problem." Aya Tachibana said in a deeply touching tone.

"Do you have a position in saying this?"

"So? What's the aftermath of that incident?"

"What else can be done... After I bought the ticket for that uncle under pressure, I said a few words of thanks because I was too pressed for time and then ran to catch the plane. Although life seems to be very fulfilling, but To be fulfilled like that, I don’t want that kind of future a little bit..."

"I think so too, but if you have this mentality from the beginning, you won't be able to survive in Japanese society. Maybe it's the level where you will be fired by your boss on the fifth day after joining the company?"

"Isn't your explanation too specific?" She said it as if she had experienced it herself, but this shouldn't be possible, right?Even a person of Tachibana Aya's level cannot possibly have worked in a company at this age, right?It’s not like Ha Yatai, he can also lie about his age to deliver express, and his salary will be claimed by unscrupulous parents.

"That's pretty much what happens in this world."

"Stop talking about those useless things and get ready to eat."

While chatting for a while, Xia Zhi had already prepared dinner.

"I'm coming."

Tachibana Aya quickly walked from the sofa to the dining table and saw Xia Zhizheng holding a plate in one hand and wiping the table with a rag in the other.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I just suddenly remembered that I haven't wiped the table yet. Bring it to me, I'll wipe it first. Don't sit on the chair, the chair hasn't been wiped either."

"Wow... Do you have amnesia at such a young age?"

"It's so noisy! I finished cleaning an apartment by myself."

"So, I said I wanted to help but you didn't want it."

"Would you please increase my workload and financial loss?"


Tachibana Aya was so angry that she couldn't speak, and she could hardly hold the plate in her hand.

"Huh, sooner or later I'm going to develop my cleaning skills that will make you jaw-dropping."

"...I think it's enough to make me 'jawed' right now."

After wiping the dining table and chairs, Tachibana asked Tachibana to put the plates on the dining table, and then went to get the other plates.It's okay, just three dishes and one soup, which is a bit much for Natsuki, but Tachibana Aya is also sitting here, so the quantity and quality should be quite suitable.

"Finally... finally I can have a normal dinner."

"Why do you say it so tragically? Is it really okay to continue like this? Although you said you have always been like this, if you don't even take care of three meals, your body will collapse."

"Although I eat things I don't like, I still eat three meals a day." Tachibana sighed: "After all, appetite is one of the ultimate desires of human beings. By the way, you know What is another ultimate human desire?”

"Want to sleep?" Xia Zhi made a guess.

"Bingo!" Tachibana Aya's "Bingo" sound made Xia Zhi feel very uncomfortable. Sure enough, this is a nation whose English is slightly different from the standard accent.

"I thought you'd say sexual desire?"

Xia Zhi looked struggling: "I don't think that is a suitable topic for discussion."

"Are there any high school boys who are not interested in this topic nowadays? Why not take this opportunity to tell me what type you like."

"No, I basically just don't want to fall in love, and I have basically never considered similar things. I have nothing to say." Xia Zhi shook his head.

"Not to mention being a male, you are a failure as a human being..."

"It's so noisy. Human life is limited. If you invest your energy in such a meaningless thing at such an early time, you will definitely regret it later."


Li Huacai's expression was complicated, and Xia Zhi could see that her eyes were full of pity, or something similar, anyway, she was uncomfortable no matter how she looked at it.

"Eat yours. Don't expect me to make it for you again when the food gets cold."

"No matter how you say it, you won't be so delicate. Forget it, I'll talk about this topic later, anyway, there is still a lot of time."

Tachibana Aya clasped her hands together, said "I'm starting", then raised her chopsticks and started eating.

Xia Zhi hadn't developed such a habit yet, so he moved his chopsticks directly.

(End of this chapter)

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