Chapter 279

Xia Zhi sat down in the coffee shop. The plate with the word "CLOSE" still hanging on the door was not turned over, so it was still the same. Xia Zhi searched for the place where the key was hidden before and found the spare key.If anyone else finds the location of this key, this store may close down.Fortunately, nothing like this has happened yet.

I opened the door with the key, and when I pushed the door open, I heard the familiar sound of wind chimes.Although it was still afternoon, the store couldn't be said to be very bright.Xia Zhi didn't rush to turn on the light. He walked to the table and scratched the table with his fingers. He didn't feel any dust or anything like that. It was probably open for business, and it must have been cleaned at least yesterday.

In this way, there shouldn't be any stupid things like suddenly finding out that you don't have to go to work today after finishing cleaning.

Xia Zhi turned on the lights in the store, and the space became slightly brighter. The layout of the store was familiar, and there was no change at all, or at all.After all, the store manager and his family also went to rest during the Chinese New Year, and there were no New Year activities or anything like that. When they came back and resumed business, there was no need for new decorations.

Xia Zhi walked to the counter, reached out and touched in the schoolbag behind him, and found a bottle of Wahaha... bottled liquor. This was a return gift specially brought from home.I originally thought about changing the packaging to a more refined one, but after much deliberation, I couldn't find anything suitable, so I simply bought a bottle of water, drank it, and brought it over with the wine.

After putting the wine in the refrigerator, Xia Zhi took her schoolbag and walked into the changing room to change clothes.Halfway through changing his clothes, Xia Zhi heard some noise, which seemed to be the sound of a wind chime vibrating when the store door was opened.Is it Tachibana color?After all, she is usually the one who comes here at this time.Xia Zhi changed his clothes slowly. After he finished changing, he walked out of the staff room. He felt someone moving at the counter and turned around to look. There was a middle-aged man holding a bottle of Xia Zhi. I know that the plastic bottle I just put in has the lid on.

"Good afternoon, New Year... No! Wait! Don't drink!"


The store manager made a confused sound, and then poured some transparent liquid into his mouth. There was no way to save him.Xia Zhi stared at him dumbfounded.

The store manager took a big gulp of white wine. As soon as he swallowed it, he was stunned. Then his face twisted: "Ah! Spicy! Spicy! Spicy!" He put the bottle on the counter and turned to look at it. He turned to Xia Zhi and said, "What is this? Why is it so spicy!" while fanning his mouth with his hands.

"...[-]-degree white wine." Xia Zhi had a complicated expression on his face, with a vague mood of watching the excitement.

The store manager stopped fanning his mouth, pointed at Xia Zhi with a trembling hand, and then...he immediately fell down on the counter.He seemed to be drunk.

After all, the most commonly consumed alcoholic beverages are sake and beer, both of which are low-alcohol alcoholic beverages. As soon as he started drinking liquor with an alcohol content of up to [-] degrees, and drank so much in one gulp and swallowed it directly, Xia Zhi was a little worried that he could I can't bear it anymore, and I'm considering whether to call and send him to the hospital.

The only thing that could give Xia Zhi some comfort was that he might be able to confirm later that this was not fake wine.

By the way, what is the emergency number in Japan? 911 or 119?

Xia Zhi took out his cell phone and pressed it quickly, looking for the emergency number.This is nothing to joke about - OK, the emergency number is 119.

Xia Zhi dialed the number: "Hello?"

"Hello, please tell me what happened, how serious the situation is and where it happened, and we will rush there immediately."

"Oh, a man drank a sip of [-]-proof white wine and fainted. The situation... I think he won't wake up for a while. Please come over as soon as possible. The address is..."

After Xia Zhi finished speaking, it took about five or six seconds before the other party replied, "I'll be there soon." They were probably stunned when they heard the "illness". Their professionalism was worthy of recognition if they could reply.

"It's troublesome... I wonder if Sister Sayuri will be angry." Xia Zhi thought for a while, and it would be better to help the store manager to the chair first.Although he is a middle-aged uncle, he is not heavy except for the weight. Xia Zhi can still lift him by himself.

Here Xia Zhigang stood up the store manager, and the store door was pushed open again, and the person who walked in was... Tachibana Aya.

"This afternoon...what are you doing?"

"Come here and help me get to the chair first."

"oh oh."

As soon as Tachibana Aya came over, she smelled something.

"It smells so strong, have you been drinking?"

"I didn't drink it, the store manager did." Xia Zhi told the truth.

"Is it really okay to drink until you're drunk in broad daylight?"

"There is a deep reason for this. I will explain it to you later."

It took some effort to put the store manager on the chair and let him lie down on the table.Although the table hasn't been wiped yet, it can't be wiped now.

"So? What happened?"

"The store manager took a sip of the gift I brought to him like water, and that's what happened."

"...It's really concise." Tachibana Aya complained: "Then what should I do now, should I call an ambulance?"

"I've already called. I'll be here in a moment. Not many people in China can drink so much [-]-proof liquor in one gulp... I'm mainly afraid that something will happen to his body." Xia Zhi struggled: "I Let’s call Sayuri-san first.”

After the call was connected, Xia Zhi explained it to Sister Sayuri and received a silent response from the other party.Just when Xia Zhi thought she was angry, he was comforted in turn: "Don't worry too much, Dazhi usually drinks, although this is the first time he drank so much alcohol at one time... But it should be fine. The ambulance will arrive later. Please take him to the hospital, I will go over to see him later."

"I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's okay. Happy New Year by the way."

"Happy New Year, Sister Sayuri. Then I'll hang up."

"Okay, see you later."

The phone hangs up.

"So are you waiting for the ambulance now?"

"Ah. I will accompany the store manager to the hospital later, so I don't have to open the store for the time being. By the way, does Mayumi still work here?"

"He's still here. I met him at school today. I said goodbye later."

"Then you can explain it to Mayumi when she comes. I'll probably come over again later."

"...It's so troublesome. I don't want to do anything without pay." Tachibana Aya stared at Natsuki with her eyes, as if she was reciting lines without any emotion.

Xia Zhi's eyes twitched: "I'll prepare delicious dinner for you."

"Leave it to me!" Tachibana Aya patted her chest, Xia Zhi said goodbye and looked away.

After a while, the ambulance arrived, and Xia Zhi got into the ambulance with the store manager.To be honest, this was Xia Zhi's first time riding in an ambulance. Although I felt a little sorry for the store manager, Xia Zhi still felt it was quite novel.

After being sent to the hospital, the hospital staff quickly arranged a room for the store manager to rest. He was still sleeping on the bed with a bottle of medicine hanging next to him. This made Xia Zhi become very uneasy. He always felt that the store manager seemed to be out of touch. It was like something serious had happened, with such a sense of guilt.

Then an old-looking doctor said next to him: "Even people who drink regularly can't drink like this? That's [-]-proof alcohol. The only people in the world who can drink like this are Russians, right?" "

"...I'm sorry." Xia Zhi almost laughed out loud, lamenting that the store manager had unintentionally challenged the macho world.

"You don't have to worry. It's just that you can't bear it after drinking a high degree of alcohol all at once and you're just drunk. Just rest and rest. Don't drink alcohol in the next few days and drink more hot water." After a few words of advice, the doctor said left.

After waiting next to the bed for about ten minutes, the door of the ward was opened, and in came Sister Sayuri, who had not seen her for a long time.

Xia Zhi greeted her.

"How's it going?"

"Still sleeping. The doctor said he was just drunk. No need to take medicine or anything else. Rest for a few more days. Don't drink alcohol. Drink more hot water or something."

"Really, I caused you so much trouble as soon as I came back."

"'s me who's causing the trouble. It was so inconsiderate of me to put the wine bottle in the refrigerator."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry anymore." Sister Sayuri smiled, seeming to comfort Xia Zhi: "Did you still have a good time in the New Year?"

"Fortunately, staying at home is a bit boring, and I kind of want to come over early." No one who missed both the Japanese New Year and the Chinese New Year thought of this tragic fact again, and put on a wry smile on his face.

"Oh, by the way, the gift... I left it in the store."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. Didn't you bring a gift for Dazhi?"

"Which one is a thank-you gift for asking the store manager to buy me wine. And the gift is mainly for Xiaoyao, although it's not something valuable."

"Then let Dazhi take it back when he goes to the store next time. Or he can bring it over when he goes to our house for dinner in the past two days." Refusal is not allowed, although Sister Sayuri did not say these words. , but Xia Zhi understood that her words did have such meaning.

"I understand." Xia Zhi accepted it awkwardly.

"It's good to know. You still have work, right? I'll take care of Dazhi next. You can go back first."

"But Sayuri-san, don't you also have a job?"

"I applied for early leave today. I haven't asked for leave for a long time. My boss won't embarrass me. Go back quickly. Although Mayumi has been working for a long time, it is still a bit difficult for her alone."

Xia Zhi stood up. He also knew that Sister Sayuri probably didn't want to worry about him here anymore.

"Then I'll go back first. If you need my help with anything, just call me. I promise to be on call."

After coming out of the hospital, Xia Zhi walked towards the coffee shop, and then he realized that he didn't know the way back to the coffee shop.I used to come here by ambulance, just to experience the novelty... And I was basically free of illness and disaster before, and I never went to the hospital. Now how to go back has become a problem.

Come out!Almighty Google Maps!

Then according to the map, Xia Zhi spent nearly 10 minutes walking back to the coffee shop, and his familiarity with Chiba deepened again.One day, I will use my own legs to travel throughout Chiba.

When I opened the door of the coffee shop, I heard the familiar sound of wind chimes and the familiar "Welcome".

"Eh? Natsuki? Are you back?" Mayumi looked a little surprised: "But that's right, school has started."

"Long time no see, Mayumi." Xia Zhi also said hello to the other party.

"I don't know why you came back from outside in uniform, but come here and help! I'm almost overwhelmed! Tachibana-senpai is still causing trouble for me!"

"I didn't! Don't talk nonsense!" Tachibana Aya, who was sitting at the counter next to her, defended herself, but Natsuki didn't know why she felt that her words were not credible, so she turned to look at Mayumi.

"If she causes trouble again in the future, just throw her out."

"It can't be thrown out! And it can't be thrown out either!"

Xia Zhi scratched his hair: "Then just tell her that if she keeps doing this, she won't have dinner."

"..." Mayumi blinked: "I understand."

"Hey! You can't be so despicable! You actually threatened me with dinner. Are you devils?"

Xia Zhi glanced at her: "If you had been better, this wouldn't have happened."

"Okay! Go and prepare some snacks! Two matcha cakes, one cappuccino, one cup of hot cocoa."

Xia Zhi was pushed to the counter by Mayumi, and Xia Zhi walked in by himself.

"You actually bullied me with Mayumi. I misjudged you."

"Think of what you've done."

Natsuki ignored her. There was already a coffee cup and an unfinished cake in front of her. It seemed that Mayumi had already solved this problem for him.It's okay to leave her alone for now.

Xia Zhi washed his hands and started preparing some snacks and coffee.It was just a fifteen-day long vacation. Xia Zhi had not forgotten how to work. The counter had already been cleaned, and Mayumi should have done it for him.

Two matcha cakes were prepared and placed on the counter, which were quickly taken away by Mayumi.Next is the drink, which takes a little time. Mayumi didn't heat the water, so she still needs to wait a while.Anyway, this store doesn’t serve snacks and drinks together, so it doesn’t matter if it’s a little slow.

"How's the store manager doing?"

"I'm just drunk, but I probably won't be able to make it through today."

"Really...don't forget to promise me dinner."

"I know, I know. By the way, where is the bottle of wine I put here?"

"I've put it in the refrigerator, don't worry."

Because the store manager had just taken out the wine from the refrigerator and took a swig, Xia Zhi was not very relieved.

But there is no other place to put it.

"...Let's do this first."

Xia Zhi started his work.

 I just discovered today that signing a contract and putting it on the shelves are two different things... I'm still wondering why, it's all caused by too little knowledge, oh my god.After all, it’s all about using love to generate electricity, and it’s up to you to put it on the shelves.By the way: Ubisoft’s potatoes are really poisonous.

(End of this chapter)

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