Chapter 283

Xia Zhi opened the door to the empty apartment. Even after turning on the lights, it was still as quiet as ever.This is natural. I live here alone and don't have any pets. Naturally, there won't be any sound in the apartment.If so, Xia Zhi would consider calling the police.

After entering the apartment, he closed the door. Originally, Tachibana Aya wanted to come over and play, even though she didn't know what to play with. Then, Xia Zhi coaxed her back to her apartment in fear.Since arriving in [-], Tachibana colorful phrases have appeared frequently, and Xia Zhi has to take some time to get used to it.

Feeling inexplicably tired, Xia Zhi lay down on the sofa, closing his eyes and wanting to rest for a while.It's not even 08:30 yet, but I already feel like going to sleep. Although it's partly due to work, the intensity of the work hasn't changed at all from half a month ago. I shouldn't be so tired...

Although it wasn't obvious, Xia Zhi did have some changes in his living habits.

Is it because these days at home have made me lazy?It seems that I need to find time to exercise... No, no, I will probably be familiar with this rhythm of life after a while, so I don't need to go out to exercise.Xia Zhi's thoughts are very real and realistic.

There’s nothing else to do anyway, why don’t you rest now?Xia Zhi hesitated.Although I am a little tired now, I am far from to the point where I need to sleep. It is better to say that if I go to bed now, I am afraid I will wake up at two or three o'clock in the morning, and then I will not be able to fall asleep. I will go to six or seven o'clock to kill time. I started to feel drowsy again during class, so wouldn’t I be dead in class tomorrow?
Not to mention being scolded by the teacher... Xia Zhi was sure that if he was really in that mental state, he would 100% expect to be scolded by Lihua.It's not like Dou Aim, Xia Zhi has no such interest, so if you can persist now, you should persist a little longer.

But what to do?Xia Zhi had no idea at all.After thinking about it, the most suitable things to pass the time and the things I own are nothing more than those three things, novels, mobile phones and computers.

There are only a bunch of novels written by Tachibana Aya, and I have almost finished reading them, but now I have nothing to think about.The same goes for mobile phones. Except for a piece of junk that has not been opened for several months and is just used to occupy memory, there is no software in it that can kill time. If there is, it is just an online novel.It feels like it's not as good as reading a story written by Tachibana Aya, at least there aren't as many plots where you can almost guess the ending just by looking at the beginning.

The routines in Tachibana Aya's novels are winding and too bumpy to walk, but this makes it more interesting.

Then, the best choice is to play on the computer.

There are a lot of games that you forget about after you play them. Basically, they are all unfinished. You can play whatever you want, but it will probably be very hard. After all, there are some people who have quite bad taste in them. There are famous masterpieces in it, such as Wang Youmu.But that has nothing to do with Xia Zhi, he is just a rookie who has just passed the doorman Gu.

But what else can be played?Going to Stardew Valley to grow vegetables?Why did I stop playing last time for no apparent reason... I think about it, because of the change of seasons, all the seeds I bought died suddenly, and I went from a rich man with a net worth of 10,000+ to a pauper heavily in debt.This game was too real and caused Xia Zhi strong discomfort.

It is better to play cards, at least if you are lucky, you can still be quite happy.Fortunately, Blizzard is still a big company, so playing cards won't speed things up.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi had already made up his mind and sat up with his hands on the edge of the sofa.It is now around 08:30 in the evening, and it seems like we can play for a long time.Xia Zhi walked into the room and stared at the empty table for a moment. Later, he remembered the fact that he had not even taken out the computer from his bag.

Sure enough, now I am no longer interested in even the things I was obsessed with before.I just don’t know if this counts as growth, or if it means that I am losing more and more purpose and joy in life, or if I mean that I am becoming more and more indifferent.It's possible that these three concepts are actually the same thing, but I won't consider that issue now.There is no end to philosophical thinking.

Xia Zhi found the computer in his travel bag, connected various cables and placed it on the desktop.Although I haven't used it for a long time, there are no annoying things like the computer not being able to turn on or a piece of hardware being damaged. This is what so-called high-end durable goods should be. Otherwise, if the computer breaks down every time it is used, then who can Can you withstand it?I'm afraid that if you don't just change the computer, you will go bankrupt.

It’s better not to open the game first, apply the patches that need to be applied, update the software that needs to be updated, and sharpen the knife before chopping wood. Isn’t it okay to upgrade your own hardware in order to play a game? Is it often?It's normal.Although Xia Zhi is the type who can only reluctantly refund money if the game cannot be played, after all, not everyone has the financial resources to upgrade hardware facilities over time.

The Internet speed is so-so, but there are a lot of things that need to be updated, such as browsers, chat software, game platforms, and network disks...

While other things were being updated, Xia Zhi opened the network disk.There are collectibles that can be called treasures inside. You can take them out and look at them when you have nothing to do. After all, treasures are good for physical and mental health.

The treasure was placed in a private folder by Natsuki. This is something that is best not to be discovered by anyone except yourself, especially your own sister who is the person involved, and the two new treasure candidates Shiraishi Rika and Tachibana Aya.

Photos of my sister!A once in a lifetime memory!

If the network disk was suddenly closed one day and all his memories disappeared, Xia Zhi would probably be so angry that he would take a knife to kill someone.

Even though I say that, the number of photos is actually not that many, because my sister doesn’t like taking pictures much since she became “sensible”.However, it was a bit short when I was young, but this was also proof that I and my sister had gotten along harmoniously before, at least there had been such a time before.Modern technology can best reflect its important value in places like this.

After spending some time looking at the precious memories with his sister, Natsuki hesitated to take another look at the photos of Shiraishi Rika and Tachibana Aya.To be honest, Xia Zhi felt that this was a bit too perverted, and he had the urge to delete the photo, but it would be a pity to delete it... Let's do this for now.Let’s wait and see when there are more of them. It’s like playing a game and saving CGs. Before the game is finished, you look at a CG of a hammer.

After Xia Zhi turned off the network disk, he waited for the computer to be updated, restarted it, and started playing cards.

Online games can become such an existence that is criticized by parents from all walks of life. Of course, they have their own strong strength. Starting from about [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], when I came back to my senses, I realized that the time had unknowingly reached the early morning. a little.

One o'clock in the morning!

The most important thing is that this process is extremely painful. This kind of game cannot be played just based on temporary interest. Unless the big brothers from all walks of life join forces, even players who have the same interests as themselves will be beaten. Another kind of animal called "God-smashing dog" is destroyed.I finally resisted the urge to spend money and didn't let myself fall into it completely, but there was something not good...

Because the process of playing the game and the game experience are too real, Xia Zhi is now so excited that he has entered a state of mind that is completely unable to sleep.

Long live...

If I knew this earlier, what kind of game did I play back then?Neither joy nor sleep.Fortunately, he was strong enough, otherwise Xia Zhi would have cried.

Why?Why do those guys have everything?Are they all made by Muto Games on-site?So angry...

So angry, so angry, so angry, so angry...

Xia Zhi lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Sure enough, you shouldn't be playing games. What kind of games are these? This game is really harmful. It's making people sleepless now.She was tossing and turning all the time, maybe because she was tired, Xia Zhi fell asleep without knowing it.

It was already morning when I woke up. Fortunately, there was an alarm clock set just in case. Otherwise, if I went to bed late and got up late, I might be late. This is the benefit of having an insurance policy for yourself in life.

However, Xia Zhi is still very angry now because he was thinking about things over and over before going to bed and couldn't fall asleep. When he woke up, the things he thought about were not only "So I fell asleep", but also the "I'm so angry" that occupied the entire CPU of his brain. ".Facts have proved that if it is something that is of special concern, sleeping cannot solve the problem.

Get up, wash up, make breakfast, wash the face-conscious thing into the sink and flush it into the sewer. There are still things to do today, and we can't let such trivial matters disturb us, hum.

I made two omelettes for breakfast. There was nothing I wanted to do for lunch, but there were two potatoes... I had a meal yesterday and it felt good. I will make some more today and exchange them with Lihua. It is not a bad idea to keep having sex for free. thing.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of ingredients and seasonings in the apartment, and they are better than the low-profile potato pancakes I made yesterday. After all, in principle, this thing is not much different from fried rice. It just depends on what you add to it. It's just how to cook it. In a sense, this kind of food is the most worthy of learning. The upper limit is high and the lower limit is low. Even a novice can make it.

It’s much simpler than the well-done steaks in those high-end restaurants.

Xia Zhi packed his schoolbag and went to school at about the same time as before. He probably arrived at school at about the same time as before, but there was nothing wrong with that.

When I walked to the school gate, what I saw today was no longer Chihaya-senpai, who seemed to be a rare character, but the one whom Natsuchi saw most often, and who was relatively known to each other.

"Good morning, Wuhe."

Because I see her quite often, I’m unlikely to forget her name.

"Good morning, senior so-and-so."

Sure enough, it’s better to forget about it, right?

"Ah hahaha, just kidding, just kidding. It's just been a long time since we last met, and I'm not so rude as to forget my friend's name."

Wu Heyuan said with a smile, which also hurt Xia Zhi's heart.He still couldn't remember the full names of his few male friends.Maybe we can find a way to ask later, but it probably depends on fate.

Isn’t it true that some people have such a good relationship that they only remember the more affectionate names?Maybe he was talking about the current situation, Xia Zhi comforted himself.

"Happy New Year by the way."

"Happy New Year. In that case, let me give you a gift." Xia Zhi reached into the schoolbag behind him and took out an unfinished Chinese knot: "I brought it from China and gave it to you as a gift."

"Oh, thank you. But I didn't return the gift. Because I was busy with the work of the Discipline Committee, I didn't have time to work, and my pocket money was very limited. Most of the young girls nowadays have troubles of one kind or another." Wu Heyuan accepted the gift generously.

This kind of place is more similar to Tachibana Aya. If she received a Chinese knot, she would probably have the same reaction.The difference is that because Tachibana Aya is a little rich woman, she may give some weird gifts in return.

To put it this way, it seems like he is surrounded by girls who don’t have financial problems?Shiraishi Rika is the eldest lady of the Shiraishi Group. Although she is not as good as Sanzenin, she is not worried about money. Yamamoto Ryoko plays every day but never works, although she is definitely not as well-off as Shiraishi Rika. But the family's financial situation should be pretty good; the same goes for Rise. Her sister is a super star. Although she can't express herself, but with her sister's much she dotes on her sister, Rise is probably a child who has no shortage of money; Tachibana Aya Needless to say, he is already a super successful person who has earned several houses by his own ability.

So after all this, you are actually the only one who is truly poor?
This shocking fact made Xia Zhi a little stunned.

"You will lose friends with your reaction. Although it's really not good if you don't give a gift in return."

"It's not that I'm in a daze because of this...and I didn't want to give you a gift in return. After all, it's not a very expensive gift. You can just accept it."

"That's good. Then we'll still be good friends."

What a realistic answer.However, when talking about friends, Xia Zhi suddenly remembered something.

"Itsuka, you...are in the first grade, right?"


"Do you know a girl named Amamiya Rise?"

"We know him, he's in the same class. Do you like Rishi? Sorry, I'm not very familiar with that kid. If you want to contact him, it's better for you to go there yourself."

Wu Heyuan glanced at Xia Zhi apologetically.

"It's not because of this reason...Forget it, I'll talk about it next time when I have a chance. I'm going back to the classroom first. Goodbye."


Xia Zhi waved goodbye to her.

(End of this chapter)

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