Chapter 286

If there are people in this world whose physical strength and energy seem to be inexhaustible, Tachibana Aya must be one of them.In any case, her powerful curiosity is indeed supported by a corresponding amount of physical strength and energy.

As Xia Zhi walked, he looked at Tachibana Aya holding Xiaoxi and playing intimately in front of him.The originally short journey home turned out to be a long one. Although I was not alone, but aside from the sound of Tachibana Aya, it was indeed a quiet time now.

Chiba's evenings feel as quiet and peaceful as ever.

However, winter has just passed now, and it can't even be said to have passed yet. The wind at night still makes Xia Zhi feel a little cold.On the other hand, Tachibana Aya should have been more afraid of the cold, maybe because she was wearing thicker clothes, or maybe because she was distracted by playing with Xiaoxi, but she didn't seem to feel cold.

Since I learned the magical skill of selectively blocking out Tachibana Aya's voice, I will be able to enjoy a quiet night for a while.Although this is what I originally owned, the feeling of regaining it still makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Xia Zhi, what should we play later?" Tachibana Aya, who was still playing in front, came over at some point. The sound in his ear was already beyond the decibel level that Xia Zhi could block.

"Nothing to play, you can go back to sleep."

Even so, Li Huacai will not be influenced by other people's words. Even if Xia Zhi told her to go back to sleep, she would end up playing in Xia Zhi's apartment until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening. This is not a guess, but based on past experience.

"But, it's so boring to go back now. So I'd better think about what to play."

See, that's what it is.Tachibana Aya's inquiry was more like talking to herself than asking. Even if she gave an answer, she wouldn't listen. She didn't know whether it was good or bad to go her own way. For Xia Zhi, in addition to giving her usual In addition to the great disturbances brought about by ordinary life, it is actually a good thing not to use your brain to think about too many things.


Obviously it can be regarded as the situation of a family with no walls, but Li Huacai always wants to run over to play. While she can't understand what she is thinking, she can confirm her level of self-entertainment at the human level.

"Would you like to take a short detour? I remember there seems to be a park nearby. You see Xiao Xi is also very interested."

Tachibana Aya was holding the cat. Xiaoxi might be a little sleepy, so she was just being held by Tachibana Aya.Its owner was not satisfied, so he poked it gently, and Xiaoxi let out a "meow" and then shrank even smaller.

It's a bit mysterious that Tachibana Aya is seeking death like this and hasn't been caught yet.

"It's so cold and it's so late, why go to the park?"

"In exchange, how about I just go home tonight?" Tachibana Aya's eyes blinked.

To be honest, Xia Zhi was not moved at all.I don't know whether it was because he was already familiar with this rhythm of life, or because such extraordinary content finally became routine and was accepted by him, Xia Zhi was not interested in Lihuacai's proposal.

Although Tachibana Aya's speech exposed the biggest problem of her continuing to persist despite knowing that her behavior would cause trouble to others, if it were in the past, Natsuki might have complained about it, but now even with such interest None.

However, the situation is somewhat different now.There are some things that you know are problematic and awkward, but you can't say them out. Saying them out is like admitting the fact, but this makes people feel more embarrassed than pretending.

Xia Zhi was silent for a while, sighing from the bottom of his heart at this sad situation.Tachibana Aya next to her saw Natsuki "thinking seriously" and snorted softly.

"One day I'm going to make you cry and beg me to come to your house."

"I'm curious about what kind of situation would require me to ask you to come to my house."

Tachibana Aya's face suddenly turned red, and Natsuchi could see clearly even with only streetlight-level lighting.

"Of course...when did it become that kind of relationship, then..."

Although Tachibana Aya spoke vaguely, the implications and goals were too obvious, and Xia Zhi guessed it right away.

"Stop for a moment and pay attention to the direction of the conversation."

It's okay to run more and more crooked, and it's obviously not a topic suitable for discussion.

"Let's go."


"Where else can we go? Didn't you say you wanted to go to the park?"

"Oh. I almost forgot." Tachibana Aya patted her forehead.

It’s okay if I almost forgot, the reincarnation of the fish spirit will only have a few seconds of memory, right?

"Then, let's go this way!" Tachibana Aya pointed to a road that Natsuki had never walked, or that he hadn't walked on purpose.Every time I go to a place other than the apartment school coffee shop, it can be considered as opening a map. After spending nearly a year in Chiba, to be honest, this is a bit embarrassing.

Not far away, Xia Zhi saw the park Li Huacai had mentioned.To be honest, this place is not very big. The area is only two to three times the area of ​​the apartment where Xia Zhi lives. There are very few things. Apart from the slide, swing and small sandy area, there is not much. .

It's so crude... Xia Zhi thought.Probably not many people will come here.

Tachibana Aya happily trotted towards the swing and sat on it.To be honest, this small park for children is not suitable for Tachibana Aya at all. Although she is sitting on the swing board, Tachibana Aya's height and leg length are really... This is the first time Xia Zhi saw someone sitting on a swing as if squatting. Same on the ground.

"I've gotten shorter..." Tachibana Aya herself looked around very uncomfortably: "It seems like I've gotten taller?"

It's so dark now, is it okay to kill people here?No one will find out, right?

"Xia Zhi, why don't you come and give it a try? You should still be able to swing, right?"

"Believe it or not, I'm going to kill you right now?"

If Tachibana Aya brought Natsuchi to this small park with the purpose of making him angry, then it was obvious that Tachibana Aya had succeeded.

"Ah hahahaha, don't be angry. But I miss you so much..." Tachibana Aya said in a nostalgic tone. If it were in a game or anime, the next moment would be a flashback.

Tachibana Aya is worthy of being a novelist, and such a typical and royal plot really comes to mind.

"I used to come here a lot to play, but I haven't been here for almost three years, even though I've been here so recently."

Tachibana Aya was about to start telling a story, so Natsuki walked to the swing board next to Tachibana Aya and sat down, which was quite appropriate.Xia Zhi was so moved that he almost cried.

"You know? I moved out to live alone when I just graduated from junior high school. At that time, I had no money, and I didn't live in this expensive high-end apartment. It's similar to yours, but it's bigger, the rooms are newer, and the furniture It’s a little more expensive, and if I remember correctly, the rent doesn’t seem to be very expensive.”

"Where is that apartment?" Xia Zhi asked.

Although I am not dissatisfied with the apartment I live in now, I might consider it if the price is right. After all, this apartment is quite old and there are frequent air leaks. Although it will become summer in a few months, It's pretty cool, but it would still be pretty good if we could change to a better environment.At least it would be nice if it wasn’t so cold at night in winter.

"Here." Aya Tachibana pointed behind her without looking back. Xia Zhi turned around and took a look. It was a very tall building that looked very clean, like a brand building.


Natsuki looked at Tachibana Aya again, needing an explanation from her.

"It's not surprising that the apartment was sold by the landlord and converted into an office building when I lived there for just one month." Tachibana Aya recalled: "I paid half a year's rent in advance, and because the landlord breached the contract, I paid a sum of money A windfall. Then I went to live in that high-end apartment."

What kind of fairy luck is this?
What kind of fairy unfolding is this?

Xia Zhi swore that he was not sour, but that he was too greedy and ended up eating lemons.

"But this way, my plan was disrupted. The rent of this high-end apartment is very expensive. It is more than five times more expensive than the previous apartment."

Five times more expensive?To put it into perspective, that is to say... the rent of this renovated apartment is more than twice that of the apartment I live in now?If I can't afford it, I'll say goodbye.

"Since then, money has been a bit tight. Since school has just started, I don't have to worry about it for a short time, but after paying two months' rent, I have no money. So I have to find a way to make some money, which is just... I was reading a novel at the time." Aya Tachibana showed a mysterious expression: "This is probably God's will. In three months, I spent a lot of time reading novels, and I didn't even have time to run. And then In this way, I completed my first novel and sent it to my current publishing house. Unexpectedly, it became a big hit right away.”

"When the royalties were sent to me, my rent problem was solved immediately. Then I was thinking that writing novels would be pretty good. I didn't want to run anymore. I just finished school every day after participating in club activities. I went home and wrote a novel, and I have been writing like this until now..."

"Unknowingly, it has been almost three years..."

Li Huacai sighed, but Xia Zhi didn't have so many thoughts at all, and his mind was full of thoughts like "damn successful people are showing off their successful lives again".It’s like the success stories of celebrities that are often shown on TV. It’s one thing for them to share it, another thing for you to know it, and another thing for you to be successful yourself.

When others succeed, others will naturally follow their example. There are definitely a few people smarter than you in this world, and how many of them can succeed?No matter which industry you are in, only those who are the first to eat crabs and eat crabs in different ways will receive the favor of consumers.

Imitation cannot become a classic.

Of course, success cannot be imitated.So other people's successful experiences have no effect except to make your brain warm.

"I used to like to come here to sit for a while when I had nothing to do. It's a quiet place. Not to mention it's at night, there are not many people even during the day. But there will be construction in the back during the day, so I basically only visit at night. Just come here when it’s quiet.”

Xia Zhi mentally calculated the distance between here and her apartment: "You are not afraid, come here alone at night." If this place is really as quiet as Tachibana Aya said, then it is naturally very dangerous here. It's in places like this that things can easily happen, right?As for Natsuchi, he might dare to come, but he won't come too many times. If it's a girl, especially a beautiful girl like Tachibana Aya, Natsuhi doesn't even recommend them to go out.

"Are you worried about me?" Tachibana Aya asked with a smile: "Don't worry, as I said, my Aikido level is quite high. Moreover, Chiba is a nice and quiet place, at least I don’t meet many bad guys.”

"Isn't this still an encounter?" Xia Zhi didn't know how to advise him better: "I think it's better for you to have a little more awareness of your own attractiveness. For this kind of thing, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens. ,Is not it."

"...I will pay attention to it in the future." Tachibana Aya smiled slightly again: "And now I basically don't want to go out at night."

"Who are you lying to? Who comes to my apartment every night..."

Xia Zhi realized the implication of Tachibana Aya's words, and only half of what he said was spoken, and the corners of his eyes twitched again.I don’t know why, but there are more and more Tachibana color tricks lately.

"It would be boring if you don't go."

Natsuki was a little surprised that Tachibana Aya dropped the topic so easily.If these words were just Tachibana Aya's unintentional words... then it would be even more shameful.Xia Zhi wants to die now.

"Sure enough, just sitting here makes people feel happy."

Natsuki didn't answer, but Tachibana Aya happily told her story.While he was in a daze, Xia Zhi found that his swing was shaking.

Was there an earthquake?Although there are indeed not many earthquakes in Japan, this is the first time for such an obvious earthquake... This earthquake doesn't feel right!

A push came from Xia Zhi's back, and the sky suddenly appeared in his vision as he looked straight ahead!

"what are you doing?"

"Of course I'm here to play!"

Then he was pushed up into the sky by Tachibana Aya.Fortunately, he had a firm grip on the swing rope, otherwise Xia Zhifei would have been able to get out in one fell swoop.

"If you keep frowning, the problem will not be solved!"

"Who's looking sad?"

Sitting on a swing swinging in mid-air, I haven't felt like this for a long time. To be honest, it's a bit cold.

"Your eyes are more lethargic than usual. If you don't want me to notice, you should hide them better!"

Then he was pushed higher by Tachibana Aya again.

The words I originally wanted to get her to pay attention to were not spoken.

The master of hiding his expressions was defeated so easily, and his worries that he didn't even notice were discovered by others first.

The originally cold weather, the wind blowing on the swing, suddenly became a little comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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