Chapter 297

When Xia Zhi rushed back to the coffee shop, it was just before 04:30 in the afternoon, and the total time wasted was less than half an hour.Instead, the store manager asked Xia Zhi with a surprised expression, "Didn't you say that you might not be able to come over because something happened this afternoon?"

"Things have been resolved, so I'm coming over."

Xia Zhi was not too surprised that the store manager was here.I have said before that I might not be here today. Although there are no guests, it is still quite troublesome for Mayumi to be alone. She has to make coffee, cut cakes, and clean up.Although it was actually fine once I got used to it, the store manager didn't want to treat Mayumi like an outsider.

After all, in a sense, Natsuki seems to be no longer an outsider to the Murakami family.

"If you had come, you would have told me earlier...If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have had to come."

"You are the store manager, don't always think about being lazy."

Xia Zhi gave him a lesson and went to the staff room to change clothes.Mayumi is still working, so how can Xia Zhi start fishing directly.However, it seems that someone is missing?

"By the way, where is Tachibana?" Natsuki turned around and asked while standing in front of the staff room.

"As for Ai-chan, Mayumi kicked her out because she was too annoying and went to take Xiaoxi for a walk. She should be back in a while, right? If you want to find her, you can give her a call or something."

"No, let her come back later."

Xia Zhi then walked into the staff room to change clothes.When they came out, Xia Zhi started working as a waiter in a more casual way. The store manager was probably quite comfortable staying at the counter and had no intention of coming out.Although Xia Zhi was sure that if Tachibana Aya came, he would probably give him any job immediately, their thoughts had already been figured out by him.

The diligent Mayumi has probably finished most of the work that requires moving around. The only difference between Natsuki and the original one standing at the counter is that there is no work to do.The store manager also felt thoroughly inside the counter.

"Why are you lazy here? If you don't hurry over and help Mayumi, believe it or not, I will fire you."

"I don't think Mayumi needs my help. Besides, your shabby shop doesn't have many customers, so it doesn't need my help at all."

"...No matter what, this is too much. I really want to fire you."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Natsuki laughed four times without emotion, and then continued to stand and watch Mayumi busy.

"I think you just have too much time. Why don't you go run errands and buy something for me? There aren't many ingredients for dinner anyway."

"Gone? Is there anything else in the refrigerator?"

"There are only a few eggs left. I had a meal here at noon, so I remember it clearly."

So doesn’t this mean that we have to go?

Xia Zhi sighed: "Is there anything you need to buy?"

"I don't have any myself, but if possible, bring back some condiments in addition to the ingredients. This is money."

"I'll be back in a little while."

Xia Zhi took the money generously. It was like a staff meal. The store manager would give enough budget. Although it was fine for Xia Zhi to buy it himself. Anyway, his salary was enough to afford it, but the store manager probably wouldn't. Let Xia Zhilai bear this part of the cost.It wasn't much anyway, and Xia Zhi didn't bother to say too much, so he might as well accept it openly.

And he is considered a cheap labor force. Generally speaking, the salary for working four hours a day is not more than [-] yen. Although the store manager also wants to increase Xia Zhi’s salary, the business in this store is not particularly good, and the workload is Not many, the store manager can handle it by himself, but Xia Zhi will never forget the kindness that he still has to hire himself.

Moreover, although money is indeed something like the more the better, for Xia Zhi, it is actually enough.

Originally there were not many requirements.

"Xia Zhi, are you going out again?"

"Go run an errand for the store manager. Do you have anything you want to buy? If you see it, I can bring it back for you."

"I don't need it." Mayumi waved her hand.

"Okay then, see you later."

Xia Zhi left the coffee shop.It would take a lot of time to get to the nearest store where you can buy ingredients from here, so Xia Zhi had to go back quickly.Walking towards the station, there is a place that can be regarded as a shopping mall.Although there are many products that can be used as ingredients in the convenience store near Xia Zhi's house, if you want to buy more comprehensively, you still have to go to a larger shopping mall.

However, one thing is strange. Xia Zhi has almost never seen the store manager bring ingredients and other things to the store. In other words, Xia Zhi seems to have endless use of the things in the store, whether it is coffee beans or coffee. Powder, or other drinks, fruits, etc., Xia Zhi only knows that there is such a thing, and there is no end to it.

It's probably because the replenishment time between myself and the store manager was completely different, which is very mysterious.

On the way there, Xia Zhi even met a regular customer of the store.

"Hey, Xia Zhijun?"

"Uncle Nakamura? Why are you here?"

The middle-aged man laughed heartily: "My family lives here. What are you doing here?"

"Running errands for the store manager, buying some ingredients and so on. But I've been here many times before, so why haven't I seen you?"

"There's not much work today. I'll get off work early after finishing it all. This is the only good thing about our company, but the usual work is much more than today. While I'm getting off work early, I'll go to the store to have a cup of coffee before going back. .”

"I see."

Really busy adults.

"If you are going to buy ingredients, do you want to help get them?"

"Don't bother, I can just bring these things myself. You can go to the store first. The store manager has nothing to do now. Go and talk to him about not causing trouble for Mayumi."

"Hehehe, okay. I'll go over there first. Goodbye."


Xia Zhi said goodbye to the other party and was stopped again when he was about to turn around.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. Xia Zhi, this is for you."

Uncle Nakamura handed over a few coupon-like papers. Xia Zhi took them over and took a look. They were discount coupons. He looked at the discount coupons of the shopping mall he was going to. This kind of thing is basically very common in Japan, and many large and small shopping malls can’t get through it. How long will it take for people to distribute such discount coupons or similar coupons everywhere, while giving back to customers while attracting more people to shop, and this is also one of the very important means for them to clear the accumulated inventory, nature It's similar to the clothing stores that have huge sales all year round, except that it's really affordable, and the discount fee is really not high.

Four discount coupons from four different stores.

"Uncle Nakamura, don't you use it?"

"We still have a lot at home. These won't be used in a day or two, and I don't have anything to buy, so I gave them to you. It's just a waste if you don't use them anyway."

"Then, thank you."

"It's okay, I'll tell that guy Murakami and take advantage of the discount. Hahahaha, I'll leave first."

Is this the original purpose?

But there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Anyway, although Uncle Nakamura often goes there, he doesn't actually order a lot. After all, he basically goes there around the time when he's about to eat.never mind.

Xia Zhi accepted the discount coupon and continued towards the destination.

Unexpectedly, I met an acquaintance again...

"Eh? Senior Xia Zhi?"

Two girls who looked like junior high school students walked up to them, and they were also frequent customers of the coffee shop.

"Good afternoon, you two."

"What are you going to do, Senior Xia Zhi? The store is in the opposite direction, right?"

"I'm going to the mall here to buy something, how about you?"

"Moli and I just came out of school after club activities and were about to go eat something delicious."

"Yeah. Among the shops in this area, that coffee shop is the only one with cheaper prices and delicious snacks."

"The store manager would probably be very happy if he heard this."

"Hehe. Oh, by the way, senior Xia Zhi, if you are going to the mall in front, I will give you this."

One of the two girls suddenly remembered something, and then took out two pieces of paper from his pocket, which Xia Zhi thought looked familiar...

"This is a discount coupon for that mall, because it will expire soon, and I won't be able to use it, so please use it."

Xia Zhimo took out the four discount coupons he just got from Uncle Murakami from his pocket.

"...Do you already have it? But the more of this kind of stuff the better, I won't be able to use it anyway. Senior Xia Zhi, you can take it first, just think of it as a return gift for the discount you gave me before."

"Your calculation is too good...but I'll just accept it."

Xia Zhi took the two discount coupons.

"Hehe, let's go there first. See you later. Jasmine, let's go."

"Goodbye, Senior Xia Zhi."


Discount CouponX6
It's time to move on.

Although to be honest, it is very likely that these discount coupons will not be used up in the end, Xia Zhi is still very satisfied with the current situation that makes him feel very popular.Xia Zhi looked forward to meeting regular customers again, and then obtained these discount coupons that would probably be wasted.

Then Xia Zhi actually met him.

"Xia Zhi!?"


Why is this woman here?
Natsuki's eyes twitched as he looked at Tachibana Aya running from the side.She was still wearing her school uniform, but now she was holding a kitten in her arms.But Xia Zhi really didn't expect this person and cat to be here.

"You're back?"

"I'll be back after finishing my work. Why are you here?"

"I'm taking Xiao Xi for a walk. I haven't been here much before, so I just came over here to have a look. Maybe I can find some interesting things. Ah, by the way, I'm in a board game store. I bought something good.”

Tachibana Aya picked up a paper bag on her left hand side that Natsuki had ignored.There was no decoration on the paper bag, it just looked like it was just right. Xia Zhi had no idea what was inside.Even if Tachibana Aya lifted it up, she still wouldn't know anything.

"Well, let's talk about it. What are you doing now?"

"I'm getting ready to go back. I've finished my walk and bought all the things I wanted to buy. What about you?"

"I'm going to the mall to buy something and I'll go back later."

"Then go together?"

"You go to the cafe by yourself first. I go to the mall to buy ingredients, and it's not convenient for you to take Xiaoxi with you. It would be more efficient if I buy it by myself."

"Okay...why do I think you are hurting me?"

She is truly worthy of being so keen in a place like this.

"Go back quickly."

"Then I'll go over there first. Oh, by the way, there's something for you in the left pocket of my coat."

Tachibana turned sideways, exposing the left pocket of her jacket to Xia Zhi.She held the cat in one hand and the paper bag in the other, obviously wanting Xia Zhi to do it herself.Xia Zhi stretched out his hand.

"Although I may have guessed what you want to give me...but is there so much of it?"

There was nothing in Tachibana Aya's pocket, but Natsuki took it all out at once - four thousand yen notes, two [-] yen notes, and two or three coins. Apart from that, Natsuki Already a little bit familiar with discount coupons.

"It really is."

"Huh? Do you already have one?"

"Others have given me a lot. Where did you get these discount coupons?"

"Not far from here, at the corner of the park and street, there are many people handing out this coupon, but this coupon can only be used in the past two or three days. Well, anyway, I don't even pay much attention to the price when I buy things. I’ll give this to you. Put the money back in my pocket, thank you.”

"I advise you to look at the price."

Even if you have money, you can't be so sexual.She should be allowed to learn more from Shiraishi Rika, otherwise this woman will definitely lose her fortune one day, although Xia Zhi feels that she is likely to make a fortune in a way she has never thought of, and then continue to live a decadent life. class life.

He took away all the discount coupons, folded the money and stuffed it into Tachibana Aya's pocket.In this way, there are already eight discount coupons in total, but this number seems a bit strange...

Uncle Murakami gave four cards to himself. Two girls who were in junior high school gave two cards. There were two cards for Tachibana Aya... Logically speaking, the two girls should have given four cards to themselves.

"What's going on? You'll get two?"

"What two? Oh, this. The person who gives out discount coupons will go over and hand out one whenever he sees someone. When I was walking, I met him once on the street corner, and again when I passed by the park, so there are two Zhang. If you still want, you can wander around, there are many people here posting this."

...It’s no different from handing out leaflets.

So Uncle Murakami actually met the person who issued discount coupons four times?What a blessing.

"Okay, let's do this for now. I'm going to buy something, so you go over first. Is there anything you want to eat?"

"As long as it's delicious, I can actually do it...and if you ask me what I want to eat, I can't even name a lot of things."

"Then I'll buy it myself. See you later."

"See you later."

After saying goodbye, Xia Zhi continued on towards his destination.

 It's a little late for something~
  PS: Thank you to the garrison boss for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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