Chapter 309

Question, when you wake up from the darkness sleepily, raise your head and open your eyes, the first thing you see is a woman with her head tilted on the table, looking at you while still giggling with no meaning, what will your reaction be
Xia Zhi felt that he had to pass a SanCheck.

Natsuki sat up suddenly, and Tachibana Aya, who was looking at him in a daze on the other side, was also startled and came back to his senses.

"What are you doing! Are you having a nightmare?"

"Don't you think you're scarier than a nightmare?"


Tachibana Aya stared at him with wide eyes and curled her mouth unhappily.

Xia Zhi looked at her and felt baffled.This person can be scary and cute at times, it's really unpredictable.

"what time is it?"

Xia Zhi saw Li Huacai's cell phone on the table and touched it in his pocket, but couldn't find his own.It's probably still in the bedroom.

"Hmm...huh? It's eleven ten!?"

"Why do you look so surprised? By the way, what were you doing before, and why are you so honest today?"

"Me? I didn't do anything. I just played with my phone."

Tachibana Aya's eyes sparkled with sincerity that Natsuchi could see. This was so "sincere".No matter what she did during this time, Xia Zhi felt that she should get up and start preparing lunch.Although it is said that you have to eat at twelve o'clock, there is no need to make the time precise to that point, just do it slowly.

Xia Zhi stood up. Because he was sitting cross-legged and maintained the same posture for so long, his legs were a little sore, so he could only stand where he was.He thought of something and looked at Tachibana Aya, fearing that she would come over and cause trouble for him. As a result, she just lowered her head and looked at the phone that had been turned off, with a weird expression.

"What's wrong? Not feeling well?"

Xia Zhi asked worriedly.Although he had medicine on hand, Xia Zhi would not give her medicine casually if he didn't know the cause of the disease. It would be bad if a disease that was not a big deal turned into a serious illness.And there is no hospital nearby. To get to the hospital, you have to find a guide, which is not very efficient.

"Ah? It's okay. Don't worry about me. I'm just sad about the sudden passage of time. Well, sad."

Although she is usually quite strange, Xia Zhi feels that she is particularly strange now.But if she didn't say it, Xia Zhi wouldn't know the truth and wouldn't be able to do anything.

"Okay. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me earlier." Xia Zhi felt that she would probably not listen to such kind words: "If you are sick and you don't tell me, you can just wait to be beaten."


"Isn't this too much anyway!?"

"If you don't, you're disobedient."

"...You can't beat me!"

"I could starve you to death."

"Sorry I was wrong."

Xia Zhi ignored her, his legs had slowed down, and he walked towards the kitchen.Tachibana Aya probably doesn't need to take care of herself. Although she will die if she doesn't have food for her every day, if you think about it carefully, this should be impossible.I know my own cooking skills. It's not much different from the instant lunch boxes sold in convenience stores. There is no possibility of spoiling someone's taste.

He didn't know what she wanted to do, but since she admitted this excuse, Xia Zhi thought he might as well use it. In any case, the effect was quite good.Whether you pretend to be obedient or really obedient, it's already good if you can achieve your goal. Sometimes you can't ask for too much as a human being.

I originally wanted to ask her what she wanted to eat, but after thinking about it, I felt that I didn't have the ability, so I decided to do it myself.I really envy those people who can easily learn or create a recipe, or those who know how to make a lot of food, how do they write it down...

Natsuki turned around and glanced at Tachibana Aya, and found that she was lying on the kotatsu table, tapping her phone listlessly.I really couldn't tell that she looked like nothing was wrong.

This meal was not made very quickly. It took almost half an hour. The cooking was not that troublesome. It was all finished in about ten minutes. The main reason is that it will take more time to cook a meal for two people in a rice cooker. .

After putting all the food on the dining table, Natsuki walked to the kotatsu and called Tachibana Aya.She didn't seem to see Xia Zhi coming.Before she screamed, she saw her looking at her phone and giggling, which almost made her drool.What is so funny?

Xia Zhi tilted her head and looked at the screen of her mobile phone. Her mobile phone was turned off. The screen was pitch black, and the only thing she could see was her own mirror image.


Has her narcissism escalated again?Don't...

"Hey! Wake up."

Xia Zhi clapped his hands in her ear. She turned her head in another direction and looked at Xia Zhi: "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter...your saliva is about to flow out."


Tachibana Aya wiped the corner of her mouth with her arm, but found no trace of saliva that Natsuki mentioned.Then she turned to glare at him: "You lied to me!"

"I said it's almost leaking out. I said are you really okay? Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?"

"It's okay, it's okay. I just like to worry about it. What will you do in the future?" Instead, she was criticized by Tachibana Aya.

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes.

"Come over for dinner."

"So fast? It's coming, it's coming."

It's been half an hour, so fast.Xia Zhi became increasingly worried about her.Even if there is nothing wrong with the body, the psychology is different, which is usually not visible at the first time.There are various signs that Tachibana Aya's narcissism seems to have deepened again, which is not a good thing.

Tachibana Aya came over and sat down, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, said "I'm starting", and then started eating without ceremony.It seems quite appetizing, but nothing has changed in this regard.

Although it took half an hour to cook for various reasons, it didn't take that long to eat. It was finished in about ten minutes.Natsuki started to clear the table, but Tachibana Aya was still sitting there with her arms folded, feeling as if something was missing.

"Xia Zhi, where did my juice go?"

"It's on the kitchen counter."

"It's been here for so long, please give it back to me!"

Xia Zhi walked back to the kitchen counter with the dinner plate and found the bottle of juice that he had not put in the refrigerator. He picked it up and found that the temperature was indeed much higher than when he first got it. At least it was no longer It makes people feel cold.

Originally thinking about walking back to the dining table to return Li Huacai, when she turned around, she was standing at the door of the kitchen area.

"Give you."

"You should give it back to me."

Tachibana Aya corrected Natsuki's speech disorder, then unscrewed the cap of the juice bottle and drank it.Comrade, juice, tons tons tons tons.

But after all, she didn't drink all the juice in one go.

"Go and rest for a while. I'll take you back after I finish cleaning up."

"Huh? I can just go back by myself. But it's not impossible if you want to send me back."

Xia Zhi thought she was going to start negotiating terms, but things didn't develop as she thought.

"After all, it's human nature to want to stay with a beautiful girl for a while."

Xia Zhi sneered twice.

"What do you mean by laughing!"

"Go sit on the chair."

"I'm going to sit in the kotatsu..."

"If you want to gain weight, it's not impossible."

Tachibana Aya blinked: "Are you a devil?"

"No, I'm the Demon King."

Xia Zhi waved her away and started busy in the kitchen.Fortunately, Tachibana Aya is not a picky eater. She doesn't cook much and eats everything, so she doesn't have to think about storing the remaining dishes.Although it’s a bit troublesome to have to cook every meal again, there’s nothing wrong with it.

After taking some time to put away the tableware, Natsuki greeted Tachibana Aya and prepared to leave.I went back to the bedroom, put on my school uniform, and took my mobile phone and change with me.Although there are no classes today, there are still a lot of people in the school because they have to prepare for the school festival. In order to distinguish students from outsiders and protect students, it is better to wear school uniforms.

By the time Natsuki changed clothes and walked out of the bedroom, Tachibana Aya had already walked out the door.

After confirming that nothing was left behind, Xia Zhi put on her shoes and walked out of the apartment.

Walking side by side towards Li Huacai's apartment, she kept talking along the way, what was relevant, what was not, what she could understand and what she couldn't understand. After some time, we walked to Tachibana Aya's apartment.

"Go up."

"I know, I'm not a child. Remember to call me when you come back!"

"I'll call you when I'm about to eat."

Xia Zhi looked at her face, and there didn't seem to be anything unusual about her face.Maybe he didn't notice it.

"My mobile phone is on, please call me if you need anything." Xia Zhi ordered.

"You really treat me like a child... Don't worry, my medical knowledge will not be as good as mine even if you multiply it several times."

Doctors do not heal themselves.Although Xia Zhi wanted to say this, he thought about it and decided not to.

"I'm leaving."

"My mobile phone is also on. If you have anything, you can call me. It doesn't matter if you are fine. By the way, if I'm fine, can I call you?"

"See if you still want to have dinner. If not, feel free to call."

Tachibana Aya was speechless. After Xia Zhi turned around and left, she also turned around and went upstairs.Looks pretty happy.

Xia Zhi withdrew his eyes and walked towards the school.It is a rare fate that Tachibana Aya's apartment and school are on the same line.

Before he even reached the school, Xia Zhi saw students wearing the same school uniforms as himself walking in the same direction. Many of them were holding props of one kind or another or other things in their hands, probably They are all preparing for the school festival.

And when Xia Zhi walked to school, he saw more people like this.

Xia Zhi's school is not very big, but there are not many people there. The students' booths are all next to each other, which makes it look very lively.Small places also have their advantages.

Along the way, Xia Zhi has seen many restaurants selling snacks, such as takoyaki and taiyaki. There are many, and there are more than one. It seems that there will be competition in this area.Thinking about it this way, the coffee shop run by my class should not be the only one.

However, with Bai Shilihua, the direct disciple of a five-star chef, Xia Zhi is not worried about his own competitiveness at all.While brewing your own coffee might be a fly in the ointment, it shouldn't be a big deal.

At least there are still some above the normal level!

And maybe it will be a little more leisurely.

I didn't see anyone familiar at the school gate. Maybe I blended into the crowd to maintain public order.Xia Zhi wouldn't mind saying hello if he met him, but he wouldn't go out of his way to look for her if he didn't meet him.Xia Zhi headed towards his class.

After passing through the crowds of people coming and going, it took Xia Zhi twice as long as usual to reach the classroom. Although the door was closed tightly, the noisy sounds inside were not blocked by the door.Xia Zhi opened the door. There were at least a dozen people in the classroom.

"Aiko, come here and help me!"

"In May, there are still some places here that haven't been cleaned up."

"I'm coming!"

"Boys, please move the desks and chairs out of the classroom quickly. It's too much of a hindrance!"

"It's being done! There are a lot of them! And there are only two of us, Qingfeng and me. Oh no, Xia Zhi! Come here and help!"

Tendo, who was being summoned to do hard labor, saw Natsuki who had just opened the door and came in, and called him over to help.Xia Zhi was about to go over, but was stopped by Nagahara who was hanging decorations on the wall next to him.

"Xia Zhi, you don't have to worry about them. The other boys will come after a while. Now go to the home economics classroom, where Lihua and Ryoko are making snacks to taste. You can also go over and see if the necessary equipment is sufficient. "

Xia Zhi responded. He knew where the home economics classroom was, and it wasn't far.

"Xia Zhi, are you leaving us?"

Qingfeng and Tiantong exuded resentment as if they were real, and Xia Zhi could only shrug his shoulders and express his helplessness.

"Don't be lazy. If you could make snacks or drinks, you wouldn't be doing hard work here. Hurry up! I don't know if I can finish it all before going home at night!"

A girl who was cleaning urged two coolies, and they continued working with resentment.This is probably the epitome of this cannibalistic society.

Xia Zhi slipped out of the classroom and walked towards the home economics classroom.

After walking a few steps, Xia Zhi suddenly felt that the corridor had suddenly become crowded, as if people all over the world were blocking him.After finally walking through the crowd, Xia Zhi suddenly realized that he seemed to have gone too far, and looked back...

Fool, this kind of thing that can only be seen in anime did not expect to see it in reality today.

The front and rear doors of the home economics classroom were surrounded by a group of people.Is the home economics classroom such a popular place?

"Well, classmate, let me ask, what is going on here?"

"The girls from Grade [-] Class C have borrowed this classroom and are making snacks."

Have you even rented a classroom?Xia Zhi didn't expect this.

"Then what are you looking at..."

Xia Zhi realized something, and the corners of his eyes began to twitch.


Just when Xia Zhi was thinking about whether to go to the classroom for a while and come back later, the crowd in front of him suddenly dispersed, and a girl walked out of the home economics classroom.It was Ryoko Yamamoto. She had a mobile phone in her hand. She walked to the door and looked around, and saw Natsuki over there.

"Hey! Here, here."

Then he led the confused Xia Zhi through the confused onlookers and walked into... a home economics classroom full of girls...

(End of this chapter)

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