Chapter 318

Natsuki stayed quietly in the classroom for an unknown amount of time. During this period, Fukuda, who had gone to the home economics classroom with Shiraishi Rika, came back once and handed Natsuki four bags of freshly made cookies, which were ordinary transparent ones. A plastic bag tied with gold-rimmed silk. This kind of packaging is very common in general dim sum shops.

"This is four pieces of cookies. If there are guests coming, just order one and give them one. It was originally five pieces, but Ryoko and Shiori took one bag away at the door." Fukuda blinked: " If they come to ask for it later, don’t give it to them.”

"We have just started business and we have to produce and sell our own products. Is it appropriate..."

"It's okay, it's a school festival, the most important thing is to be happy. Xia Zhi, if you are bored, you can eat some by yourself. If you have any snacks you want to eat, just call me and I can tell it to Lihua for you. . It has been so long and I still haven’t exchanged mobile phone numbers. It’s really rude.”

"No, I was wrong too. Is it still too late to ask for your phone number now?"

"It's totally in time." Futian gave Xia Zhi his phone number.I remember that in the past, things like phone numbers could be easily exchanged using infrared rays or Bluetooth in anime or animations, but now it is not very visible, either in reality or in comics and animations.

"If you want to know anything, you can ask me. Although I don't know much about Lihua."

"...I have many other problems, and I will trouble you then."

"Hee. I'll leave first then. Remember that if Ryoko and the others come over to ask for cookies, they can't give them away. Although it's not very formal, it's still a coffee shop after all."

Futian left, and Xia Zhi put the four bags of cookies on the table on the other side.The conditions are simple, but there is no counter to store goods.Although it is indeed a bit boring, Xia Zhi doesn't really want to eat cookies. Eating during work, especially for catering service staff, is a very bad thing. Although he has a positive attitude towards the taste of cookies, But Xia Zhi is not an impulsive person, unlike someone outside the door.

Although it seemed that he could play with his mobile phone, Xia Zhi felt that there was nothing to do with his mobile phone.

In the end, whether it's in the store or at school, the things I can do when I'm bored remain the same.

Because there was no cutting board or anything like that, and the tabletop was not very clean even after cleaning due to frequent use, Xia Zhi found a piece of white paper to place on the tabletop, which was at least better than the tabletop.I found another pair of chopsticks, found a bag of coffee beans that I had just used part of yesterday, and started grinding coffee again.

Although you can't take it home, it's great to spend time or prepare for guests.And if it is ground into powder, if a customer wants mixed coffee such as latte, the distribution ratio will be more intuitive.Xia Zhi moved his hands.

But grinding coffee beans with chopsticks is really troublesome... Fortunately, chopsticks are cylindrical. It would be even more troublesome if they were square.Round wheels roll very smoothly, but life chooses to modify your wheels into a boxy shape, making your car worse than death.

Just after grinding one or two pills, Yamamoto Ryoko, who was standing outside the door talking to Fukuda, walked into the classroom again. Natsuki noticed her the moment she came in, and of course he could see that she was straight. Coming towards him.Her goal was already clear, Xia Zhi continued grinding coffee beans with her head down.

"Xia Zhi, you are so boring."

"Okay, I know what you want to do. If you don't give it, it's a commodity to be sold."

Yamamoto Ryoko's attentive expression froze: "Did Yueyue actually tell the truth? Fortunately, we are still good friends."

"Because we are good friends, I can't let you continue to make mistakes. But even if she doesn't tell me, I won't give it to you. If you want to eat..." Natsuki stretched out his left hand, and placed his thumb and index finger on Yamamoto Ryoko's. He rubbed his hands in front of his face and said, "Just have this. After all, the customer is God, and I won't embarrass you."

"Bah!" Yamamoto Ryoko glared at Xia Zhi: "When will I have to pay for the snacks made by Lihua? Is this yours?"

"Although it doesn't belong to my family, now, here, this thing is under my control." Xia Zhi pointed out all the objects in the classroom in accordance with what he said.

"...Why don't I go directly to Lihua? There's no need to get it from you." Yamamoto Ryoko responded.

"Do you think if you went without permission to get some snacks, would Lihua give them to you?" Natsuki chose to let Yamamoto Ryoko recognize the reality.

"You Chinese are all devils, right!? I just want to eat some snacks. Is it so difficult?"

"It's not difficult to eat snacks. But you don't have this." Xia Zhi rubbed the thumb and index finger of his left hand in front of Yamamoto Ryoko again.

"You are obviously poor like me, why are you so evil!"

"The evil thing is your desire to buy the goods from the prostitution shop for free."

"Ha. The more scheming a person is, the more he will understand where the limits of human beings are, unless they transcend human beings! I won't be a waiter anymore! Xia Zhi!"

Listening to the familiar lines, Natsuki thought that Yamamoto Ryoko was finally going to start grabbing snacks openly and turn to crime.Unexpectedly, she ran out of the classroom as soon as she finished speaking, saying: "As long as I am thick-skinned enough, Lihua will not scold me! I won!"

Natsuki thought for a while, and it seems that Shiraishi Rika is not a person who can be cruel enough to reject a friend. At the critical moment, her relationship with Yamamoto Ryoko was still so good. If there are many things going on, there is a high probability that Yamamoto Ryoko will be taught a lesson by Shiraishi Rika for leaving her post without permission. A meal, but because there were no customers at all, Shiraishi Lika wouldn't be angry or anything, and then she was able to successfully get extra snacks.Yamamoto Ryoko's mind sometimes works very fast in inexplicable places. Xia Zhi hopes that she can consider using this ability to benefit mankind and repay society.

Saionji, who was curious about Ryoko Yamamoto's noise and peeked into the classroom, watched Ryoko Yamamoto leave and looked at Natsuki doubtfully.

"She went to Shiraishi to find snacks. You should go too."

"But in that case, you will be the only one left here."

"Anyway, there are no customers now. There is no difference between one person and two people. In the coffee shop, there will be no customers until noon or three or four in the afternoon. You can go and play with them without any worries."

Saionji's heart was moved.After all, if there are no guests, it would be quite boring to stand here, and unlike Xia Zhi, who has experienced many battles and is used to it: "Then, I'll go over there? If there are guests, remember to call me!"

Then she also walked away. Xia Zhigang thought that she didn't seem to have the other party's phone number, and then she ran back: "Oh my, I almost forgot, let's exchange phone numbers! You can ask me anything related to Lihua!" "


Xia Zhi was speechless and passively exchanged mobile phone numbers.

Why do they all think they have questions to ask about Shiraishi Rika?Xia Zhi didn't want to admit the fact that he already knew the reason very clearly.

Finally, I was alone in the classroom.No one is here.

The classroom, which was not that big, became empty. Even though there were not many tables, it seemed very empty because there was no one except myself.For ventilation, the windows in the classroom were slightly opened. Although there was no wind blowing in, it was still a temperature that Xia Zhi could bear.

It's a bit like when I first started working in the store.

Thinking of such boring things, Xia Zhi slowly ground the coffee beans.After changing places, what I want to do has changed slightly. Although I am used to such a deserted place, this is not good news for any store.

It’s still very early, and the opening ceremony and speeches also ended before the school festival started at nine o’clock. It won’t take much time to get back. It’s only a little before nine-twenty now, and it’s still a while before the normal guests come. After a short time, Xia Zhi even felt that he could grind twenty or thirty cups of coffee powder before the first customer came. Xia Zhi started grinding calmly.

Just after grinding less than a cup, the classroom door was opened.Who forgot something again?
"Is anyone there?"

Then Xia Zhi saw a familiar person walking in.

"Huh? Wuhe."

"Xia Zhi, why are you here?"

"This is our class..."

"Oh. I didn't know which class you were in before. So, is this your classroom?"

Xia Zhi saw something like a document in Wuhe's hand.

"What are you doing?"

"The work of the Discipline Committee is to confirm the status of each class or activity. If there is any difference from the declared content, it needs to be reported and rectified. After all, it is such a large-scale event, and the safety of students is also very important. "

"Really? What do you need me to do?"

"No, no, no, the discipline committee only needs to confirm that the activities carried out by the unit are the same as the declared activities. After all, it cannot interfere with the normal school festival activities."

"Okay...just right, do you want a cup of coffee or something, I'm still a little confident in my craft."

"I don't mind...but there are other classes to confirm later. Come back when work is over."

"Yeah. By the way, where is Rise?"

"Riyo, I don't know. I've tried to strike up a conversation before, but I get very nervous easily." A slightly troubled expression appeared on Wuga Yuan's face: "It's cute to be so shy, but you have to make friends. It’s going to be difficult.”

"Right?" Xia Zhi nodded in agreement.

"I'm leaving first. I'll come back when the work is over." Wuhe came and left quickly.

Xia Zhi thought about it, decided to try to call Li Shi, and asked her what she was doing, so she sent her a message.Thinking that she must be enjoying the atmosphere of the school festival and so on, and that she might not be able to see the message she sent for a while, Xia Zhi put down the phone and prepared to continue her career. Unexpectedly, she just put the phone down. It started to vibrate.

Xia Zhi picked it up and took a look. The message he sent to Li Shi was replied instantly.It's very touching, but also very worrying.

[I am watching a performance in the school playground.Is there a problem? 】

Xia Zhi told her about the coffee shop he was running, told her the address and invited her to come over for snacks.She replied that she would come over after the performance.

Is the first guest finally here?And I got it through favors.But this seems pretty good. Having something to do is better than having nothing to do.

After grinding a few more cups, the door of the classroom was opened again.

"Excuse me." came a familiar voice.

Amamiya Rise walked in slightly curiously.

"Here, here." Xia Zhi greeted her.

"Yes. Good morning, Senior Xia Zhi."

"You look very energetic. What was the performance you just performed on the playground? Was it interesting?"

"There seems to be a magic club performance on the playground. It's very interesting. But there won't be one today. If you're interested, senior Natsuki, you can go and see it tomorrow morning." Rise handed a leaflet he was holding to Natsuki. It's a flyer distributed by the magic club.The words "big transformation into a living person" are marked on it. To be honest, Xia Zhi thinks this is just an exaggeration.A large-scale magic like transforming a living person requires a lot of preparation activities, and choosing to do it in an open place like a playground...

Maybe they do have something.

"Let's go and have a look later. I can't get away now. By the way, Rise, do you like snacks?"

"Do you want snacks? I like them. Senior Xia Zhi, do you also sell snacks here?"

"Yes. But this time, senior, I will treat you to food first."

"Eh? No, I can just spend the money myself." Amamiya Rise waved her hands quickly.

"Don't refuse in a hurry. I need your help, senior. This is just a thank you gift in advance."

"Do you need my help with anything?"

"Yeah. Just think you were tricked by me and come and try it. As for drinks, do you want juice or coffee? The menu is here."


Rishi Amamiya couldn't refuse, so Xia Zhi arranged a set of snacks and latte to sit at the table.Talking nonsense and chatting, Xia Zhi continued to grind the coffee beans while talking to Li Shi.Having worked as a waiter in a coffee shop for so long, Xia Zhi has already learned a lot of topics for small talk, and this kind of small scene is nothing at all.

Unsurprisingly, the cookies made by Shiraishi Rika have been highly praised.

After chatting for a while, Wuhe Yuan, who had returned from work on the Discipline Committee, opened the classroom door.

"I'm here again~"

Just like Itsuka Enri who was stunned when he saw Amamiya Rise, Rise had the same expression when he saw Itsuka Enri.


"Amamiya, you're here too. That's just right. Natsuchi give me the menu and I'll order."

Then Wuhe Yuan sat next to Rise.

Wuhe's offensiveness... is surprisingly strong.Is this the power of action of the so-called disciplinary committee?

(End of this chapter)

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