Chapter 326

Not even 10 minutes had passed since Miss Nishikawa came over, but there were already many people sitting in the classroom. If Xia Zhi hadn't added more seats before, there wouldn't be enough seats this time.

Although preparations have been made, the number of people is too many.Some brought their families, some brought their companions, colleagues and friends. If Yamamoto Ryoko hadn't come by once during the trip, Xia Zhi probably wouldn't have been able to meet many of them for snacks.

"How long has it been since then? When did there become so many people?"

"Don't sigh. If it's not busy over there, just stay and help."

"No, Lihua is busy over there, I have to go over and help."

Xia Zhi put his hand on his waist: "I always felt that you would be unhelpful in the past. Are you still secretly eating snacks?"

"It's so rude, I didn't eat snacks secretly. If I want to eat, I usually get it directly in front of Lihua." Yamamoto Ryoko refused to accept Xia Zhi's slander.

"The point has not changed at all, and wouldn't it be worse in nature?"

"Don't worry, I was full from lunch just now, and I don't want to eat snacks or anything now."

So just wait until she gets hungry later and then start worrying?Is this person a friend or an enemy?
"If there's nothing wrong, I'll go to Lihua's side first." Ryoko Yamamoto looked inside the classroom: "Anyway, you seem to be able to handle it."

"Let's just say, it's actually pretty much the same as when the store is busier."

However, because there was a store manager doing the logistics in the store, Xia Zhi never worried about insufficient orders.But now... Although Shiraishi Rika's snacks are delicious, her efficiency is limited by her own excellence and rigid conditions. If you want to have few customers like in the morning, you can slowly accumulate snacks. The quantity seems to be good too.

But now it is the peak dining period, and the number of guests will definitely not be small for at least the next hour.Although all the people who came so far were acquaintances whom I knew, the publicity that Rise and Wuhe had helped with had some effect, and guests from our school had already appeared.

There's no problem with Xia Zhi's side, as long as there are coffee beans and water, but it's different with Shiraishi Reika. It takes time to make and bake, and the cooking itself is such a troublesome thing.

Sure enough, due to lack of experience, we are now encountering difficulties.If we can add a little more manpower, maybe we can support the past... But there are not many people available now. Even if we call Qingfeng Tendou to come over and work overtime, they won't be able to make snacks, so it's useless.In this case, just let Saionji and Ryoko change and let Ryoko come over...

No, asking Ryoko to come over would probably be a disservice. It would be better to let her continue running errands and ask Saionji to come over and make snacks together.If there were only this number of guests, Xia Zhi wouldn't be too worried, he could handle it himself.

"Saionji-san, please go over with Ryoko and help make some snacks. This quantity is a little bit not enough."

Xia Zhi said to Xiyuanji.

"Although I have a little experience, if I go there, will there be no problem here?"

She looked around the classroom worriedly.

"No problem. They are basically all customers I know. With this quantity, it's easy. As for the dim sum, the quantity needed is a bit large. If you can go over and help, it will really be a big help." Whether it is easy or not, only Xia Zhi knows, but the biggest problem that must be solved now is the serious shortage of snacks on the menu.

This is not a problem of anyone alone, it is a problem that everyone involved in the plan did not consider carefully.It is also meaningless to pursue accountability. The only thing that needs to be done now is to fill this vacancy.No matter how much Baishi Lihua is a five-star chef, she is just a person now, a person with only two hands.There is always a limit to manpower, unless you stop being human.

It's a pity that there are no stone ghost noodles now. Even if there are, although it may be very interesting to wear them, the price is too high and it is not worth it.

No magic can be used, no technology can help me, so I have to use the simplest arithmetic to solve it.Transfer "surplus" human resources to areas of shortage to support the normal operation of this coffee shop.

Only today can we encounter such difficulties.

"If that's the case, then I'll go with Liangzi. How about asking Liangzi to stay and help you?"

"No need." Xia Zhi flatly refused without the slightest hesitation.


"You guys go over there. Just leave this to me."

"Okay, okay. But if you need help later, just call us. We will come back then. Why not just call Qingfeng and the others over to help. They seem to be very idle anyway. Look like that." Xiionji was thinking about Qingfeng Tendou who had just come over to help.

Although it's possible... But it seems a bit uncomfortable when we just asked someone to come over to help move something and suddenly become a permanent employee.

"I will call the two of them when I can't handle it alone. Don't worry."

"Then let's go."

Ryoko Yamamoto and Shiori Saionji walked away together.

This time, it was completely like he was in the store.


It's not time to rest yet, there's still a lot to do.

Xia Zhi returned to the simple counter, boiled water in the kettle, and ground coffee beans himself, all preparation activities that could be used immediately or needed.

"Xia Zhijun, I would like another drink."

"Please wait."

But you have to do it yourself for consecutive cups.However, since there is no special pot to fill the coffee liquid, refilling is actually equivalent to ordering another cup.Anyway, there is no stipulation that refills are half price, so there is no problem in selling them as if they were the second cup.

The more you work, the more you will feel the limits of human beings. Unless you surpass human beings...

I really want stone ghost noodles... I want the world to help me make coffee or something.

"Come and settle the bill."

" manager, are you leaving?"

"I've been here for a long time. And you seem to be busy here for a long time. We won't cause trouble here. Just work hard on your own. Sayuri and Xiaoyao and I went to the school festival for a while and then went back to the store." The director took out the money and came out to settle the bill: "Is there any discount?"


"You obviously learned how to make coffee from me?"

"I learned it, and it's mine."

Xia Zhi himself doesn't mind giving the store manager a discount or something, but it's not appropriate now.There was no reason at first, so the store manager just said so. He probably wouldn't... dare not ask for it if Xia Zhi really gave it to her for free, because she would be taught a lesson by Sister Sayuri.Secondly, there are so many customers in the store now. If the discount is given to only one person, there will be problems. Even if Xia Zhi wants to give it, he can't.After all, we don’t suffer from poverty but from inequality.

"Okay, I'll give you the money."

"see you next time."

"No, no, no, no time." The store manager waved his hand.

Xia Zhixun thought that even if he really didn't have time, he shouldn't say this now.

"Goodbye, brother Xia Zhi!"

"Well, goodbye." Xia Zhi waved to Xiaoyao and then looked at Sayuri: "Goodbye, Sister Sayuri, have a good time."

"Thank you. Let's go then."

The store manager and his family left, leaving the place vacant.Because the water was still boiling, Xia Zhi hurriedly cleaned it up and then hurried back. After all, guests may come at any time now, and Xia Zhi cannot leave an untied table for guests to use, even if there is nothing on it. Very visible stains.

To face something squarely, you don’t have to use your big Kazilan eyes to observe that thing when you need to face it squarely, but you can only find it when you take everything seriously. You are already facing the thing. fact.There is a difference in degree and vision between taking something seriously and doing it seriously.

Since I am now playing the role of a waiter, I have to play this role well.

Xia Zhi brought the coffee to the customers who wanted to refill it for a second, and returned to the counter to continue grinding coffee beans and boiling water. There were many customers who came before, but many of them left. After all, the school festival is not There is only one project in this coffee shop, and Xia Zhi is already very happy when regular customers come to show their support.

In addition, because of the atmosphere in the store and the intentional or unintentional publicity of the guests, many students from our school or other guests who are not regular customers came to this classroom.But at least the guests have started to flow, and the last few scattered seats have not been filled up, which is a good thing.

Of course it's good to have a full seat with customers, which proves the popularity of the store, but Xia Zhi is already used to the situation where the store is full of people. It will be easier this way, and the number of customers is always within the level that he can handle. In addition, when guests come, they can find a place to sit down, and there will be no such thing as coming in for fun and returning disappointed.

It doesn't matter if the number of people is small - Xia Zhi has always had this idea.

And because Shiori Saionji went to Shiraishi Rika to help, the production of confectionery finally managed to catch up with the sales volume, but only barely.The number of guests seemed to be increasing, and Xia Zhi felt that he could only resign himself to his fate.

Originally, he thought that he might be able to sneak some snacks by himself, but now these things were placed nearby, and Xia Zhi didn't dare to eat them, for fear that several more customers would suddenly come and take away the snacks.Xia Zhi is trying his best to avoid out-of-stock situations, but what should happen will still happen.

Another customer came to the store, a girl that Xia Zhi could not say was familiar, nor could he be said to be unfamiliar.She was wearing a school uniform. She looked tall, just like Tachibana Aya. She had sleek black medium hair, dark and bright eyes, and she looked very imposing. She had a Discipline Committee logo on her arm.Natsuki knew that she was Yuka Chihaya of the Discipline Committee, who was Itsuka's immediate boss.

"Hello, Xia Zhijun."

She walked straight over and said hello to Xia Zhi.

"Hello, Chihaya-san."

She was not surprised that Xia Zhi knew her name. The so-called popular celebrities probably had similar abilities.

"I heard from Itsuka-san that they sell delicious snacks here, so I came over to take a look. Also," Chihaya Yuka took out a [-]% off coupon that Natsuki was very familiar with from her jacket pocket: "This is Nishino Can I use the discount coupon my classmate gave me when she knew I was coming over?"

This person was indeed loved by the entire Discipline Committee.

Xia Zhi quickly checked the discount coupon, and it was obvious that he had written it correctly.

"Okay, I wrote this with my own hand."

"What a lovely cat."

"Uh...thanks for the compliment."

This was the first time Xia Zhi heard someone praise his simple drawings, maybe it was just a casual comment.

"Then, I'll give you the menu. However, the snacks are quite popular, so there's not enough left. Currently, these are the only ones left." Xia Zhi pointed to the snacks on the menu.

"It's a little surprising. It's very popular. But there are so many customers." Yuka Chihaya didn't hesitate at all. She probably had already thought about it before coming over: "For the remaining snacks, please give me each Give me a share."



"Although I also want to share it with others, I still like to eat snacks."

More than half of the stock of snacks turned into butterflies and flew away.

Xia Zhi tried hard to keep her smile, then turned around and started preparing snacks.

"Ah, give me another glass of Blue Mountain by the way."

"Just find a place to sit."

"No, I'm going straight back to the office of the Disciplinary Committee. There are still some things to deal with."

Although he is still a high school student, he has become such a busy big shot. It is incomparable.

"But in this case, there are a lot of things, and the store does not prepare bags or anything like that, so it may be difficult to take them all back."

"I had expected it, so I brought it myself."

Chihaya Yuka took out a folded environmental bag from her pocket.

Xia Zhi had nothing to say, so he could only continue to help the boss prepare snacks and coffee, and do what he should do.

"However, your coffee shop has a really large number of customers."

"Is it a lot? There are only more than ten guests now."

"There are already a lot. I remember that there are five classes in total that applied to open a coffee shop. Apart from you, the other four have been trying their best to find customers, but the flow of people in any of them is not high, probably because of competition. It’s a reason to fight. Besides, the school festival also sells a lot of delicious food, and many people just find something to eat and continue to play. Other coffee shops basically have no business."

Is there such an operation?Xia Zhi thought about this possibility.

"Here's your coffee, and here are the snacks."

When Xia Zhi pressed the calculator with her mobile phone, Chihaya Yuka quickly completed the mental calculation and paid the money.

“I will come again if it tastes good.”

"……see you next time."

So she just came here to buy snacks?Xia Zhi didn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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