Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 337 What are you doing, idiot!

Chapter 337 What are you doing, idiot!
Study seriously when you are studying, and play happily when you are playing. This is one of the many philosophies of life that my teacher gave me when I was in elementary school, but this is the only one that Xia Zhi remembers the most. profound.Because it does make sense and is the easiest to accept.

Now that you are playing, have fun, otherwise it will be a loss.

Xia Zhi looked at the jam in his hand and studied it.Thanks to Tachibana Aya, who reduced the number of items to choose from by nearly half, Natsuki doesn't have to make too many choices now.However, I didn’t study this paper carefully before, but now that I look at it, it actually looks quite colorful, and they also thoughtfully included a part of the map.

Although this is not very important to Natsuki and Shiraishi Rika, because as students of this school, it would not be good if they still get lost in the school.

"Is there anything you hate, Rika? If so, let's skip it. It can also be a little faster." Natsuki asked Shiraishi Rika out of humanitarian concern.

"A little faster..." Although she was a little depressed, Shiraishi Lihua had already been prepared for this. She had understood the events she might face if she pursued these things a long time ago: "I don't have anything to dislike. Let Xia Zhijun arrange things for you."

"Really?" Although not being picky is one of the typical characteristics of a good child, it will be a little more troublesome for people who need to answer multiple-choice questions. It's like asking your sister what she wants to eat for lunch, but she says it's casual. .Sometimes it is this seemingly loose answer that makes it more difficult.

Xia Zhi lowered his head, checking the remnants of the items on the jammed paper.

"I just discovered now that there seem to be a lot of weird things in our school..."

Moreover, most of them focus on talent shows and the like, but there are relatively few shopkeepers and businessmen, and the projects overlap very much. For example, Xia Zhi’s class has five or six competing coffee shops, and some sell snacks from all over Japan. stalls and then nothing.It's mainly about performances, just like this magic show.

Xia Zhi has a sharp eye, and even if he is not sharp, he can still find the performance of the music club that starts immediately after the end of the magic show, and even the venue is not far away.Xia Zhi thought he could take a look.Because it was part of the stamp collection activity, and because of Rise's relationship, Xia Zhi was also slightly interested in the school's music club.

It's just that this is a performance by a classical music club, and it's completely different from Lise and her sister's performance, right?Although it is said to be a music club, in fact, just as there are differences in music, there are also differences in music clubs.Classical music clubs and light music clubs are not the same thing, it is better to distinguish them.

But Xia Zhi didn't know why it was called the Classical Instrument Club instead of the Classical Music Club. There were probably some other specialties involved.

"Let's go see the music performance next to it?" Xia Zhi suggested.

"Yeah." Shiraishi Lihua nodded.Being so easy to talk to, Xia Zhi began to have the illusion that Shiraishi Rika might be a child who could easily be abducted.

The location marked on the card is in the open space between the outside of the teaching building and the playground. Although music performances do require a certain venue, is it really okay to perform in such a wide space?Especially in a place that becomes more and more lively as time goes by.

Moreover, even if they moved the venue outside the teaching building, the situation would not be much better.Like repeaters, joining in the fun is also part of human nature, but it’s just not recognized by the netizens.The scene of the music performance was the same as the scene of the magic show. The place was completely blocked by a tight circle of spectators, and those standing outside could not see what was going on inside.

"It seems like you can't get in. But fortunately, this is just a music performance, so it doesn't matter if you can't see it..."

"I'm going in!"

Shiraishi Lihua grabbed Xia Zhi's hand and pulled him into the crowd.


Why does this scene look so familiar?

Shiraishi Rika was in front of her, and Xia Zhi was looking at the boys from the same school one after another. After hearing Shiraishi Rika's "borrowed", they turned back with a smile, and then followed Shiraishi Rika's hand to see her own face. The strange appearance of being petrified... He must be the reincarnation of Medusa.

In this way, Xia Zhi, who was pulled to the forefront of the performance by Baishi Lihua, saw the members of the classical music club who were preparing to perform in the middle. It was different from Xia Zhi's imagination, and the members of the classical music club were much more male.He thought that young people nowadays, especially boys, would like that kind of modern music with a brisk rhythm, or rock and roll, at least that's what Xia Zhi likes.

He thought that he and modern Japanese teenagers were actually the same and had the same interests and hobbies, but now it seems that is obviously not the case.Xia Zhi still doesn't understand what they like.

Probably because of the inherent impression left on him by a Japanese composer who never seriously named his works, Xia Zhi felt that he should start to reflect on this matter.

There are only three performers in this club, two boys and one girl. They are not wearing the right clothes, but they are wearing distinctive clothes. They look like kimonos, but they probably are not, and it is hard to ask about Xia Zhi.Two boys, one is in front of the koto and the other seems to be the shamisen?The girl was holding an instrument called the Shakuhachi, and Natsuki happened to know it.The reason we met was because of a very nice piece of music played by traditional Japanese instruments. Unfortunately, they had disbanded. Xia Zhi only found out about this song and this band later, and she felt it was a pity at the time.

And Xia Zhi didn't know why he always felt that this combination was so familiar.Xia Zhi shook his head, thinking that he was sick again, and had the "I know this" disease.

"Lihua, are all Japanese classical music clubs called classical instrument clubs?"

"No, the classical music club and the classical instrument club are two different clubs. At least there are these two different clubs in our school." Shiraishi Rika explained to Xia Zhi.

What Xia Zhi thought of for a moment was the difference between the first and second news departments in life.Although people may have the same interests and hobbies, the compatibility between people cannot be completely determined by personal interests and hobbies. Two people who like the same thing may be incompatible, regardless of whether the root of the problem is It's about interest.

It was a little prank like playing a word game.

Xia Zhi doesn't really care about this. Xia Zhi is looking forward to hearing some good music, but he hasn't heard much music before. Leaving aside the highly developed animation and game music, Japanese light music and pure music are also very good. It's very good, and from time to time there are also very good folk creations being circulated.

It's a blessing to hear songs that aren't hits but are good.

The surroundings are still very lively. Perhaps it is due to the popularity accumulated yesterday, or perhaps the club itself is also very popular. People around are also discussing it now that the performance is about to begin.Until the girl holding the Shakuhachi raised her hand high and said, "Please be quiet for a moment, the show is about to begin!"

Xia Zhi stood there, maintaining the proper etiquette of an audience, without making any loud noises or making any other movements.Just like him, there is Rika Shiraishi, who is indeed a good and polite child.Of course, it would feel better if she could loosen her hands, but now she was immersed in the performance again and seemed to have forgotten about it again.

Girls don’t really care, so why should I care?With this thought, Xia Zhi continued to watch their performance without struggling too much.As the scene gradually became quiet, and after it reached an obvious level, the sound suddenly started.

Xia Zhi looked blankly at the three performers who didn't move at all, with a question mark on their head.And the moment he remembered the background music, an extremely familiar feeling came to his heart, and Xia Zhi had doubts about whether he was really sick.Almost five or six seconds passed before the two boys among the three performers started to move. After a while, the girl who played the shakuhachi also started to move. Xia Zhi finally figured it out.

This time it was not an illusion, I had actually heard this song.

"Purple marriage is okay..."

Xia Zhi never imagined that he could hear this song today and at such a moment.No wonder this instrument combination always makes me feel familiar.

"Does Xia Zhijun know this song?" Baishi Lihua asked curiously.

"I heard it once a long time ago." Xia Zhi continued to listen and was sure that it must be the same song as the one in his memory.After thinking for a while, he said, "It's really been a long time."

"I seem to have heard it somewhere before, but I'm not that familiar. I really don't have much research on songs..." Shiraishi Lihua smiled.

"It's a bit surprising. But it seems to be the case." Natsuki originally thought that someone as quiet as Shiraishi Rika would like to listen to more classical music, but when she thought about it, her best friend was Yamamoto. Liangzi, Xia Zhi knew that this situation was more normal.Sure enough, empiricism kills people.

"Xia Zhijun, do you like this kind of song?"

"Like it."

"That's it... then I'll remember it."

Why does she remember this?Before Xia Zhi had time to think about this problem carefully, the rhythm of the music gradually became louder. Xia Zhi's thoughts were interrupted by the familiarity brought by the music and his subconscious behavior of continuing the song involuntarily. This was force majeure. Yes, just like when I shout "The man with the horse pole", "mighty and majestic" will appear in your mind.

In the end, the song ended in Xia Zhi's familiar rhythm.There was applause at the scene, and Xia Zhi wanted to clap, but as soon as he moved, he remembered that his hand was still being held by Shiraishi Rika.But she didn't need her own reminder, Baishi Lihua couldn't help letting go of Xia Zhi's hand because of the club's excellent performance, and applauded.

With a joyful smile on her face, Shiraishi Rika looked very happy, but soon her expression became stiff, and even her clapping hands paused for a while.

"what happened?"

"Ah, no, nothing."

If she chooses to believe that Baishi Lihua is really fine, Xia Zhi feels that her EQ may need to be recharged.Fortunately, there is no arrears to that extent.

"But your face looks a little bad."

"'s just a little bit regretful that such a wonderful performance has to end so soon."

"If that's the case, there's no need to worry."

Xia Zhi pointed at the members of the classical instrument club who had left, but there were still some members who remained on the field. There was a high probability that there would be another performance, either a solo or a substitution.

"The performance should take a while."

"That's it." Shiraishi Lihua had a smile on her face again.

Although I don't think Shiraishi Rika would be happy or sad because of such a trivial matter, but since she said that, Xia Zhi couldn't say anything more.Xia Zhi knew that she might not be telling the truth to him, but since the other party was trying so hard not to let him know, it would be better for him not to pursue the question so ignorantly.

Maybe Ryoko Yamamoto is right, Shiraishi Lihua hides some problems in her heart at this moment, and doesn't want others to know.When she can help, or she thinks she can help, it might be better to help herself.In TV dramas, novels, and movies, doing bad things with good intentions is one of the kingly plots. It's just that Xia Zhi is not ready to accept life like a movie or novel.

All he needs to do is help her when she needs him.

The second performance was about to begin. Xia Zhi's eyes shifted towards the performers, leaving only his attention.

What are you doing, idiot!
Shiraishi Rika clasped her hands behind her back and twisted her fingers together behind her back. She glanced at the performers who were playing. She had no idea what was going on.

Why did you let go just now?Why should we applaud?
The atmosphere was obviously very good just now!

Idiot!Idiot!Bai Shilihua, you big idiot!


How about waiting and trying again?
But will things still go as I want?

There shouldn’t be such a good opportunity anymore, right?

Woo... Bai Shilihua, you idiot!
Sure enough, falling in love is totally inappropriate for me...

It was a sunny day, not raining, and there was a lively crowd. There were two more absent-minded people in this place.

(End of this chapter)

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