Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 343: Anyway, she ran out on her own

Chapter 343: Anyway, she ran out on her own
"So, you just called me just because you wanted me to do a favor?"

Ryoko Yamamoto asked, while sucking the juice.Bai Shili's flower is still in his hands, of course what she drank was the juice that Xia Zhi bought for him without taking a sip, and now it can be regarded as being robbed by force.

"That's basically it." Xia Zhi nodded: "If you say you can't handle it, I will ask you to return me ten glasses of the same juice. Drink one glass and pour nine glasses."


"Are you a devil? I didn't say I couldn't handle it. I used to play Kaitai a lot when I was in junior high school. It's just that I haven't played it for a long time now, but sometimes I watch games and stuff when I'm bored. There shouldn’t be any big problems, right?”

"Are you so unsure?"

Instead, Ryoko Yamamoto glared at Natsuki: "Don't underestimate the kata game! This is a very large formal competition."

"It's not like I'm looking down on you." Xia Zhi defended.After all, the relationship between Gepai is very interesting, and Xia Zhi did have some understanding of it, although only to the extent that he knew there was a large-scale competition.

"Okay. Then let's talk about remuneration." Yamamoto Ryoko raised his eyebrows: "I also want to save face, and free help does not exist."

"No problem. This glass of juice will be given to you as payment." Xia Zhi said generously.

"...Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"Then, how about I promise that Lihua won't kill you?" Xia Zhi hesitated.Yamamoto Ryoko looked at Shiraishi Rika next to her who was checking the contents of the digital camera with a gloomy face, and nodded firmly: "That's it. By the way, I asked Rika not to delete my photos. That's my hard work this morning. .”

"What have you done this morning..."

Natsuki was considering whether to save Yamamoto Ryoko's life.Although Yamamoto Ryoko would definitely not be sent to see the Buddha so easily, she should be given the lesson she deserved. Xia Zhi already knew what she had taken.Even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you can still make a good guess. After all, she has been doing this kind of thing all the time.

But is the price too high to carry the shy Shiraishi Rika to save someone she wants to teach a lesson to...and maybe Ryoko Yamamoto took so many photos, and if she can't save them all, there will be a few that are "not suitable" to keep. , maybe letting Shiraishi Rika deal with it seems to be a good choice.

As if seeing Xia Zhi's hesitation, Yamamoto Ryoko became anxious.

"If you don't help me, I won't participate in the singing competition."

"...You can't guarantee victory."

“It’s not like you have to win to get a seal.”

"In that case, it's okay for me to go and play by myself."

Yamamoto Ryoko was stunned for a moment, and then became angry: "Broken off! Broken off!"

But it didn't say that you can get the seal even if you don't win, Xia Zhi thought about it.As for Shiraishi Rika, she also had an expression that she didn't know whether she was angry or shy. Xia Zhi subjectively judged that it would be better for her to cherish her revolutionary friendship.

"I'll go and talk to you, then."

"I knew you would definitely help me! I'm so touched."

Xia Zhi gave him an OK gesture, and then walked towards Shiraishi Lihua.

"What did Liangzi take pictures this morning?" Xia Zhi suddenly uttered a voice, and Bai Shi Lihua was taken aback. When she looked up, she saw Xia Zhi who had walked to her side at some point.

"No, nothing."

Although Shiraishi Rika nervously hid the camera behind her back, which was too suspicious, Natsuki said that she was willing to believe her, so she didn't go into too much detail.

"Ignore what Liangzi did for now, let her help us get the seal first, and then let you deal with it as you like, okay?"

In order to prevent Ryoko Yamamoto from hearing these whispers, Natsuki carefully walked next to Shiraishi Reika and whispered.Shiraishi Rika had just finished checking the photos that made people feel a little uncomfortable, and then she was hit by Xia Zhi with a combination of storm punches. Now her mind was like a mush and she couldn't think of anything. She nodded vaguely.

Sure enough, Shiraishi Rika is easy to talk to, and she can get the seal with the help of Yamamoto Ryoko. Shiraishi Rika herself can also teach this friend who sneaks out to do some shameful things some lessons. To put it bluntly, it is a win-win situation.The only loser is Ryoko Yamamoto, it’s really a huge profit.

"Then I'll go talk to her." Leaving Shiraishi Lihua alone and shy, Xia Zhi turned back.


"Lihua rarely compromises so easily..." Ryoko Yamamoto looked at Natsuki enviously: "Sure enough, human beings are creatures that lose their humanity when they have the opposite sex."

"What nonsense are you talking about again? Anyway, I've taken care of things for you, and you've drank all the juice. Hurry up and get ready to participate in the competition."

"I know, I know, it's just a game, it's up to me." Ryoko Yamamoto walked towards the singing competition: "I want to participate!"

Although I don't know much about Yamamoto Ryoko's strength, it is still much better than a temporary worker like me who basically has zero foundation or a dabbler like Shiraishi Rika who hasn't played in a long time.

There are still several minutes before the start of the game, let alone the process of the game.The singing competition can be said to be long or short, and the time is not fixed.Xia Zhi looked at Shiraishi Lihua.

"Lihua, you've been playing all morning, do you want to take a rest?"

Although a few of them are purely for viewing, the time and energy spent cannot be ignored as if nothing happens. In addition, Shiraishi Rika's personal cooking competition and the inexplicably awesome kendo club practice, Shiraishi Lihua may be a lot more tired than she thought.

"Xia Zhijun, are you tired?"

"I'm actually fine. But it seems like I've been playing for a long time. If you're tired, let's find a place to rest first. Anyway, Ryoko seems to be here for a long time."

"If you just leave like that, Ryoko will be angry, right?"

"It doesn't matter. She ran out on her own anyway." Xia Zhi didn't care about this kind of betrayal of his teammates. What's more, in this case, whether he and Yamamoto Ryoko were teammates or not, Xia Zhi's heart was simply There was no pressure, not even any fluctuation, just like a pool of stagnant water.

"No, I'm not tired yet. This level of exercise is very relaxing."

"If you say so, let's find a better seat first, so as not to be crowded again later." Xia Zhi made a little joke.But this little joke successfully reminded Shiraishi Rika of what happened this morning, her face turned red again, and she responded in a low voice.

Natsuki searched casually and found a location where he could see Ryoko Yamamoto: "Then where should we go."

The two of them walked together towards the destination pointed by Natsuki, and Ryoko Yamamoto, who was waiting for the start of the game at the player's seat, saw Rika Shiraishi and Natsuki while looking around, and waved happily.

"Take a picture of her? Just use the camera she brought here." Xia Zhi asked Shiraishi Lihua for her opinion, and the latter nodded.Except for being a little angry because she was caught eating, Shiraishi Rika was very obedient throughout the whole process, and Xia Zhi felt like she was taking a big child for amusement rides.Sure enough, even when playing outside, playing with good children will become more relaxed and enjoyable.

Although Baishi Lihua is usually a little cautious, but fortunately she is still a person living in the modern age, at least she still knows how to use a digital camera.Nowadays, many people always like to get some high-end things to show their uniqueness. To take a photo, you have to use a SLR or something. Xia Zhi does not have so many requirements. If it were not because the pixels of the mobile phone are not enough, Xia Zhi would directly Just pick up the phone and use it as a camera, there is so much trouble.

Asking for trouble is a disease and needs to be cured.

The singing competition has begun. The host seems to be the director of the singing club. He sings the lyrics right off the bat. He probably does this kind of thing often.If it weren't for the singing competition, which didn't require commentary like other competitions, Xia Zhi would have doubted that she would finish singing alone and blossom together.

Xia Zhi roughly counted Zongheng, and found that there were a total of sixteen people competing in eight rounds. The loser would be dismissed, and the winner would continue to play with the other winner, adding up to three rounds.And Yamamoto Ryoko also fulfilled her promise and actually made it to the finals. When Natsuki had no idea what happened, she was sentenced to lose. The host who sang the lyrics said it was a pity, and Yamamoto Ryoko also had a look on her face. A pity expression.

what happened?Xia Zhi wanted to ask, but he also knew that he probably wouldn't understand it well even if he asked, so he just forgot about it and accepted the reality of failure. It was actually not bad.Xia Zhi thinks it’s impossible to give the seal to only the winner, right?In that case, the redemption rate of prizes will be too low.

And the reality is finally unwilling to give Natsuki, who works so hard, a big mouth that loves to eat. After Yamamoto Ryoko came back with a small Kumamon stuffed animal as a runner-up reward and a cardboard with the seal of the Kabai club. Shi Xia Zhi applauded her to welcome her.

"Oh, if I had just been a little faster, I could have taken home a Kumamon that was a little bigger than this one." Although she was sighing, there was no trace of frustration on her face. She was probably just It was just a pity in words, she was very happy now.

"It's awesome, it's awesome." Xia Zhi complimented a few words not so perfunctorily, then reached out to take the cardboard, and there was indeed a bright red seal on the empty seat where the Gepai Club belonged.The purpose has been achieved.

"Okay. Now there is only one...board game club?" Xia Zhi saw the name of the board game club marked on it.

But that's right, after all, among the prizes that can be redeemed after collecting the stamps, there is an option of a set of board games made by the board game club. It is quite reasonable that they personally participated in this stamp collecting activity.

"Are you going to the board game club next?" Ryoko Yamamoto asked.

"After all, the board game club also has a seal that needs to be obtained." Xia Zhi took out his mobile phone and looked at the time: "It's almost twelve o'clock. Time flies so fast. Lihua, are you hungry?"

Shiraishi Rika shook her head: "Because I ate some takoyaki before, I'm not very hungry yet."

"I ate all the way here and I'm not hungry at all." Ryoko Yamamoto raised her hand and replied.

Someone worse than me has appeared!As a reward, Ryoko Yamamoto received a package of glares and lectures from Rika Shiraishi, which confused Ryoko Yamamoto, who was originally in a good mood because she won the third place and the prize.Before Natsuki had time to laugh, Shiraishi Rika pointed at herself and said that she had secretly bought takoyaki before, but Shiraishi Rika took it out and whipped her corpse.

Sure enough, Shiraishi Rika was not naive enough to believe such an obvious lie.But it doesn't matter, Xia Zhi is thinking like most people now, as long as he is not the only one being punished, it won't be a problem.What's more, his crime is much lighter than that of Yamamoto Ryoko, so he must be much more relaxed.As for Yamamoto Ryoko... Natsuki reluctantly prayed for her. Anyway, there would be no loss in praying, although it would have no effect.

With Yamamoto Ryoko's thick skin, although it seemed that she was honestly accepting Shiraishi Rika's preaching, whether the preaching words reached her ears is another matter.She "sincerely" looked at Shiraishi Rika's face, judged based on experience that the lecture was almost over, and immediately came over to try to please her.

She walked behind Shiraishi Reika, put her hands on Shiraishi Reika's shoulders and kneaded them gently: "Oh, don't be angry. Although I said I ate all the way here, I didn't eat a lot, and it won't affect lunch. Yes. Besides, isn’t there a board game club that I want to check out? That’s enough to digest.”

Ryoko Yamamoto spoke from a weak position, but Rika Shiraishi really stuck to this. Although Natsuki wanted to tell her that Ryoko Yamamoto was changing the subject, Ryoko Yamamoto might retaliate later, so she decided not to. .

There are enough things that he usually does, and Xia Zhi doesn't really want to worry too much about this kind of thing.

Baishi Lihua hesitated for a while, and then ended her lecture with "in short", Xia Zhi invited the two of them to go to the board game club to see the situation.Shiraishi Rika is a good child who always does things from beginning to end. Although she seems a little stubborn sometimes, it doesn't matter.

"Then let's go to the board game club first. Play for a while and then go back to eat."

"What a good idea." Ryoko Yamamoto agreed.

Shiraishi Rika had nothing else to do.She has done too many things like teaching Ryoko Yamamoto, but the effect is minimal, and now it can only be regarded as routine.There was no reason to refuse, so she nodded.

"All right……"

This time, Natsuki led the way, and Yamamoto Ryoko followed Shiraishi Reika.

(End of this chapter)

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