Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 352 Did you steal his girlfriend?

Chapter 352 Did you steal his girlfriend?
Natsuki gave all the snacks and change to Tachibana Aya. Seeing Tachibana Aya eating takoyaki happily, she suddenly felt that she could also buy one and eat it together.Watching others eat and eat happily is obviously not a better experience.

There are only two kinds of people in this world who will be happy when others show enjoyment when eating. The first one is the chef who made the food. The enjoyment of the guests is the most real thing for the chef himself. praise.There is another kind, that is, parents watch their children eat.

Although Tachibana Aya does act like a naughty child, and Natsuki unknowingly plays the role of a temporary parent to this naughty child, in essence, the relationship between "parents and children" is actually is not established.

All Xia Zhi felt was the appetite that kept coming up despite not being very hungry.

But today, a lot of money was spent on snacks... Xia Zhi had a hard time choosing between appetite and money.

"Do you want it?" Tachibana Aya held a takoyaki on a bamboo stick and shook it in front of Xia Zhi.

"No." Xia Zhi, who was still hesitating at first, saw Tachibana provoking him so much and refused without thinking.He chose integrity between food and integrity.

“And don’t give your used stuff to others.”

Xia Zhi hoped that she would at least have such common sense.

"I haven't used it either. It gave me two bamboo sticks." Li Huacai shook another bamboo stick in his other hand: "I can't even know such trivial things, right? But If you don’t mind, I can give you mine, anyway, I don’t mind.”

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes: "I mind."

"..." Li Huacai bit off the takoyaki on her hand with one bite: "Hmph, I can rest assured if you are so good at chatting. At least no one else will like you."

"what are you saying?"

"Nothing~" Tachibana Aya ate the last takoyaki, put the bamboo skewer in the box, and stood up: "I've finished eating!"

“Put the trash in the trash can properly.”

"I know, it's been so long and I'm still so verbose. I'm not a kid anymore."

"Aren't you just a little kid who won't grow up?"

"Huh?" Tachibana Aya stopped and turned to face Natsuki: "Have you ever seen such a cute child with such a good figure?"

She wanted to use more adjectives about herself. Xia Zhi took a critical look and shook his head: "I haven't seen it before."

"I guess you haven't seen it before." She raised her head proudly.

"I mean, I've never seen a kid who both said he's cute and has a good figure. You're the first."

This description made Xia Zhi think of something that would suddenly make him abnormal, so he quickly shook his head, trying to get these bad thoughts out of his head and become a pure and good boy.

"Being cute and having a good figure don't conflict with each other. And I'm older than you, so don't forget that."

"I didn't forget... Hurry up, the magic show is about to start." Xia Zhi deliberately did not look at the Tachibana Aya who was making gestures on his body, and walked towards the stage where some people had gathered for the magic show not far away.

Tachibana Aya trotted to the nearby trash can and threw the garbage on her hands into it, and then ran towards Natsuki.I came earlier this time, so I didn’t have to squeeze in like I did this morning.

"I discovered this magic show when I came here yesterday. At that time, I thought it might be interesting with so many people. I didn't expect that there would still be a lot of people here today." Tachibana Aya looked around.

"Because there is no admission fee."

"..." Tachibana Aya's eyes twitched: "Don't talk about such unimaginable things at this time. Just think that their performance is very good, so even if it comes to the next day, it will be overcrowded. Isn't it good?"

"Well, it's indeed pretty good." Xia Zhi nodded doubtfully.

"Huh?" Tachibana Aya noticed some factors.

Xia Zhi also realized that he seemed to have let something slip and had to find an excuse to cover it up.But Xia Zhi still had some shadows from today's noon in his heart, and his mind couldn't move very quickly: "After all, there are so many people at every show. If the quality is not good enough, it won't be so popular, right?"

"That's true." Li Huacai retracted her gaze and nodded.

Didn't she see it?Xia Zhi is not sure.But don’t commit suicide yet.

The magic show started again. Xia Zhi watched the familiar scenes play out in front of him. Although the performance was wonderful, after knowing what would happen, he would lose some corresponding interest and expectation anyway. Magic is like this. That's the way things are.

Novels, comics, movies, TV series or anything else, in addition to works with great artistic appeal that can make people never tire of it, how many times can other things be able to endure through observation or experience again and again? Woolen cloth?Persistence is also a very luxurious word for most people.

The past can be called the past precisely because it has passed and cannot be returned, and the future can be called the future precisely because it has not yet arrived and is gradually approaching. Even if the same thing is experienced, it remains unchanged, but after witnessing it again and again After the same thing happens, will people's thoughts remain unchanged?

It's just that the initial surprise, or joy, or sadness, gradually turned into a completely different indifference and habit.How many people can get used to this kind of thing?
Those who can persevere will probably try again and again with obsessions that are completely unimaginable to them.

When Xia Zhi realized that he had seen all the aspects of this and already knew what would happen next, Xia Zhi diverted his attention from the stage of the magic show and tried to pay attention to another person who could Something to draw your own attention to.

Among this group of people who couldn't see even half a meter away from their surroundings, there was only one person who could accommodate Natsuki's curiosity, and that was Tachibana Aya.Contrary to the absent-minded Xia Zhi, Li Huacai was quite interested in this magic show. Not only did she watch it seriously, but she also recorded it in her notebook on the way to change scenes.

I often see her memorizing things recently. Could it be that she has a conscience and is ready to work hard?
Xia Zhi laughed at himself in his heart for having such a strange idea.

Xia Zhi looked at her for a while. Before he came back to his senses, Tachibana Aya noticed Xia Zhi who was looking at him.She glanced at the person who was staring at her with a puzzled look, then looked at the notebook in her hand, and moved closer to Xia Zhi as if she had suddenly realized something.

"Why?" Because Li Huacai leaned over suddenly, Xia Zhi moved to the side, but there was a human wall around him, and Xia Zhi not only couldn't get out, he couldn't even move.

"Aren't you curious about what I'm writing? I'll tell you secretly..." As if she had some secret she wanted to tell, Tachibana looked around, then leaned closer.The advantage brought by her height was clearly revealed when facing Xia Zhi. She easily approached Xia Zhi's ear, and covered Xia Zhi's ear with one hand as if she wanted to whisper something.

"I've seen all their performances, and I even figured out how they did it. I wrote it all down in my notebook."

What Xia Zhi wanted to do most at this moment was to give himself a regular beating on the face, which had been shaken by someone's actions.Biting the tip of his tongue, the strong pain suppressed the shy feeling. At least Xia Zhi didn't let his expression become too strange.

"When you watch magic shows, do you like to see how they do it?"

"Of course... no." Tachibana Aya stood up straight again and shrugged slightly: "It's just that I have watched most of the programs here, so I know what will happen if they do this, and the sense of expectation is completely gone. . It’s like watching a movie that has been spoiled, and I don’t feel very interested. It’s the same as you are now.”

Xia Zhi sighed, and sure enough he was discovered.

That's right, whether it's Baishi Lihua or Tachibana, both of them are very smart girls, since Baishi Lihua can see what kind of reservation she has before this from a piece of cardboard that has already made a plan, How could it be possible that Tachibana, who is so smart and yet quick-witted, could not see through a sentence she had even slipped out of her mouth?
"Am I that bad at lying?"

Xia Zhi felt that there was no obvious change in his expression. Even if he spilled the beans, his excuse should not be found out so easily.Is it really about feeling good about yourself?

"That's it. No." Tachibana Aya crossed her arms and deliberately posed: "It's just that the person happens to be you, and the person standing next to you happens to be me."

If Aya Tachibana was playing a joke, then she might have failed in her attempt to make a joke this time. Xia Zhi didn't understand where her joke came from.

"Then do you want to continue watching?"

"Of course, if you don't finish reading it, how can you seal it... You can't even print the chapter, right?"

"That's not it."

"That's okay. If you still have some conscience, you know how to deceive me without using the seal."

Xia Zhi felt that this was not conscientious at all.But now that he doesn't have the right to speak, Xia Zhi is not ready to complain about this anymore.

He hesitated, thinking about whether to apologize first like he did at noon today, but before he could move his mouth, Tachibana Aya spoke first: "Let's read it first and then talk. There are too many people here."

There is a nasty feeling of being seen clearly from the inside out.

This magic show that seemed to have lasted for a century finally ended after an unknown amount of time. As if nothing had happened, Tachibana Aya pulled Xia Zhi to the small store that provided seals for magic performances that Xia Zhi had not been to before. In front of the stall.There are still some people queuing up here, and their purpose should be the same as Xia Zhi.

There was a boy in front of him who had finished printing his seal. He put away his cardboard and started back from the front of the line. Xia Zhi accidentally saw the other person's face and felt a little familiar.The other party also saw Natsuki's face, and by the way, he also saw Tachibana Aya holding Natsuki's hand.

He paused, his whole body filled with negative emotions for a moment.Slowly walking past Xia Zhi, Xia Zhi clearly heard him say a familiar sentence with his familiar tone and tone: "Let me explode all the charges now!"

Xia Zhi felt that he might have seen this old man before, but his memory was indeed unclear.

Her eyes drifted further and further along with his retreating figure. It wasn't until Tachibana Aya next to her asked "What's wrong?" that she came back to her senses.

"It's nothing. I feel that the person who just walked past is a bit familiar. Maybe it's an illusion."

"Really? I have such strong negative emotions. Did you steal his girlfriend?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

"Yes... well, it's really impossible. You don't even want it delivered to your door, so why would you do such a laborious thing as grabbing someone else's girlfriend?"

Xia Zhi felt that there was something in her words, but something would definitely happen if he answered it, so Xia Zhi sensibly did not answer her.

"It's our turn." Tachibana Aya smiled and stretched out her hand to Xia Zhi. Xia Zhi handed the card to her with understanding, even though he didn't know the meaning of doing so.

After stamping, Xia Zhi pulled Xia Zhi away again, behind him was an envious look that made people feel very uncomfortable. This was probably what the glow on the back was talking about.

The two of them came to a place with relatively few people. Coincidentally, Xia Zhi was also familiar with this place.Because he just had lunch here at noon.


After thinking for a long time, I didn't know what to say, so I could only sigh.

"what happened?"

"Nothing." Xia Zhi shook his head.

"Okay. Then it's time for the two of us." Tachibana Aya blinked: "But just in case, let me tell you something very important first."


"I'm not angry about the fact that you watched the magic show in advance." Tachibana Aya said words that made Xia Zhi feel familiar.

"Anyway, you must have watched the magic show without noticing it, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have done such a troublesome thing as watching the magic show but not putting the seal on it. I find it troublesome."

"Probably with Xiao Lihua, right? After all, I also want such a competent wingman..."

"However, I'm still not angry. Because I've known this for a long time, and I've been prepared for it." Tachibana Aya's face looked familiar to Xia Zhi, as if she was super high school-level confident: "I won't lose anyway. .”

"I've finished what I have to say, now it's your turn."

Xia Zhi sighed and scratched his head again.

"In a sense, you two really look alike..."

Since it is so similar, then there is a solution.

"Take a short break, I have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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