Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 372 Am I that perverted?

Chapter 372 Am I that perverted?

Looking at the frozen picture on Shiraishi Lihua's mobile phone, Xia Zhi always felt like he had lost money.

"In that case, let me take a picture too."

Just as he was about to pick up his mobile phone, the door of the home economics classroom was suddenly opened in an instant. Xia Zhi saw the face of Yamamoto Ryoko with a smirk on his face, and time seemed to freeze.

The current situation is that Xia Zhi is sitting on the chair, and Shiraishi Lihua is leaning very close to her back, and she has not yet taken back her hand that stretched out to take pictures.Although the pure will become clear and the turbid will become turbid, but... isn't this situation a little bad?
"Oops... The classroom was cleaned and I was going to call you two, but I didn't expect... Did I disturb you? Then I'll come back in 10 minutes." Ryoko Yamamoto said carefully again After closing the open door, Xia Zhi saw that the sly smile on her face had not disappeared from the beginning to the end.

There is a high possibility that her sudden opening of the door just now was intentional, just to scare the two of them.Ryoko Yamamoto is such a terrible and evil person.

Although it is winter now, and the windows in the home economics classroom have been closed by Shiraishi Reika, Xia Zhi did not expect that the warming effect would be so significant, and the space he was in was heating up rapidly.Shiraishi Rika quickly returned to her usual appearance, then walked away from behind Natsuki's chair and ran towards the door of the home economics classroom.


The roar could be clearly heard from a long distance away, and Xia Zhi felt that Ryoko Yamamoto was in danger.Since ancient times, justice will prevail and evil will not suppress good. I have heard this saying countless times, and it is also played out this way in reality, so Xia Zhi firmly believes that Yamamoto Ryoko is definitely hopeless.

Xia Zhi stood up and suddenly realized that he hadn't taken the photo yet, and couldn't help but sigh.Sure enough, it was a loss.But as I said, there will be more opportunities to make memories in the future, so don’t worry.

"Ryoko seemed to say just now that the classroom has been cleaned? It was so fast. Is it really because of the large number of people?"

Natsuki walked out of the home economics classroom. Shiraishi Rika and Yamamoto Ryoko had already gone to nowhere.The key to the classroom should still be with Lihua. After Xia Zhi closed the door, he suddenly found that he couldn't lock the door and scratched his hair.How can this be fixed?

Otherwise, leave it alone?That's not okay. If anything important is taken away from the classroom, Lihua will take responsibility.Even if there are no valuables, it would be very serious if a kitchen knife or something was lost, right?Xia Zhi suddenly wished that he had the superpower to lock the door by himself.

Sure enough, it would be better to give Lihua a call.Xia Zhi took out his mobile phone again, so it is not unreasonable to say that modern people's lives have been completely controlled by electronic devices led by mobile phones.

It was easy to find the phone number of Shiraishi Reika, and Xia Zhi made a tentative call.Shiraishi Rika had her cell phone in her hand when she ran out, so it shouldn't be particularly difficult to find.

Sure enough, the call was answered after a few beeps.

"Hey, is this Xia Zhijun?"

"It's me. The door to the home economics classroom is not locked yet. I don't have the key, so I can't lock it."

"Ah... I forgot about this. Damn Ryoko... I'm going over now, please wait for me."

Then she hung up the phone.Xia Zhi put away his phone and looked around. There was no one there, so he walked to the window in the corridor and looked outside.Unlike the playground that can be seen in the home economics classroom, you can see the school's vestibule and the fence from here. Instead, you can see most of the school festival items from here, but now they are all in one place. It's just the scene of cleaning up the stall and arranging the props.

Only now do I really feel like this large-scale event is finally over.Obviously, the day when the school festival started seemed like it just happened, but when I thought about it carefully, I could feel that many, many things had happened during this period.

Just like quicksand, I hold it tightly in my hand, thinking that I have grasped it, but as long as I shake it slightly, the sand scattered from the palm of my hand scatters to the ground like an avalanche. When I open my hand, I see, But it has become empty.It's not easy to pick up all these grains of sand again.Fortunately, the sight of sand filling my hands has not dissipated yet. This is enough. After all, it is quite tiring to hold a handful of sand in my hands all the time.

"Eh? Xia Zhi, what are you doing here?"

A slightly familiar voice reached his ears. Xia Zhi turned around and took a look and saw his acquaintance.

"Wuhe, what are you doing?"

"The paperwork is handed over to the student union. Our Discipline Committee is responsible for checking whether the school festival venue in the school has been cleaned up. If it is not cleaned up, the person in charge will be called to come and clean it up as soon as possible. After all, tomorrow is Saturday and we have to continue. In class.”

"Sounds like a lot of hard work."

"That's not true. The workload of the Student Union is much greater than that of our Discipline Committee, and I hate doing desk work." Wuhe spread his hands.Speaking of which, this girl seems to be a sports person.

"Did you enjoy the school festival?"

"It's not bad." Wuhe sighed: "If it weren't for the fact that neither Rise nor I know how to cook and didn't participate in the cooking seminar project, we would have won the stamp prize."

"That's really a pity. By the way, isn't Rise with you?"

"As for Rise, she seemed to have gone to play with her sister this morning. I happened to have work today, so we didn't meet her today."

"That's it."

So that’s it, is that perverted sister here too?Rishi is really working hard.

"Speaking of which, I saw that your relationship was so good before, and I thought it was that kind of relationship, but it turned out not to be the case. Xia Zhi, don't you like girls who look like little girls? She obviously has a lolita face. .”

Xia Zhi was shocked.

"What kind of face does a lolicon have? Am I that perverted?"

Although he's not handsome, he doesn't look like a pervert, right?Xia Zhi was a little shocked.

"Ah hahahaha, small things, small things." Wuhe waved his hand nonchalantly: "Let's go back to the previous topic, what are you doing here? This is not a home economics classroom... Oh, I remembered, your class The snacks in the coffee shop seem to be prepared in another classroom before being delivered to them. Is this where it turns out to be?"

"I thought the Discipline Committee would know about this."

"I know, but I'm not responsible for this work, so I don't know. Others should know. So, what are you doing here? Although you are an acquaintance, if you want to do something bad, , I will have the right to stop you."

"Don't just treat people as perverts..." Xia Zhi didn't want to continue complaining anymore: "The classmate who took the key forgot to lock the door when he left. I just stay here and wait for her to come."

"I see. Can you close it before five o'clock?"

"She is in the school. She went to find someone just now. She is coming over now. She will be closed in a while. Don't worry."

"That's good." Wuhe picked up the pen in his hand and wrote something on the writing board: "Have you cleaned it?"

Xia Zhi nodded.

"If that's the case, then I won't check it. Don't cheat me."

"I think it's better for you to check it. After all, it's possible that after cleaning it doesn't meet the standard."

This kind of thing is not impossible. After all, the items that need to be inspected should have their own standards. If you fail to meet the requirements when cleaning, it will not be a good thing for others or yourself. In general, this situation may also be a sign of trust. A fatal blow to the relationship.

"Are you so unsure of yourself?"

"Just for insurance."

"Okay. Let me check it out a little bit."

No matter how familiar someone is, if the other person is not at ease, then there is still no way to completely relax, right?Wu Heyuan made a very sensible choice.

She opened the door of the home economics classroom slightly and walked in to take a look. Xia Zhi continued to stay by the window in the corridor, waiting for Wuhe to check the home economics classroom.Before Wuga Yuan finished checking the classroom, Shiraishi Rika, who was chasing Yamamoto Ryoko, appeared at the end of the corridor.

"Waiting for a long time... Phew..." Shiraishi Lihua, who was running all the way, gasped.It was able to make Shiraishi Rika, who had so much better physical strength than her, gasp, and she didn't know how far Yamamoto Ryoko had escaped.

"It doesn't matter. You can just walk over here."

"Because I can't keep Xia Zhijun waiting. It was obviously my mistake."

"Tolerating each other is what friends should do." Xia Zhi didn't care.

"Then I'll close the door and let's go to the classroom together. Aiko and the others should have cleaned the classroom and are about to go there."

"Wait a minute, the disciplinary committee is checking the hygiene."

Xia Zhike had no intention of letting Shiraishi Reika lock Wuhe in the home economics classroom.Although she said she was a pervert, she couldn't really turn into a pervert who locked girls alone in a classroom, right?

"A Discipline Commissioner?"

"Yeah." Xia Zhi nodded.

Just in time, Wu Heyuan also finished the inspection and walked out of the classroom: "There is no problem in the classroom. I feel more confident after it has been cleaned. Eh..."

"Let me introduce you to you. This is my classmate, Shiraishi Rika. She made all the snacks you had that day."

"Oh, oh," Wuhe's eyes lit up. Sure enough, the girls all have a common theme about delicious snacks: "The snacks are super delicious."

"Thank you." Shiraishi Lihua politely accepted the compliment.

"She is a member of our school's discipline committee, Wuhe Yuan, and is a first-year student. If Lihua is concerned, I should see her often."

Xia Zhi saw the doubtful looks cast by Shiraishi Rika and Wuhe Yuan at the same time.

"Lihua usually comes to school very early, right? Wuhe comes earlier than me and arrives at school very early every morning. I see her almost every morning, and I get to know her when we come and go. Lihua should also be there often You can see it.”

"Speaking of which, Shiraishi-senpai does look familiar." Wuhe Yuan began to look at Shiraishi Rika carefully again, and the latter was in the same state: "I also have a little impression, because every morning when I arrive at school, people are... Not a lot.”

Xia Zhi discovered a problem that had to be taken seriously.

"Why are you calling Lihua? Senior Shiraishi, just call me by name!" Xia Zhi looked at her: "I am also your senior."

"You are special. Hahahaha." Wuhe didn't care, and laughed happily.

"Do Wuhe-san and Xia Zhijun have a good relationship?" Shiraishi Lihua asked curiously.

"It's just a familiar friend. Don't worry, Shiraishi-senpai." As if he had noticed something, Wuhexiao said to Shiraishi Lihua, and the latter's face turned red unconsciously.Among the three people present, only Xia Zhi had questions on his face and a confused look on his face.

"There are still other places to check in the future, let's talk about it when we have a chance." Wu Heyuan seemed ready to leave: "Then see you tomorrow morning."



Watching Wuhe leave, Xia Zhi looked at Baishi Lihua again.

"Then let's lock the door and go there. Maybe we can catch up with Nagahara and the others."

"Yeah." Shiraishi Lihua nodded, and then sighed: "Xia Zhijun knows a lot of girls."

"Although this is true, it is beyond my control..." Xia Zhi now discovered this situation that is worth pondering: "It's not so much the girls I know, but the girls near me. More."

The same is true in school. Except for Qingfeng, who is in the same class, they don't know any other boys. In the coffee shop, except for regular customers and store managers who are no longer in the same age group as themselves, most of them are girls. , As for other places... there isn't much interaction, and basically I don't know anyone.

"Could it be that there are many more women than men in Japan now?" Xia Zhi had such a guess.

"Not at all." Then the indigenous people retorted.

"Don't worry about it so much. As long as we are friends, everyone is the same." Xia Zhi didn't care very much.

"Maybe it's because Xia Zhijun is gentle and good-looking."

Xia Zhi always felt that these two words were not very good to describe a boy, but considering that he couldn't explain the other person except for the truth that he didn't even believe in, it was better to end the topic quickly.

"Let's go, let's go. If they are not in Nagahara, they will be invisible."

"Hee." Shiraishi Lihua secretly laughed again.

She seems to be smiling more and more lately.

Well, it’s pretty cute anyway, so it doesn’t matter.

(End of this chapter)

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