Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 376 I only have enough money to spend for 2 years! ?

Chapter 376 I only have enough money to spend for two years! ?
After skillfully brewing a cup of coffee, Natsuki pushed it in front of Tachibana Aya.

"Stay honest and don't make trouble for me."

"I won't cause trouble. As long as you give me a chance to show off, I can obviously help a lot. For example, cleaning."

Xia Zhi didn't know why she was able to choose this example that was nothing among so many examples that could prove that she was really useful. By the way, she also confirmed the fact that she really couldn't help at all.

"I don't need your help, just sit back and play with you."

"Hey." Tachibana Aya smacked her mouth, and then played with her phone again: "Speaking of which, spring break is coming in less than a month. Do you want to go somewhere together? How about going to Osaka or Nara? ?It’s a very popular tourist spot during spring break.”

"Besides, I'm not very good at situations where there might be crowds of people." Xia Zhi picked up the mop in the store and started mopping the floor.Xia Zhike never falls behind on daily hygiene.

"Then do you want to go camping in the mountains? In another month, the weather will get warmer. It seems that there is no problem in living in the mountains for ten days and a half. There are many mountains like this in Japan."

"Why did you arrange my entire spring break without saying anything? Isn't spring break only ten days and a half a month?" Xia Zhili didn't even bother to talk to her.Although the mountains may be quite interesting, first of all, I don’t have any relevant knowledge, and it is easy to get into trouble if I go into the mountains and forests. Secondly, although Tachibana Aya seems to be quite interested in talking about it now, but if it is really If we go there, within two days, she will definitely be the one who says it’s boring and boring.Nowadays, people are almost controlled by technological products. If Tachibana Aya is bored, she will die dozens of times. What’s more, she is extremely courageous. If she gets bored, she will run into the forest to do something. Death, that's the real pill.

Xia Zhi felt resistant to this matter.

"Do you have any dissatisfaction with going to the mountains to play with two beautiful girls?"

"I was never satisfied from the beginning to the end." Xia Zhi glared at her, and then continued to do the work in hand.

"You must just feel embarrassed. You feel that you are too happy to be invited by a beautiful girl to hang out with you. You don't know what to do, so you have to reluctantly refuse, right?"

"I just don't want to go." Xia Zhi thought for a while and added: "Especially with you."

"Hmph! One day you will regret and cry because you refused to hang out with me."

To be able to make myself regret to that extent, to be honest, Xia Zhi is more curious now.But now is not the right time to chat with her about these unnecessary things. If you don't finish cleaning quickly, it will be troublesome if you don't finish cleaning when the store opens.

In the following time, Tachibana Aya became quiet, sitting on the high chair in front of the counter and playing with her mobile phone.Xia Zhi was relieved to be so quiet, and thanks to her being quiet, Xia Zhi cleaned a lot faster.After mopping the floor, the table still had to be wiped. As soon as Xia Zhi was about to start, the store door was pushed open, and the wind chimes that he had heard countless times rang again.Xia Zhi raised his head and said hello to the girl who just walked in the door: "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon." Maeda Mayumi returned the greeting to Natsuki, and then looked at Aya Tachibana who was sitting at the counter playing with her mobile phone: "Tachibana-senpai, good afternoon."

"Oh, little Mayumi." She turned around and blinked.

"Senior, why don't you tell those kids which university you want to go to? They have so many people asking me every day. It's so troublesome..." Maeda Mayumi came to Tachibana Aya and complained.

"Ah hahahaha, if I tell them, they will definitely get into the same university as me. Personally, I hope they can go to a school that matches their abilities. Many of them are good kids who can get into Tokyo University. If they come with me It's too wasteful." Tachibana Aya stuck out her tongue and smiled.Then another pair of eyes stared at Mayumi: "Little Mayumi, don't tell the school where I want to be admitted."

"I know..." Then Mayumi turned her head again and glanced at Xia Zhi who was cleaning the house with a complicated expression. The latter felt her gaze and raised his head to look at her.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

No matter how you look at it, it's inappropriate... How did the two of them get together?Mayumi Maeda's biggest doubt has never disappeared.

"Speaking of which, Mayumi-chan, your father works in the Metropolitan Police Department, right? Will you also go to the police academy?"

"It should be. After all, I have been working hard towards this goal. It is easier to enter the police school. As for which school I want to go to, I haven't made up my mind yet. But Dad should know which school is better. Not too worried.”

"It's great to have dreams. I don't even know what kind of job I want to do in the future." Tachibana sighed: "Isn't there a school in the world that specifically trains homeless people?"

"How can there be a school like that!" Mayumi complained: "And there is no need to train homeless people at all, as long as they don't work... By the way, Tachibana-senpai, haven't you been working all the time? I see you every day They all seem very idle, is it okay if I come here every day and don’t work?”

Maeda Mayumi remembered that she had never seen any sign of Tachibana Aya working.

Tachibana Aya secretly glanced at Natsuki who didn't notice here, and then quietly said to Mayumi: "I'm working. But don't talk about this topic here, otherwise Natsuki will call me again if he hears it. I’m at work, it’s so boring.”

Maeda Mayumi is already in despair. The heart that once respected and yearned for Rikkasai has long since become a pineapple.

"If that's what you want, then so be it...I'm going to change clothes first."

Mayumi walked away from Tachibana Aya and walked towards the staff room.Tachibana Aya looked at her, and then looked at her phone. She was using the electronic map to look for potentially interesting places in Japan.

"I don't want to work or anything like that. There are so many things to do now, so I don't have time to think about work. I'm not short of money..."

Tachibana was stunned for a moment, then started counting with his fingers.

"It costs money to get married, to travel, to buy a house, to buy a car, and to have children is even more money... Isn't my money only enough for me to squander for two years!?"

Tachibana Aya quickly stood up from the chair and shouted to Natsuki: "I'll go back!"

Then he ran out of the coffee shop.

What is she doing?Xia Zhi didn't want to understand.So I pretended nothing happened and continued cleaning.

(End of this chapter)

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