Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 381 Are the wings hard?

Chapter 381 Are the wings hard?

After getting Xia Meng's consent, Xia Zhi talked with her mother who wanted to get her mobile phone back for a while, but because she was still at work, she didn't talk for long. Zhi chatted about some common things, and after confirming his thoughts with Xia Zhi, he said that he wanted to think about some related things, and then hung up the phone.Regarding this matter, Xia Zhi was somewhat surprised and somewhat understandable.

No matter how far away you are from your family, your family will always be your family. This connection is unbreakable and constant, not to mention that this is one of the relationships that Xia Zhi wants to maintain.Of course Xia Zhi knows his parents best. Although they seem to be harsh on him on the surface, they still love him deeply. If there is really no other better way, they will not Those who easily throw burdens on their children, even if a large part of these burdens themselves should be borne by their children, is the so-called parental love.Xia Zhi could imagine how they had been thinking hard about this issue and how they finally decided to call him out of necessity.A little helpless, but also a little happy.

Unfortunately, it is indeed a troublesome thing to take good care of my sister. Although Xia Meng is a good child with excellent academic performance, understanding, kindness, smart, well-behaved, peaceful, comely and cute, and the moon is shy, But because I am too lazy, it is always easy to make her angry. If she really comes over, regardless of whether I can make dinner or clean the house, the attitude of taking care of and being taken care of will probably be affected. It's reversed.And judging from his current pace of life, his condition is actually not very suitable for taking care of his sister. This is where Xia Zhi feels a little helpless.

The happy part is much simpler. I am happy because my parents trust me, I am happy because I can be useful, and I am happy because I can see my family. It is only this level of things, but Xia Zhi is very happy. Need any other reason.

Xia Zhi's current mood is a little complicated.Taking the initiative to invite Xia Meng to come and play was not a thoughtless move because of what his mother said. If you can adjust your schedule a little, taking care of your sister is actually not a difficult task.And Xia Meng actually doesn't need to be taken care of, just like she is at home, she can take care of herself, but because she is relatively young, her mother really can't rest assured. If Xia Meng grows up a few years more, , for example, if she is the same age as Xia Zhi, then her mother will probably feel less stressed even if she leaves Xia Meng alone at home.

Xia Meng is coming to live with him for a while. As far as Xia Zhi feels, he is quite happy, although this is indeed a troublesome thing.

The details will be told to me after my parents get their passports, air tickets, etc., so there is no rush now.It's impossible that Xia Meng has already arrived in Japan just after making a phone call, right?
"Well, there will always be a way." Xia Zhi's salty fish disease started to attack again.

But it is really rare that one of my parents, one of whom is a civil servant in a government department and the other of whom works in a public institution, is able to bring them both together on a business trip at this time. Is this what is called fate?This is probably what the so-called destined couple is all about, right?Although there seems to be something wrong about going on a business trip together, and two companies that are completely different from each other can actually have the opportunity to cooperate, it can only be said that the world is really strange, any kind of situation can happen, and the development speed is too fast. No, I can no longer keep up with this era, but it’s okay.

"Speaking of seems like I can learn some skills from Lihua." Xia Zhi hugged his arms and started thinking.

Xia Meng usually likes to eat snacks and so on. It just so happened that Shiraishi Rika made a lot of delicious snacks at the school festival last time. She can learn to make some... No, the craftsmanship is secondary. At the critical moment, she has all the tools. No, even if you learn it, there is no place to do it.So I still have to be shameless and let Shiraishi Rika make some for myself?It doesn't seem impossible. Although it tests the thickness of his face, this level can only be regarded as drizzle for Xia Zhi now.She has been a prostitute for more than half a year, and her face has naturally grown. Although the place where she grew up is a little strange, Xia Zhi doesn't really mind if it can bring convenience.

Or you can also learn some sweets that can be made without using special tools. Shiraishi Reika should know a lot of such sweets, right?
"Na, na~"

Xia Zhi suddenly heard some noises, and when he came back to his senses, he only saw a hand shaking in front of him.He tilted his head and saw the owner of this palm.

"Didn't I ask you to go to work? Or did you say you don't want dinner?"

"I also want to work, but my computer has no power."

Tachibana Aya put the computer she brought on the counter, opened it and pressed the power button. There was no response, maybe the battery was really out.Although a laptop is indeed portable, it is still called a computer and cannot be used without electricity.There's nothing we can do about it.

"If the battery is out, just take a rest."

"Look at me working so hard, are you going to give me some reward or something?"

Xia Zhi raised his eyebrows: "For example?"

"For example, go camping with me in the mountains during spring break, or go to Osaka or Nara with me."

"How persistent are you?"

"Don't underestimate a girl's determination and perseverance! Especially a cute girl like me, who is number one in the world! Both in terms of cuteness and perseverance."

Xia Zhi curled his lips.Today's Tachibana Aya is also working hard to create cuteness and happiness.

"I don't have time to talk to you. Just be honest and wait quietly until you get off work."

"Aren't there no guests now? What does it matter? Come and chat."

"Be honest. If it's so noisy, you can take care of tomorrow's dinner yourself."

"Hmph! You use this to threaten me every time! I will never compromise with you over a meal again!" Tachibana Aya raised her face, looking very imposing.

Xia Zhi said "Hey" and looked at her.

"Okay, are the wings stiff?"

"Although I don't know what it means, you are right."

"Okay, then you can take care of tomorrow's dinner yourself, and I can rest for a while."

"Sorry I was wrong."

Tachibana Aya apologized sincerely.Today she is still puzzling.

(End of this chapter)

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