Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 391 Can a person be sincere?

Chapter 391 Can you be more sincere in life?

After the store manager opened the door, Natsuki and Tachibana Aya followed and walked in. The store manager himself ran to the table next to the door to check the game box he bought. Tachibana Aya came to the counter as usual and almost became her Xia Zhi arranged the exclusive seat for her and began to ask for juice and snacks. Xia Zhi ignored her as always and walked to the staff room to change clothes.Today is also a busy day, probably.

No matter how the day changes, the first thing to do will not change. Natsuki got the cleaning tools placed in the staff room and walked out. Ignoring Tachibana Aya, who was still calling, he came to the store manager. , putting the mop next to him.

"I'll take a look at your game box when you get back later. Come over and clean it quickly."

"No. When I went to buy it, I basically bought everything that I didn't have and that was on sale. The quantity was a bit large, and I don't know if there were any not-so-good ones. But I couldn't be fooled by Xiaoyao. We discovered it with Sayuri, otherwise there will be big problems. We have to sort them out."

He picked up game boxes one after another and checked them carefully. He looked like a good father who loved playing games but was worried about having a bad influence on his family. However, Xia Zhi found out that he had to hide this. When the part of the person was stacked higher than the normal part, Xia Zhi felt that this person was still as unreliable as ever.If these things were discovered by Xiaoyao, the store manager would probably be punished by the angry Sister Sayuri to sleep on the sofa for a month.

There was no way, this coffee shop was squeezing its employees, so Xia Zhi had to clean it himself.Picking up the bucket and rag, Natsuki began to wipe the dining table. Tachibana Aya did not sit still and sat there in a daze. After discovering that Natsuki was not prepared to give her juice or snacks, she ran to the store manager's table. Discussed the game with the store manager.Although Natsuki felt that it was somewhat inappropriate, Tachibana Aya was an adult after all, and she should be able to control herself.

Cleaning took less time than Xia Zhi expected. Of course, that was apart from the two people who had clearly finished cleaning but were still discussing their refusal to work. Although that person was indeed not an employee of the store, But delaying another employee's work is considered a crime worthy of death.She decided to eat instant noodles at night to let her experience the cruelty of this world.

The two of them were still chatting, and the content of their chat had already moved on from the game. Xia Zhi felt that the two of them were just stalling for time, so he walked next to them and took a photo. Clap your hands: "Okay, we're ready to start business."

As expected, the discussion between the two stopped, and Xia Zhi no longer had the strength to twitch the corners of his eyes.

"Hey, Xia Zhi, you clean so fast. It seems that you are indeed one of the best employees in our store." The store manager praised Xia Zhi. If he didn't know what is usually going on at this point, In principle, if there were only Natsuchi and Mayumi as employees in the store, Natsuchi might be a little happy, but now, it doesn't exist. This guy just wants to be lazy and not work. Natsuchi has seen through everything.

The guy next to him was even more outrageous.

"Huh? Is it open for business? Then I want juice and matcha cake, not apple juice. Anything else is fine. You can get it at any price."

Natsuki glared at Tachibana Aya who was trying to order.

"I won't give it to you after the business is open. Don't even think about doing whatever you want if you have money."

"You are targeting me for no reason!" Tachibana Aya protested, waving her fists.

"I'm targeting you, what can you do?"

"I...I...I really don't have one." Tachibana Aya could only blink, then looked at Xia Zhi and said, "Is that okay? You sell me the juice and snacks, and I will agree to be your girlfriend, okay?" good?"

Xia Zhi said without thinking: "There are no juices or snacks today, so give up."

Only the store manager looked complicated next to him.The young people these days don't know what weird things are going on in their minds, and the operations are getting more and more complicated, so they can't keep up with the times.A discerning person would know how to operate it at a glance, but Xia Zhi decided to do the opposite.Even if Xia Zhi did the opposite, Ai Jiang smiled and didn't care.So what is going on with the two of them?The store manager, who felt deeply that he was old and powerless, silently packed away the game boxes on the table, then stood up: "No more talking, let's get ready for business."

Let the young people solve their own affairs. It is better not to interfere.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, it was officially opened for business.Because they were closed on Saturday afternoons, the opening hours were relatively early, but Mayumi didn't come. Her regular working hours were from [-] to [-] pm, and it would take at least two hours before she could be seen.Natsuki occupied the seat inside the counter, Tachibana Aya sat in her exclusive seat and drank hot water, while the store manager stood bored in the aisle not knowing what to do.He is definitely the biggest idler in this century.

"By the way, Natsuki." Tachibana Aya suddenly spoke, focusing Natsuki's scattered attention: "For various reasons, I hadn't eaten lunch when I came to find you. I seemed a little hungry."


"What are you doing? It's already two o'clock and you're telling me you didn't have lunch?"

"Oh, for various reasons, I came here today without having lunch. I'm hungry now, so can you give me a snack?"

Xia Zhi looked at her suspiciously: "You couldn't have made it up to deceive me because you wanted to eat some snacks, right?"

"No, everything I say is true, you have to believe me." Tachibana Aya looked at Xia Zhi with a particularly sincere look, but Xia Zhi did not believe her sincere eyes.She is definitely lying to herself...

"Just this once." Xia Zhi threatened her.

"Oh!" She looked very happy, and Xia Zhi felt more and more that she was lying to him.But if it was true, skipping lunch would still have an impact on the body. After weighing it, Xia Zhi decided to give her a piece of cake to hold on for a while. It was unrealistic to make her lunch on the spur of the moment now.

Tachibana Aya, who got the matcha cake as she wished, took out the money from her pocket and handed it to Xia Zhi. Xia Zhi was still wondering why she was so proactive this time, but she heard Tachibana Aya say: "Okay, I'm going to She’s your girlfriend.”

Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had been tricked.

"...Aren't you too good? Can you be more sincere?"

"Ah hahahaha, but I really didn't have lunch. I didn't lie to you." Tachibana Aya took a bite of the cake, and Xia Zhi couldn't take it back even if she wanted to.In order to save his face, Xia Zhi wanted to struggle.

"I didn't give you juice, so it doesn't count."

"It's really troublesome. Then I'll just be half a girlfriend first."

The store manager, who was standing nearby watching the show, became increasingly uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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