Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 397 Have I ever disliked your cooking?

Chapter 397 Have I ever disliked your cooking?

"Then I'll leave first. See you the day after tomorrow. The same goes for Tachibana-senpai. Remember to prepare the speech for the graduation ceremony. There is not much time left. Natsuki, if you are okay, go and supervise Tachibana-senpai, otherwise I I’m afraid that she won’t be able to finish it, and then she’ll have to improvise on the day of the graduation ceremony. I have to tell my friend in the student union first that Tachibana-senpai will prepare well.”

Mayumi warned Tachibana Aya and Natsuki up and down again, then said goodbye again and walked out of the store.Natsuki didn't care. Mayumi was his colleague, and the relationship between the two was not bad. It was easy for Natsuki to help her.Only Tachibana had a bitter face.

"Little Mayumi is no longer my favorite little cutie. She has changed."

"No matter what you think, this is all your own fault. If you had been more reliable, would things have turned out like this?" Xia Zhi exposed her hypocrisy: "If you have nothing to do, just prepare the speech quickly. That is a serious matter. Things, you don’t really want to do what Mayumi said and just make one up when you need to go on stage.”

"It's not that I can't do it. I can write dozens of speeches for something as simple as a speech." Tachibana Aya hugged her hands and boasted that she didn't need money.

"I didn't say that you can't write it if you don't believe it. I just think what Mayumi said seems quite reasonable. If you don't care about you, you might really prepare the speech on the day of the graduation ceremony, or even the speech. Don’t even prepare, just go up and talk. Although you should be able to do it, but the effect is not guaranteed, I think it’s better for you to prepare in advance.” In order for other innocent third-year students to graduate well.

"Well, since you said so, I'll be well prepared. Doesn't that make you feel at ease?" Although Tachibana Aya compromised, judging from her wandering eyes, she probably still had follow-up conditions: "Of course , if you are willing to go to the mountains with me during spring break."

"Why didn't I see that you were so persistent before?" Xia Zhi glanced at her and felt that the price was still too high: "If you go and prepare well now, I will cook you something delicious later. If you If you don’t prepare, you can make up your own mind for tonight’s dinner.”

"I..." Tachibana Aya glared at him: "Even if you are a devil, it's time to change your conditions, right?"

"I'm lazy. I'll think about it again when this condition becomes unavailable." Xia Zhi didn't care and started preparing the props and ingredients for dinner.Although Aya Tachibana raised this issue, it didn't change that this condition was actually more effective for her. Xia Xia felt that it could be used for at least a while.Perhaps after learning some skills from Lihua tomorrow, her cooking skills may improve a little, and after she can make some snacks, this condition will become useful again.Although after much consideration, Xia Zhi didn't think what he made could be so attractive, but since Tachibana Aya was so good at it, it would be a pity not to use it.

"Hmph." Tachibana Aya hummed softly, then picked up the phone and clicked it.Xia Zhi couldn't see what she was doing and didn't bother to care. Although he told her to let her figure out her own way for dinner, if she really didn't plan to write a manuscript and it was unrealistic not to give her food, Xia Zhi could only pray to her. Be human.

The only ingredients left in the store were small potatoes, a few vegetables, and a piece of ham that were easier to handle.It's enough to make fried rice, but there is no such thing as overnight rice in the store, so it can't be done.Sure enough, you still have to fry it separately, but you can also make it simple and fry the small potatoes directly with some seasoning. Stir-fry the vegetables and ham together, and you can call it a day.Xia Zhi couldn't think of any other way to do it. After all, this was the limit of his ability.Anyway, that’s all.As soon as Xia Zhi set up the pot, Tachibana Aya next to him suddenly made a sound.

"I've finished writing!" She stood up supporting the counter, with an unstoppable look of triumph on her face.Although it can be seen that she is very happy, she cannot be allowed to disturb other guests like this. Some people are already looking this way.

"Be quiet. What have you finished writing?"

"Of course it's the speech!" She handed her mobile phone to Xia Zhi. On it were a bunch of words that Xia Zhi could barely understand, but couldn't decipher at the moment.Only a few words in the speech are carefully marked at the beginning: "Do you want to check it? Even the principal of the school cannot find any faults in such a speech."

"I know, take it away. I'm preparing dinner here." Xia Zhi gave her a disgusted look.As for the content of the speech, I can’t tell whether it’s good or bad. And now I’m busy making dinner. How can I have time to see what the speech is like that this guy spent countless minutes writing? It would be better to leave this matter to the more professional Mayumi: "You are writing too fast, is that okay?"

"Of course, no problem. Do you think I was lying to you when I said I could write dozens of articles casually?" She became proud again, raising her head, waiting for someone's praise.

"That's awesome." Xia Zhi praised her.Speeches like this are actually not short in length, and the words you say need to be carefully considered. After all, what you want to say is addressed to the students of the entire school. Tachibana Aya, the student representative, must be responsible.Considering both the word count and the content, it would not be too much to spend a few hours preparing, but Li Huacai was able to write such a speech so easily.If Mayumi can give a positive review, then Tachibana Aya is indeed worthy of praise.

Tachibana Aya, who received the verbal praise, was also very satisfied and sat back down again.

"I've finished writing my speech, so what will I eat today? Can I have a snack?"

"Cook something you like to eat today." Xia Zhi said vaguely.

"That's great. But isn't it the same as not answering me? Have I ever disliked your cooking?"

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes.Even without looking up at Tachibana Aya's face, Xia Zhi could guess what her expression was now.Unfortunately, because Tachibana Aya likes to lead the topic more and more recently, Natsuki has gradually begun to produce antibodies, and is no longer as easily shaken as before.

"Okay, just be quiet and wait for a while. I'll be done soon."

Xia Zhi comforted her.Tachibana Aya saw that her words did not produce the effect she expected, and her eyes began to roll again.

(End of this chapter)

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