Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 404 I don’t have a cold

Chapter 404 I don’t have a cold
Xia Zhi glared at this wolf who ate his own food, drank his own food, and even played rubbish games with him. In the end, he had no choice but to sit on his chair and prepare to have breakfast.

"I think you have a cold, so it's best not to drink juice or anything like that."


"Why did I suddenly catch a cold? And I didn't even know I had a cold. I think you are alarmist." Tachibana Aya sensed someone's intention to persecute her, and protested in time.But sometimes protesting doesn't solve the problem, especially when the object of her protest is now an arbitrary and ruthless machine.

"I said you had a cold, you just had a cold. When did I lie to you? I said you are not allowed to drink it, so you are not allowed to drink it. You can go find water in the refrigerator."

"No matter what, this is too much! I bought the juice! And you said I had a cold and you asked me to drink cold water. Isn't this even more outrageous?"

Xia Zhi sneered: "You said you bought it, did you buy it? Otherwise, if you call for juice, if it replies that it was indeed bought by you, then I will let you drink it."

"I..." Tachibana Aya couldn't think of anything good to say to refute Xia Zhi. She looked around and focused on Shiraishi Lihua who was snickering: "Xiao Lihua, help me, Xia Zhi is here again." They are persecuting innocent girls.”

"Ah?" Shiraishi was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why this question came to her head. She looked at Tachibana Aya and then at Xia Zhi, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about her, she has a cold and can't drink juice."

"I didn't! Woo hoo hoo, ruthless foreign students are going to persecute innocent girls who are gentle and pitiful and have no power to fight back." Tachibana Aya lied on the dining table and pretended to cry. Xia Zhi had seen this scene countless times. Of course, it can be seen that Tachibana Aya is just playing now, so he doesn't really care.Yamamoto Ryoko was happy to see someone deflated, sitting next to him and watching the show quietly.Only Shiraishi Rika hesitated.

"Um, Natsuchi-kun, if you want juice, please pour some for Tachibana-senpai." Shiraishi Rika saw the shadow of Yamamoto Ryoko in Tachibana Aya's body, and she felt a little bit unbearable, so she begged for her: "If you have a cold, , just heat the juice and you can drink it.”

Tachibana Aya's words of thanks finally stuck in her throat and she didn't say it out loud. She just stared at Shiraishi Rika with her eyes wide open, as if she were looking at a devil. Yamamoto Ryoko's expression was similar, but there were more on her face. The expression is happy.Only Xia Zhi patted his thigh: "Wonderful! What a good idea."

"Oh no! I don't want to drink hot juice! I don't want to drink that soulless thing!" Tachibana Aya shook her head crazily.

Xia Zhi sighed and said to her seriously: "This is all for your health. Look, you can drink juice and not catch a cold. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?"

"Then you drink! If you dare to drink, I dare to drink with you!"

"I don't have a cold." Xia Zhi refused decisively.

Bai Shilihua's expression was very complicated: " juice is quite delicious, am I the only one here who likes to drink hot juice?"

"Ice juice and hot juice can be said to be two kinds of drinks, right?" Xia Zhi said uncertainly: "And my sister told me that heating the juice will cause the vitamins in the juice to be destroyed or something else, and the taste It will also become a little weird, so I have basically never drank hot juice. And after working in the store for so long, I have never seen any customers order hot juice. At most, they just ask for room temperature juice. Hot juice tasty?"

"Of course the juice must be cold! Juice that is not cold has no soul. It is the same as Coke." Hedonic master Tachibana expressed his opinion.

"Please drink less Coke." Xia Zhi glanced at her, and Tachibana Aya's protesting expression instantly became stiff.

"Although I also think it would be better if the juice is colder, the hot juice made by Lihua is very delicious. I went to Lihua's house during the Chinese New Year this year, and Lihua specially made it for me." Ryoko Yamamoto recalled: "I remember It seems to be apple juice, right? It’s sweet and warm when you drink it.”

"Well, it's made with fresh apples, some warm water and sugar. Because during the Chinese New Year, many people came to the house to pay New Year greetings, and they got too much fruit, so most of them were made into juice and drank. Some of them were also It was made into snacks like apple pie. I originally thought that I would be able to eat so much fruit in a month, but I didn’t expect that I would finish it in just over a week. Ryoko, you eat a lot. I remember you seem to have been eating it since then. I started to gain weight." Lihua Baishi looked at Ryoko Yamamoto who was still remembering beside her, and the latter's face suddenly became stiff.

"Didn't you say that I only gained weight during the school festival!?"

"But I thought about it carefully. It seems that during the Chinese New Year, Ryoko, you only stayed for two hours on the first day when you went to worship. In the next few days, you ate snacks at my house...and juice. , cakes, puddings, salads, fruit sundaes... haven't you eaten all of these?"

Shiraishi Rika was counting her achievements with Yamamoto Ryoko on her fingers. Natsuki said a "f*ck" beside her. Tachibana Aya listened and almost drooled.Only Yamamoto Ryoko listened, her face became stiffer, and she tried to defend her innocent reputation.

"Sweets are always stored in the other side of a girl's stomach! Does it count as overeating when a girl eats snacks? And you see, I don't have any meat on my body." Ryoko Yamamoto pinched herself. Pinching, trying to prove that she didn't gain weight, but Bai Shi Lihua knew that she was just lying to herself, so she stretched out her hand and gently pinched her waist.Well, although Xia Zhi couldn't see what the scenery was over there, judging from the dramatic change in Yamamoto Ryoko's expression, she must have been greatly shocked in her heart.

Xia Zhi coughed lightly and tried to continue the breakfast. If he didn't eat, at least three people at the scene would be unable to eat.

But the effect was not very obvious. One of them had already put his hands on the table and stretched his body to the opposite side.

"Hey, Xiao Lihua, I don't get fat no matter how much I eat, can you make some of those delicious things for me to eat?"

The moment Xia Zhi heard these words, he knew that no one among the girls present except herself would want to have breakfast.So Tachibana Aya, this troublemaker, should really be thrown out by her.

Xia Zhi completely forgot that he was the culprit.

(End of this chapter)

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