Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 417 Did You Hear It Wrong?

Chapter 417 Did You Hear It Wrong?
Xia Zhi carefully checked the box of Tachibana Aya, and she even took out the outermost layer. It would be a waste if Xia Zhi didn't check it.Natsuki originally thought that she could see Tachibana Aya's entire career record, but she didn't expect that she only started taking notes halfway through writing. Natsuki suddenly lost some interest.Because all of Tachibana Aya's notes are here, if she arranges the notebooks according to her current time interval, she can arrange it to one or seven years, which is already very good.

"Didn't you use these notes when you first wrote the novel?"

"No way. I wrote these notebooks earlier than I wrote novels. There is another layer below. You can check it out."

"...You have too many notebooks in this suitcase, right?"

"There's no way. If you don't put things like notebooks away properly, you'll easily lose them later, let alone such a small notebook. Oh, by the way, the notebooks on the bottom floor are older, so be careful when handling them. One thing, if it breaks, you have to pledge yourself to make up for it." Tachibana Aya specifically explained, although it can really express how valuable the things inside are to her, but this condition makes Xia Zhi didn't know what to say, so he could only say "poof".

She moved to take out all the notebooks on the second floor. Xia Zhi found out what Tachibana Aya meant when she said the notebooks were older - the notebooks starting from the bottom layer had all faded, how could this not mean they were old?The label on it is for one or three years, which means...

"Did you write your first novel when you were in elementary school?" Xia Zhi was shocked.You must know that the novels written by Tachibana Aya are not supplements to the previous works after she became famous. Judging from the information currently given on the Internet, her status is more like a level that shakes the earth once she appears. .Natsuki thought that female high school student writers were the limit of human beings. Unexpectedly, Tachibana Aya actually broke through this limit and became the legendary primary school girl writer.Isn't this too scary?
"No, no, I wrote the first one when I was in the second grade of junior high school. That notebook contains some information or plot points. I have been preparing for the first novel for a long time. But I need to do some writing later. The preparations are becoming less and less. As expected, Tachibana-sama, I am an out-and-out genius."

Xia Zhi felt that she was not getting more proficient in writing. Maybe it was because of this factor, but the information she needed to use later was getting less and less. No matter what, it was because she was getting lazier.

But, isn’t this right?Natsuki held his arms and looked at the notebooks in the suitcase. The first one was from 20 years ago. If all the notebooks from [-] years ago are counted, there are almost [-] notebooks written by Tachibana Aya. , which took her two or three years to write, and it does not necessarily only contain the notes she wrote before her first book was completed. After all, her first novel was written two years later, which is almost a novel. It took five years to write it, but it doesn't mean that she only prepared one book this year.Although there are quite a few prepared sections that were not used and may be used in subsequent works, this number is not normal no matter how you think about it.

The first floor is almost full, and it only started around November last year. The second floor started in July and August of the same year. In other words, she can obviously fill it up in about two months. How could a ruthless person who took notes only have such a small amount of notes in total?This unscientific.Natsuki suspected that Tachibana Aya had put some of her notes in other places, but after taking a look at the bottom layer, she found that her notebooks were surprisingly connected.The time intervals on the bottom level are very long, and two of them were even used for almost a month, so the number of notes she took in the past few years was very small, but the number of notes she took has increased dramatically recently?What's happening here?Shouldn’t the notes become clearer and more concise the more you take them?Has Tachibana's brain grown inversely again?
Natsuki looked at Tachibana Aya: "You have been writing these twenty or so books for several years. How come these two stories only took more than half a year to write?"

"Of course that's because an earth-shattering event happened last year."

What's the big deal?Xia Zhi was not impressed.If it were earthquake news, Xia Zhi might still have some impression. Although Japan has more earthquakes, most of them do not actually pose a threat. The earthquake resistance of housing buildings in this country is about to break through the sky. Except for that kind of Large-scale natural disasters that require warnings and evacuation arrangements are nothing to worry about.But Xia Zhi is lucky and hasn't met him once in all the time he's been here.If it were any other big event... as long as it had nothing to do with life, Xia Zhi wouldn't be able to remember it.So Xia Zhi showed a puzzled look and asked, "What's the big deal?" Tachibana Aya raised her eyebrows.

"Why have you forgotten this?"

"So what exactly is it?"

"Aren't you supposed to know best?"

"So, what exactly is it..." Xia Zhi stopped questioning. He already knew what Tachibana Aya was referring to.Moreover, Tachibana Aya also succeeded in hearing from Natsuki's unfinished words that he already knew about it, and smiled.

"Look, it's a very important thing, right?"


Xia Zhi glared at her and stood up.

"I went to see some snacks. You can clean up."

"Hey! I brought it to you because you wanted to see it, but you didn't help me clean it up!"

The bullies in the village bully the good people, but the beautiful girl dares to be angry but dare not speak out.Tachibana Aya put Xiaoxi aside and started to pack it up herself. Xiaoxi probably thought it was interesting and wanted to join in, but she was carried to the bed by Tachibana Aya. She was probably afraid that Xiaoxi would give her treasure to her. broken.

Xia Zhi stood next to the microwave oven, took out the baked Dafu, and put the other four in.

Of course Natsuki knew the big thing that Tachibana Aya was talking about.July and August last year were when I first met her.After finishing this semester, I have been in Japan for a year. I have known the store manager for almost a year, and I have only known Tachibana Aya, Shiraishi Rika and others for more than half a year.Now when I think about it, time flies really fast. One year is almost gone by accident...

Xia Zhi held his hands and couldn't help but laugh when he thought of the many interesting things that had happened this year.Tachibana Aya couldn't help but murmur when she saw Natsuki watching her clean up the mess and smiling happily.

"Damn it, you actually watched me cleaning and then laughed at me. Next time I will show you what it means to be the head of the family."

"What did you just say?" Xia Zhi glanced at her doubtfully.

"I didn't say anything, did you hear me wrong?" Li Huacai lowered her head and continued to tidy up her notebook.

(End of this chapter)

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