Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 423 You are bullying!

Chapter 423 You are bullying!
Xia Zhi was washing the dishes in the kitchen, and the mobile phone placed aside vibrated. He quickly wiped the water on his hands, and then picked up his mobile phone. When he saw it, it was Tachibana Aya calling.What happened?


"Hello? Xiazhi? Xiaoxi is fine." Li Huacai's voice came from the phone, panting a little: "It seems that it is not easy to digest or something, mixed with cat food and eaten bad stomach , prescribed some medicine for me, and asked me to take it home... I always feel that they are just lying to me to buy the medicine, and eating a bad stomach can cost me so much money, did my money come from the wind?"

"As long as everything is fine, just let them go if they don't go too far. You're not short of money anyway. Where are you now?" Xia Zhike breathed a sigh of relief.

"Already on the way back, I haven't run yet, and I'm a little tired after running such a small distance."

"If you're tired, just walk back slowly, it's not far anyway."

"I see, then I'll hang up the phone first, and I'll talk about it when I get back."


Xia Zhi responded, and then Tachibana Aya hung up the phone.Natsuki put the phone back on the kitchen counter and continued to wash the dishes while thinking about what Tachibana Aya liked to eat.After much deliberation, the only ones left were the small potatoes that Reika Shiraishi accidentally cut into pieces... Anyway, there weren't enough ingredients for dinner, so I just bought some when I went shopping later.But Xia Zhi still underestimated Tachibana Aya's speed. Just after washing the dishes and putting them back in the cabinet, Xia Zhi was about to go to the living room to rest for a while when the door of the apartment was knocked again.Xia Zhi was stunned for a moment, then walked over from the kitchen to open the door for her. Sure enough, Tachibana Aya was already standing at the door holding Xiao Xi, but she was breathing more obviously.

"How long has it been... did you fly here?"

"I haven't run for a long time, so I ran a little bit. Am I getting old?" Tachibana Aya handed Xiaoxi over, and Xia Zhi continued: "Back then, I was a ruthless person who could even get a place in the marathon. Why did it suddenly become so weak?"

"Who told you to sit in the store all day long, or come to my house to play? If you can still run like this, then you are a ghost." Xia Zhi hugged Xiaoxi, but it still had no energy. But it's normal. It's only been a few minutes. It would be really weird if it healed so quickly: "Where's the medicine?"

"It's in the pocket. How does a cat take medicine?" Tachibana took out the medicine from her pocket. Inside was a small tablet: "This shape always reminds me of stomach medicine. By the way, do cats need to drink water when taking medicine?”

"I didn't know, you can check it online." Xia Zhi carried Xiao Xi to the living room, where Shiraishi Lihua and Yamamoto Ryoko were sitting around the kotatsu, and the flying chess pieces on the table had been put away.Natsuki freed up a hand to take down the Akita dog from the sofa and put it on the kotatsu table. Then he gently put Xiaoxi on it and let it lie on the dog's back. Yamamoto Ryoko looked at it curiously. It: "I'm so hungry, are you okay?"

"I've brought the medicine back, but I don't know how to give it to it." Xia Zhi gently stroked it from beginning to end. Xiao Xi was very happy when she did this in the past, hoping it would make it feel better.

"If it's a pill, just feed it directly. The pills cats take are all specially made." Shiraishi Lihua said, and then thought of other things: "But cats don't seem to like taking pills. , so it might take a while to eat it.”

"Anyway, let's try it first. Tachibana, you and Xiaoxi have a better relationship, why don't you try it?" Xia Zhi suggested, but for some reason, Tachibana frowned: "I always feel that you want me to feed you Xiaoxi took the medicine but it refused, then you laughed at me."

"How can there be so many things? We have been living together for half a year. If you and Xiao Xi don't have a good relationship, who else is better? If you succeed, you can order food at night and there will be a five-star chef next to you. What do you want to eat? Anything works." Xia Zhi threw out his trump card.

Tachibana Aya's eyes lit up: "Am I the kind of person who is desperate for profit? Get out of the way, Xiaoxi's life will be saved by me, the master!"

Xia Zhi was used to it, so she didn't have any other ideas, but Shiraishi Lihua felt embarrassed again.

Tachibana Aya took off the pill, took it in her hand, knelt beside the kotatsu table, holding the small pill in both hands, Jing Ke handed it to Xiao Xi like a picture: "Xiao Xi, take a bite Let’s go~”

Xiao Xi looked at her deeply for two seconds, then turned her head to the other side.Tachibana Aya felt like she was struck by lightning, but she quickly regained consciousness. She knelt and moved next to Xia Zhi, squeezing his position. Xia Zhi felt her body and was almost squeezed out of the kotatsu by her.

"Your Excellency, take a bite~" Tachibana Aya begged, but Xiaoxi was too lazy to care about this lunatic and lowered her head: "Why?"

Tachibana Aya was extremely confused.

"I don't know why, but could you go over there first?"


"You asked me why... If you don't go over, don't ask for food. Just eat instant noodles for dinner."

Tachibana Aya quickly moved her body away and protested: "You are bullying!"

"Don't make trouble, Xiao Xi hasn't taken her medicine yet."

Natsuki quickly suppressed Tachibana Aya's commotion, and suddenly heard a familiar "meow". Then he looked to his right and found that Xiaoxi had been hugged by Shiraishi Reika and was still in her arms. Scratching his chin.Xiao Xi, who had no energy at first, started to shake her tail again, and kept sweeping over Ping...

"Tachibana-senpai, give me the medicine." Shiraishi Rika looked at Tachibana Aya, and stretched out her hand. Tachibana Aya handed the medicine directly, and then propped up the kotatsu table and looked at it with a sleepy expression on her face. groove.

"When you are sick and don't want to take medicine, just make it happy and scratch its neck. Cats seem to like this." As she said this, Shiraishi Lihua took the pills to her fingertips, and then took advantage of Xiaoxi's eyes. When he cried out in comfort, he quickly threw the pills in: "Like this, you can easily let the cat eat the pills. Although it requires some contact, it is very similar to the fast, accurate and ruthless approach of kendo."

Xia Zhi watched from the side, completely confused.He originally thought that Shiraishi Rika would perform a scene of taming Xiaoxi at the speed of light and letting him take the medicine by himself. Unexpectedly, the car suddenly broke out of the guardrail and transformed into an airplane halfway up the mountain. Who could withstand this?

Shiraishi Lihua smiled and looked at Xia Zhi: "Then, let's make some snacks. You have to hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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