Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 437 I Don't Want It

Chapter 437 I Don't Want It

After being taught a lesson by Natsuki, Tachibana Aya didn't care very much. She looked into Natsuki's bedroom. Although the door was not fully closed, it was more than half closed. Tachibana Aya couldn't see what was going on inside. She was When he was about to touch in and try to make contact with Xia Meng for the third time, Xia Zhi, who saw some clues, grabbed the back collar and pulled him back.

"What are you doing?" Tachibana Aya looked at Xia Zhi dissatisfied: "Why do you want to prevent me from having a good relationship with my sister?"

"Don't make trouble for me casually. Mengmeng will live with me for a while when she comes here. With your personality, I can bear it. If Mengmeng is given to you by your nonsense mouth, When I get angry, I will be the one to suffer." Xia Zhi glared at her: "And your dinner." When speaking in Japanese, Mengmeng is obviously easier to call.

Li Huacai immediately fell silent, not daring to take another step towards the bedroom.

"But it won't work if we don't have a good relationship, right?"

"...That's right." After all, Xia Meng will stay for a long time, and Tachibana Aya will come over from time to time for lunch and dinner, although she can eat in the store by herself from Monday to Saturday. , but Xia Zhike doesn’t have that time on weekends. If he ignores this madness, he will probably return to the same pattern of walking into a convenience store and getting enough for the day.This person has been tricked by her again. Whether she can still eat the instant noodles or lunch boxes in the convenience store is another matter. Xia Zhi, who knows that he has sinned deeply, begins to think of a perfect solution, but like this It was not easy to think of things, so Xia Zhi felt a little confused for a moment.

"How about I tell her that I am a very popular light novel writer, and then tell her how about writing a character based on her into a novel next time? Children nowadays really like to be in the limelight, so this idea She won't refuse, and then we can become the closest sisters in the world." Tachibana Aya came up with a bad idea with a serious face, and Xia Zhi's face was full of disgust.

"That's you, and Mengmeng is my sister. She will be the one who will do big things in the future, so she won't care about such small things." Xia Zhi had blind confidence in Xia Meng, and Li Huacai dismissed her enviously. Pout.

"Then what do you say?"

"...How do I know this? I rarely see Meng Meng smile."

Tachibana Aya looked at Xia Zhi with contempt in her eyes. Xia Zhi unconsciously raised her hands when she saw it, and Tachibana Aya subconsciously squatted down holding her head.

"No hitting the head!"

Seeing this scene, how could Xia Zhi still take action?Tachibana Aya's set of moves is so skillful that it can make anyone except Natsuki burst into tears. But Natsuki is different, he will laugh to tears.

"Let's talk about Mengmeng later. Don't say frivolous words in front of her, and you should be more prudent at ordinary times. Don't make jokes that are neither serious nor serious. If Mengmeng misunderstands me, I may finish reading You have to go back after high school. Maybe you won’t even be able to finish high school.” Natsuki sighed, and Tachibana Aya looked at him in surprise: “Go back?”

"Yeah. Because besides my mother, the one who hates my dating the most is Mengmeng. I mean I can live independently here and train myself to stay here, and I have also lived alone for a year. That's why they agreed. But it still doesn't include any issues. Although I'm still not ready to fall in love, you people..." Xia Zhi gave her a meaningful look: "What if I did something? If I was misunderstood by Mengmeng, I might really have to go back. If I go back now, it will be very difficult for me to keep up with the progress and get into a good university, so please don't cause any more trouble for me."

"...Is it so serious?" Aya Tachibana put away her playful smile and became calm. This scene was also a rare sight for Xia Zhi.

Xia Zhi nodded: "Although this time it was because my parents suddenly became busy and had no time to take care of Mengmeng, so they asked her to come and live with me for a while, but I guess my mother should have told her to see what I have. I didn’t do anything bad and then reported it back to her. After all, I have been living alone. Even though it has been so long, they still want to check how I am doing, right? So-called Family love is this kind of warmth, but there are also some troublesome things."

Li Huacai had a bitter face: "What about my dinner?"

"It doesn't hinder you from having dinner. Anyway, you eat in the store from Monday to Saturday, and you only come over for lunch and dinner on weekends. As long as you don't play hard, it doesn't affect you." Said At this point, Xia Zhi suddenly remembered something: "In the evening, you go back and stay by yourself, what does it look like to come and play until late at night in the middle of the night. It was fine when I was alone before, but now Mengmeng is also there It’s obviously not okay for you to arrive so late here.”

"Ah!?" Tachibana Aya looked like the sky was falling. Even Xia Zhi had an anxious look on her face that she had never seen before. To be honest, Xia Zhi herself was a little surprised at how much this sentence meant to her. How big of an impact: "Can't stay here and play?"

"It doesn't matter on the weekend afternoon. I must go back after dinner tonight. Otherwise, I will die." Although it is inexplicable that she can't bear to shake Xia Zhi so much, but the overall situation must be put first.

"I can usually play for a long time, but suddenly it became like this..."

"It's time for you to calm down. You are about to go to college. There are so many things to do. It doesn't feel right to do this every day."

"I don't want it." Tachibana Aya pursed her lips, and then asked in a low voice: "How long will Mengmeng stay?"

"It must be at least more than a month, right? But it may be extended. After all, my parents are really busy recently."

"One month, one month..." Tachibana counted with her fingers: "Isn't it already spring break?"

"It's just the right time for you to prepare for your college exams, isn't it just right?"

"That's not good..." Tachibana Aya looked a little listless, but she quickly cheered up, very in her style: "No, I think we have to have a good relationship with Mengmeng. On days like this, I can’t stand it even for a day.”

"..." Xia Zhi looked at her with complicated emotions, as if he was seeing an internet-addicted girl who is addicted to online games. Tachibana Aya is almost in this state now.

(End of this chapter)

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