Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 445 Don't You Want It?

Chapter 445 Don't You Want It?

Xia Meng walked out of the room, and Xia Zhi followed her out. She was still holding the cake in her hand. Tachibana Aya, who was sitting next to the kotatsu table and eating the cake happily, immediately noticed Xia Zhi coming out of the room. Meng, after being slightly stiff, immediately put on a happier smile and waved to Xia Meng: "Mengmeng, come sit here and eat cake together."

Xia Meng nodded, then walked over there.Natsuki saw that about half of the Tachibana Aya cake that had just been placed on the kotatsu table had disappeared, and Rika Shiraishi had just lost one corner. Is she that hungry?
Tachibana Aya, who became happy because Xia Meng accepted her invitation, moved to the side: "Mengmeng, come and sit here. If you put the dog and the bear behind you, you can just lean on it and sit. It’s very comfortable here.”

Li Huacai revealed the reason why she likes to sit in that position. Is this a surprise?However, Xia Meng didn't care much about those children. She shook her head gently: "No, I'll just sit here." Then she sat in the middle of Shiraishi Rika and Tachibana Aya, and was The stove table was a prototype, and Shiraishi and Lihua sat facing each other, and Xia Meng happened to have a wider seat to sit down.

Natsuki placed Natsumi's cake on the kotatsu table, and saw Tachibana Aya and Shiraishi Rika's cups still intact: "Do you want some juice?"

"no need."


"I want!"

Three completely different answers appeared in this space instantly.Natsuki couldn't even obey the majority. Shiraishi Rika refused Natsuki's move to pour her juice out of modesty and politeness. Tachibana Aya was completely dominated by hedonism as usual and obeyed her inner desires. Desire, Xia Meng also found it troublesome and indifferent as usual, so she didn't make a choice at all and left the right to make the choice to Xia Zhi.Xia Zhi felt like he saw three girls looking at each other for a while, and it was not an illusion.Natsuki thought about it for a while. Natsume Meng had lunch with him. Shiraishi Rika came in the afternoon. She must have had dinner with her mother before that. Only Tachibana Aya planned to be there from the beginning. After finishing things, she continued to come here to have lunch, so among the four people present, she was probably the most pitiful one.In this case, Xia Zhi thought it would be better to get some juice, and then stood up.

"I'd better go get it. Once I finish the last bit, I can go buy a new one."

Li Huacai still had a bright smile, Xia Meng looked at her thoughtfully, and then at Xia Zhi.Xia Zhi went to the kitchen and opened the door of the refrigerator, and found a bottle of fruit juice that was almost untouched.Although the so-called last point is a bit exaggerated, it is actually about the same to fill three cups with such a bottle of juice. After all, both the cup set bought by Tachibana Aya and the cup bought by Xia Zhixin are of relatively large capacity. Not being able to fill all three cups is a problem, and Xia Zhi no longer struggles with this problem.After returning to the kotatsu table with the juice, Xia Zhi poured juice into three glasses one after another. After a quick glance, it seemed that there was still a mouthful left, so Xia Zhi raised his head and drank it all.I always feel like this scene is a bit familiar.

After throwing the juice bottle into the trash can, Xia Zhi came and sat down opposite Xia Meng. The four of them happened to be sitting in the four directions. Tachibana Aya of the Guidian Production Factory had an idea and made a suggestion: "Would you like to come together? Play flying chess?"

"No." Xia Zhi refused simply and neatly. Now is not a suitable time to play flying chess, especially those flying chess placed in the apartment are absolutely abnormal. Xia Zhi does not want to play when Xia Meng is present. This kind of waste of time will definitely be punished by Xia Meng.

Tachibana Aya didn't show her signature disgusted expression this time, probably because Xia Meng was still here, and she didn't dare to expose her skin too thoroughly. If the skin got too cold, it would be too explosive.

"Speaking of which, how about the cake you made?" Xia Zhi intentionally wanted to change the subject.

"It's delicious. You never disappoint me." Tachibana Aya praised him seriously. Although Xia Zhi was very grateful for her praise, her actions of eating snacks as if she were eating made Xia Zhi She suspected that she didn't taste it carefully at all. Although Natsuki himself didn't have anything like the soul of snacks, the way Tachibana Aya ate the cake made Natsuki feel unconvincing.On the contrary, it was the praise from Shiraishi Rika next to her that made Xia Zhi a little happy.

"Xia Zhijun did a great job." Shiraishi Lihua said, and Xia Zhi thanked her in return.After all, Shiraishi Rika was the teacher who taught her how to make these snacks, and she was also a five-star chef. In addition, as a classmate, she was praised by her. Xia Zhi was indeed very happy, and she had a mysterious illusion that she had mastered. Well, illusion.

As for what Xia Zhi was most concerned about... Miss Xia Meng sitting opposite didn't seem to have anything to say, she was just eating the cake with a spoon.After feeling Xia Zhi's gaze, she raised her head and looked at the maker of the dim sum: "Do you want it too?" Then she gently placed the spoon on the edge of the plate and pushed it in the direction of Xia Zhi. .Xia Zhi quickly waved his hand: "I don't want it, I was just wondering if Meng Meng you would like this."

"Not bad. Don't you want it?"

"I don't have to. I don't really like eating such sweet snacks."

"That's right." Xia Meng pulled the plate she had just pushed back in front of her, and then began to eat in small bites.Shiraishi Rika became curious: "Xia Zhijun, don't you like sweet snacks?"

"It's not so much a snack, but it's more like I'm not used to eating anything that's too sweet. In my house, chili is always added to every meal. Sweet things are a bit unpalatable, but they're generally sweet. There’s still no problem with the taste, but for example, crepes are almost at their limit.”

"That's it. I'll remember that. Next time I will make some less sweet dishes for Xia Zhijun to try."

Xia Zhi felt the sharp gaze from the opposite side and wished he could slap himself.Obviously as long as you talk honestly and say what you have to say, if you don't expand the topic, there won't be any problems. Why do you have to be so mean-mouthed?Xia Zhi feels very painful now.

(End of this chapter)

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