Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 448 Then don’t blame me for eating soft food.

Chapter 448 Then don’t blame me for eating soft food.
While chatting first, Xia Zhi waited for the three girls to finish the snacks and then started to clear away the plates. During the waiting process, he was kicked a few more times, but it was not a big problem. As the saying goes, people who are often beaten are better. Resisting the beating, Xia Zhi felt that being kicked by Xia Meng was no longer as painful as it was at the beginning. It could be that Xia Meng had become weaker, and of course it could be that he had become stronger.Because people need to constantly improve and recognize the excellence of others, Xia Zhi feels that he must have become more resistant to being beaten, at least when it comes to being kicked by Xia Meng.

Although Xia Meng was willing to come out and eat cake with the other two girls, which eased the relationship between them a lot, it was still not to the point where they were so familiar with me, so after Xia Meng finished eating the cake, she pushed the plate towards Xia Meng. Zhi then stood up and said goodbye and went back to the bedroom, ignoring the fact that she lightly kicked herself before leaving. Xia Zhi picked up the dishes on the kotatsu table and took them to the kitchen to wash them, while Shiraishi Lihua and Tachibana Aya also continued their conversation. Girls always have endless topics to talk about. Xia Zhi is not worried that they will feel that they have nothing to say, especially if one of the two is With a familiar person like Tachibana, the conversation will become easier to carry on.

Natsuki spent some time cleaning the tableware, and then returned to the kotatsu table. The two girls had already discussed the topic of where to buy good-looking and cheap clothes. The girls talked to each other. The information exchanged is mostly similar to this.Xia Zhi couldn't interrupt and listened quietly to the two of them, but unexpectedly the topic would soon be transferred to the series. No, to be precise, it should be transferred to Xia Meng.

"Natsuchi, spring break is about a month away, but Mengmeng is still wearing a dress. Although it looks good, it will be more troublesome to go out to play then. This is a warm reminder from Tachibana-sama."

"What are you planning to do?" Xia Zhi suspected that she was plotting, but there was no evidence.

"What do you mean I am going to do it? Do I need a reason to buy clothes for girls? I think I can take Mengmeng out to buy clothes when I am free. I just talked to Xiao Lihua and I know a lot of interesting shops. "

"It's really disturbing to be funny."

"Actually, I wanted to take Mengmeng out to play with me while buying clothes. It's rare to come here to play. It's a pity to stay here all the time." Baishi Lihua gave Xia Zhi a reason to feel relieved.

"It's true to say that, but Mengmeng is very homely. She rarely goes out when she is at home, and basically reads books. Sometimes she is not very willing to ask her to go out to play. Mengmeng is very concerned about clothes and so on. I'm actually not very interested." This was Xia Zhi's experience, but in Shiraishi Lihua's view, things were actually turning around.

"Mengmeng seems to be very well-behaved. Doesn't she listen to you?"

Xia Zhi heard the funniest joke in the world, but unfortunately, he couldn't laugh because he was the person involved.

"How can I control Mengmeng... Usually Mengmeng is in charge of me. Maybe today I just arrived so I'm not used to it, or maybe Mengmeng gives me some face. But it seems to have gotten better in the past two years? I I came here to go to school, so I’m not sure about it. It doesn’t matter, Mengmeng is my sister, and it’s my duty to take good care of her.”

"Xia Zhijun is still as gentle as ever." Shiraishi Rika smiled: "Mengmeng is so lucky. I also want a brother or sister, but I only have one child in my family. Speaking of Tachibana-senpai?"

"Me? I also have a half-sister, so that should count, right?" Tachibana Aya held her head in thought.

Xia Zhi was shocked: "Why do you still want to add a new setting to yourself after half a year? I never heard you say that you have a sister or anything."

"We don't meet very often. I moved out when that man remarried. I lived with my mother a few years ago. Later she also found her other half. If I don't hurry up, I won't be able to get married. So I ran out to live alone. There was no relationship with my sister, and she was far away, so I never said anything." Tachibana Aya curled her lips: "Not all families are perfect."

"...Did I say something I shouldn't have said?" Xia Zhi hesitated.

"Don't worry about these little things. I have no contact with them. My mother is living a good life. I even bought a house for them. They are doing business and are satisfied." Tachibana Aya returned to her previous playful and smiling state. But Xia Zhi always felt that something was not right.

"Generally speaking, do children buy houses for their parents? Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Tachibana Aya once again went beyond common sense.

"Tachibana-senpai is so amazing." Shiraishi Rika said with sincere admiration: "If it were me, I definitely wouldn't be able to do it."

As soon as she heard someone praising herself, Tachibana Aya immediately became confused.

"Where is it, I'm just a little bit better than others, hahahahaha." Maybe it's not good to be so arrogant, Li Huacai looked at Baishi Lihua and added a few words: "Xiao Lihua can definitely do it too. I did it. Although family background has a great influence on a person, the most important factor affecting a person is his own experience. Even if Xiao Lihua's family does not have such a big company, if he can raise Xiao Lihua, even if he is so rich If there is a home with such polite children, little Lihua will definitely become a very strong person."

"It's really rare to be humble." Xia Zhi said.

Shiraishi Rika's face turned slightly red after hearing Tachibana Aya's words, but she quickly shook her head gently: "I'm not a particularly strong person. Tachibana-senpai praised me too much."

"I really feel that way." Tachibana Aya spread her hands.

"Instead of thinking about whether the situation you are in can be like your ideal, it is better to think about what you should do in the future. Difficulties will always pass, right?" Xia Zhi interjected: “Being strong is important, but there are many things in this world that don’t need to be borne by one person. The better the relationship, the more able you are to help at times like this. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, try to seek help. Right. So do you."

"Damn it, you not only steal my limelight, but you also want to tease me?" Tachibana Aya put her hands on the table: "Then don't blame me for being a softie in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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