Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 453 Let me comb your hair

Chapter 453 Let me comb it for you

so hot...

Xia Zhi opened his eyes vaguely. It was still the season, but he felt extremely hot. He even seemed to be sweating on his back.Could it be that the seasons jumped from winter and spring to summer all at once?Xia Zhi felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

Xia Zhi looked at Xia Meng, who had curled up in his arms for no apparent reason, and the mystery of why he woke up from the heat was suddenly solved.It was too hot. Just as Xia Zhi was about to lift the quilt to dissipate the heat, he suddenly realized that he was not sleeping alone now. Mengmeng was still sleeping soundly.But it was quite uncomfortable to continue like this. Xia Zhi gently opened one side of the quilt and was about to sit up and get out of bed to dissipate the heat. Unexpectedly, when he moved, he was pulled. Xia Zhi felt someone Even when he fell asleep, he didn't let go of the hand holding his clothes.That's okay.

Fortunately, he didn't move much. Xia Zhi didn't wake up Xia Meng. He gently untied Xia Meng's hand from hers. Xia Zhi was able to move freely. She got out of bed and pulled her hand. The collar allows the wind to blow in, making it cooler.

I found my mobile phone on the table, picked it up and took a look at it. Well... it's five twenty, it seems like I can sleep for a while longer.But it’s still too hot if I squeeze into bed with Xia Meng. What should I do?
With an idea, Xia Zhi bent down and reached out to touch Xia Meng's forehead and arms. The temperature is not high, so he shouldn't be sweating.So how did I get so hot?Xia Zhi didn't understand, but it didn't prevent him from gently laying Xia Meng's body flat, and put his hands beside her body, and then covered her with a quilt.Then I walked out of the bedroom, went to the bathroom and wiped my face and body with a facekerchief, feeling much more comfortable.

After doing this, Xia Zhi returned to the room and lay on one side of the bed again, but this time he did not pull up the quilt to cover himself. Anyway, he could only sleep for a little while longer. Cover or not It doesn't matter, instead of spending a few seconds to pull the quilt up, it's better to put it back in the cage to sleep in. The quilt will still get hot and it won't be comfortable.Xia Zhi fell asleep again, and when he woke up again, his cell phone rang.

The moment he heard the ringing, Xia Zhi, who had been sleeping well, sat up and turned off the alarm clock. After listening to the alarm for an unknown amount of time, it started to ring and was cut off. It really saddens everyone who sees it and sheds tears when they hear it.Xia Zhi suddenly remembered that he had set an alarm clock, and hurriedly adjusted the volume of the alarm clock so as not to disturb Xia Meng's sleep the next time he remembered it.

After doing this, Xia Zhi looked at Xia Meng, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed. She was fine and didn't wake up.

Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know how long it had been since he woke up so energetic. Maybe it was because he went to bed earlier last night?As expected, it was a bad thing to let Tachibana Aya play with her until late at night.

It was already time for the alarm clock to ring, and it was also time for Xia Zhi to prepare breakfast and lunch. Without delay, Xia Zhi walked out of the room quietly, closed the door, and then turned on the lights in the living room.All the ingredients and other ingredients had been cleaned last night, so Xia Zhi didn't need to spend any more time preparing them.After cooking the rice, Xia Zhi decided to wash up first. In case Xia Meng woke up, there was only one toilet, so it would be better to use it as much as possible.

After washing up quickly, Xia Zhi started to prepare breakfast again. After thinking about it, he could only make omelettes in the end. After all, omelettes are really good for breakfast, the portion is suitable, and they are quick to make. , after practicing it, it tastes pretty good, at least Xia Meng doesn’t hate it, it’s actually quite good.

Putting oil in a pot and lighting it up, waiting to crack the eggs. Xia Zhi was wondering whether to ask Xia Meng to get up and wash up and have breakfast. Then the door was opened in a tacit understanding, and a sleepy Xia Meng walked out of the bedroom. When she came out, the dress she was wearing as a sleeping bag was a little crooked, and the sling on one shoulder had slipped down to her arm, but it seemed that Xia Meng didn't notice.

"Good morning." Xia Zhi greeted her, and received a confused nod from Master Xia Meng.Xia Zhi, who was about to ask her to wash up and wake up, watched as Xia Meng slowly walked to the side of the couch and lay down on it.


Why does this child have to change his place to sleep in his cage when he wakes up?This is not a good practice.But Xia Zhi was helpless. He had already started the fire and the oil was still in the pot. Xia Zhi couldn't leave, so he could only wait until he finished making the omelette before calling her.

Xia Zhi, who selectively forgot that he could turn off the fire, quickly made the omelette and put it on the plate, brought it to the dining table, and then prepared to wake up Xia Meng to eat.

Walking behind the couch, Xia Zhi looked down and saw Xia Meng, who was sleeping on her side. Xia Zhi's determination was shaken again.Even when she was sleeping, she dreamed of the most adorable girl in the universe. Xia Zhi couldn't bear to wake her up for breakfast.What should we do at this time?Xia Meng would be despised if Xia Meng found out about these questions he was hesitating about, so Xia Zhi simply poked Xia Meng's cheek with his finger, and called softly: "Mengmeng, get up and eat."

Sleeping Beauty, who heard the servant's call, opened her eyes and saw the face of someone looking down at her. She quickly sat up, with a dazed look on her face, probably because she hadn't woken up yet.

"It's time to have breakfast." Xia Zhi had to say it again, and at the same time reminded her of another thing: "Go down and wash up, you will feel better."

Xia Meng nodded, then stood up and walked slowly towards the bathroom.For some reason, Xia Zhi always felt that Xia Meng seemed to be a little dull.However, this illusion was quickly shattered. When Xia Zhi saw Xia Meng walking out of the bathroom with the same expressionless face as usual, he knew that he must have been wrong.

Xia Meng's hair was a little messy, and Xia Zhi knew what he was going to do next when he saw the comb and ribbon in her hand.It didn't take much time anyway, so Xia Zhidao didn't care much. Anyway, she had helped Xia Meng comb her hair a few times before, but it was really just a few times.After all, all the rights to dress Xia Meng were taken care of by her mother. Only when she was away on business trips would it be Xia Zhi's turn to comb Xia Meng's hair.

"Come sit here and I'll comb it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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